% \iffalse meta-comment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % fontscripts.dtx % Additions and changes Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Clea F. Rees. % Code from skeleton.dtx Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Scott Pakin (see below). % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2008-05-04 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'muaintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % % The file fontscripts.dtx is a derived work under the terms of the % LPPL. It is based on version 2.4 of skeleton.dtx which is part of % dtxtut by Scott Pakin. A copy of dtxtut, including the % unmodified version of skeleton.dtx is available from % https://www.ctan.org/pkg/dtxtut and released under the LPPL. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \RequirePackage{svn-prov} \ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: fontscripts.dtx 10412 2024-09-27 15:10:34Z cfrees $}[v0.1 \revinfo][\filebase DTX: l3build scripts for font installation] \DefineFileInfoSVN[fontscripts] \documentclass[10pt,british,lm-default=false]{l3doc} % l3doc loads fancyvrb % fancyvrb overwrites svn-prov's macros without warning % restore \fileversion \filerev in case we're using l3doc \GetFileInfoSVN{fontscripts} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges % \OnlyDescription \DoNotIndex{\verb,\ProvidesPackageSVN,\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProcessKeyOptions} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage[rm={proportional,lining},sf={proportional,lining},tt={monowidth,lining,tabular}]{cfr-lm} \usepackage[plain]{fancyref} \usepackage{array,tabularx} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{xurl} \urlstyle{sf} \usepackage{microtype} % addaswyd o chronos.tex \MakeAutoQuote{‘}{’} \MakeAutoQuote*{“}{”} \usepackage{caption} \DeclareCaptionFont{lf}{\lstyle} \captionsetup[table]{labelfont=lf} % sicrhau hyperindex=false: llwytho CYN bookmark \usepackage{hypdoc}% ateb Ulrike Fischer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/695555/ \usepackage{bookmark} \hypersetup{% colorlinks=true, citecolor={moss}, extension=pdf, linkcolor={strawberry}, linktocpage=true, pdfcreator={TeX}, pdfproducer={pdfeTeX}, urlcolor={blueberry}% } \NewDocElement[% idxtype=etx, idxgroup=font encodings, printtype=\textit{etx}, ]{Etx}{encoding} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=mtx, idxgroup=font metrics, printtype=\textit{mtx}, ]{Mtx}{metrics} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=lua, idxgroup=lua script fragments, printtype=\textit{lua}, ]{Lua}{luafrag} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=tpt, idxgroup=templates, printtype=\textit{tpt}, ]{Tpt}{template} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=targ, idxgroup=targets, printtype=\textit{targ}, ]{Targ}{target} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=var, idxgroup=variables, printtype=\textit{var}, ]{lVar}{luavariable} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=fn, idxgroup=functions, printtype=\textit{fn}, ]{lFn}{luafunction} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand \ivals { +m } { { \clist_if_empty:nF { #1 } { \normalfont \itshape < \clist_use:nn { #1 } { >\texttt{,} ~ < } > } } } \keys_define:nn { clm / doc } { unknown .code:n = { \cs_if_free:cT { \l_keys_key_str } { \tl_gset:cn { \l_keys_key_str } { #1 } } }, } \NewDocumentCommand \clmdocset { +m } { \keys_set:nn { clm / doc } { #1 } } \ExplSyntaxOff \clmdocset{% bug={\href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext/issues}{\textsc{bugtracker}}}, codeberg={\href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext}{\textsc{codeberg}}}, github={\href{https://github.com/cfr42/nfssext}{\textsc{github}}}, ctan={\href{https://ctan.org/}{\textsc{ctan}}}, } \newcommand*{\lpack}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \title{\filebase} \author{Clea F. Rees\thanks{% Bug tracker: \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext/issues}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext/issues}} \textbar{} Code: \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext}} \textbar{} Mirror: \href{https://github.com/cfr42/nfssext}{\url{github.com/cfr42/nfssext}}% }} \date{\fileversion~\filedate} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \fancyhf[lh]{\itshape\filebase} \fancyhf[rh]{\itshape\fileversion} \fancyhf[cf]{\itshape--- \thepage~/~\lastpage{} ---} \ExplSyntaxOn \hook_gput_code:nnn {shipout/lastpage} {.} { \property_record:nn {t:lastpage}{abspage,page,pagenum} } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \lastpage { \property_ref:nn {t:lastpage}{page} } \NewDocumentCommand \plarg {+m} {{\ttfamily (\ivals{#1})}} \ExplSyntaxOff \NewDocumentCommand \istable{m}{\texttt{= \{}\ivals{#1}\texttt{\}}\par\noindent} \NewDocumentCommand \isstring{m}{\texttt{= ''}\meta{#1}\texttt{''}\par\noindent} \definecolor{strawberry}{rgb}{1.000,0.000,0.502} \definecolor{blueberry}{rgb}{0.000,0.000,1.000} \definecolor{moss}{rgb}{0.000,0.502,0.251} \makeatletter \def\@xobeysp{\leavevmode\penalty100\ } \makeatother \begin{document} \DocInput{\filename} \end{document} % % \fi % % \changes{v0.1}{2024-09-24}{First public release.} % % \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} % \pdfinfo{% % /Creator (TeX) % /Producer (pdfTeX) % /Author (Clea F.\ Rees) % /Title (fontscripts) % /Subject (TeX) % /Keywords (TeX,LaTeX,Clea,Rees)} % \pdfcatalog{% % /URL () % /PageMode /UseOutlines} % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \setlength{\parskip}{0.5em} % % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent % \lpack{fontscripts} provides variant font encodings, support metrics and Lua script fragments to automate the creation of \TeX{}/\LaTeXe{} font files for 8-bit engines using \lpack{l3build}. % A template-based system enables the automatic generation of font tables and \lpack{l3build} tests.\smallskip % % The script fragments\footnote{% % The main script fragments are written in \emph{extremely elementary} Lua. % This is the first thing I've ever attempted in Lua and I am not a programmer.% % } make it possible to automate the generation of \TeX{} font metrics, virtual fonts, map files etc.\ and the conversion of fonts and encodings. % For tools which do not otherwise support it, such as \lpack{fontinst}, the scripts enable the automatic addition of variable scaling in font definition files. % A semi-automatic system tries to ensure font encoding names are unique.\smallskip % % The script fragments are primarily designed for \lpack{fontinst}, but can easily be modified to work with other tools. % The default configuration is intended to be cross-platform and requires only tools included in \TeX{} Live, but the documentation includes a simple adaption for integration with FontForge and \textsc{gnu} make. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Lua Script Fragments}\label{sec:lua} % % \file{fontinst.lua} provides two custom \lpack{l3build} targets and five new Lua functions. % In addition, it redefines three \lpack{l3build} functions (two of which do nothing by default). % As well as those provided by \lpack{l3build}, a number of additional variables are used by these functions to determine what, where and how they should operate. % % \subsection{\lpack{l3build} Targets}\label{subsec:targs} % % \DescribeTarg{fnttarg} % Runs \texttt{fontinst()}. % % Builds traditional \TeX{} font files for 8-bit engines. % The building is done in \texttt{unpackdir}. % The results are copied to \texttt{keepdir} and the intermediate results to \texttt{keeptempdir}. % Files in the former are copied back into the \texttt{builddir} when building documentation, running tests etc. % % \DescribeTarg{uniquifyencs} \meta{encoding tag}\par\noindent % Tries to ensure that the names of encoding files and font encodings are unique by editing font definition files and map file fragments in \texttt{keepdir}. % \meta{encoding tag} is optional. % If no argument is given and \texttt{encodingtag} is empty, a suitable tag will be determined automatically\footnote{Hopefully.}. % % \subsection{Lua Functions}\label{subsec:fns} % % \subsubsection{New Functions}\label{subsubsec:new} % % \DescribelFn{finst()} \texttt{finst}\plarg{patt,dir,mode}\par\noindent % Compile the second \lpack{fontinst} stage. % % Called by \texttt{fontinst()}. % There is usually no need to call this function directly. % % \DescribelFn{fontinst()} \texttt{fontinst}\plarg{dir,mode}\par\noindent % The main function called by \texttt{fnttarg}. % % The function assumes \lpack{fontinst} is used but can be redefined to build files using alternative tools as appropriate. % % The default definition calls \texttt{finst()}, \texttt{fntkeeper()} and \texttt{uniquify()} in addition to performing initial compilation. % The process requires the usual \lpack{fontinst} setup i.e.~a driver to generate the initial files and a second file to create map file fragments. % % If a variable scaling factor is used, the font definition files will be edited to ensure this works, since \lpack{fontinst} apparently supports scaling only by a fixed factor. % For a simple demonstration of how to set this up, see, for example, \lpack{baskervaldadf}'s driver which includes % \begin{verbatim} % \declaresize{}{<-> \string\ybv@@scale} % \end{verbatim} % Shape declarations should then be written without scaling, % \begin{verbatim} % \installfont{ybvr8t}{ybvr8r,ybvr8sr,newlatin}{t1-baskervald}{T1}{ybv}{m}{n}{} % \end{verbatim} % since scaling will be added after the font definition files are created, % \begin{verbatim} % \expandafter\ifx\csname ybv@scale\endcsname\relax % \let\ybv@@scale\@empty % \else % \edef\ybv@@scale{s*[\csname ybv@scale\endcsname]}% % \fi % % \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybv}{} % % \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybv}{m}{n}{ % <-> \ybv@@scale ybvr8t % }{} % \end{verbatim} % to enable a suitable option in the \texttt{sty} file. % % \DescribelFn{fnt_test()} \texttt{fnt_test}\plarg{fntpkgname,fds,content,maps,fdsdir}\par\noindent % Auto-generates \texttt{lvt} files suitable for use with \texttt{l3build check} from a template. % % \DescribelFn{fntkeeper()} \texttt{fntkeeper}\plarg{}\par\noindent % Copies generated files to \texttt{keepdir} and/or \texttt{keeptempdir} to prevent deletion by \texttt{l3build}. % % This function is called by \texttt{fontinst()} and may be useful if that function is redefined. % % \DescribelFn{uniquify()} \texttt{uniquify}\plarg{tag}\par\noindent % Tries to ensure the names of font encodings and encoding files are unique by editing font definition files and map file fragments. % % This function is used by \texttt{fontinst()} or may be called directly using the \texttt{uniquifyencs} target. % % \subsubsection{Redefined Functions}\label{subsubsec:redef} % % \DescribelFn{checkinit_hook()} \texttt{checkinit_hook}\plarg{}\par\noindent % This is a standard \lpack{l3build} function which does nothing by default. % \file{fontinst.lua} redefines it to automatically generate test files suitable for use with \texttt{l3build check} if a test template is available. % % \DescribelFn{copyctan()} \texttt{copyctan}\plarg{}\par\noindent % This is extended to copy files from \texttt{keepdir} and to impose a single-layer of sub-directories of the kind required by \ctan{} for font distributions. % % \DescribelFn{docinit_hook()} \texttt{docinit_hook}\plarg{}\par\noindent % This is a standard \lpack{l3build} function which does nothing by default. % \file{fontinst.lua} redefines it to automatically generate font tables suitable for use with \texttt{l3build doc} from a template. % % \subsection{Variables}\label{subsec:vars} % % \newcolumntype{e}{>{\ttfamily =}c} % \begin{table} % \centering % \caption{\lpack{fontinst} defaults for \lpack{l3build} variables.}\label{tab:varia} % \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{>{\ttfamily}le>{\ttfamily\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % \toprule % \normalfont\textbf{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \normalfont\textbf{Value} \\ % \midrule % bakext && ''.bkup''\\ % checkdeps && \{maindir .. ''/nfssext-cfr'', maindir .. ''/fnt-tests''\}\\ % checkengines && \{''pdftex''\}\\ % checkformat && ''latex''\\ % cleanfiles && \{keeptempfiles\}\\ % ctanreadme && ''README.md''\\ % demofiles && \{''*-example.tex''\}\\ % flatten && true\\ % flattentds && false\\ % installfiles && \{''*.afm'', ''*.cls'', ''*.enc'', ''*.fd'', ''*.map'', ''*.otf'', ''*.pfb'', ''*.sty'', ''*.tfm'', ''*.ttf'', ''*.vf''\}\\ % manifestfile && ''manifest.txt''\\ % nifergwall && 0\\ % ntarg && ''fnttarg''\\ % packtdszip && true\\ % sourcefiledir && sourcefiledir or ''.''\\ % sourcefiles && \{''*.afm'', ''afm/*.afm'', ''*.pfb'', ''*.dtx'', ''*.ins'', ''opentype/*.otf'', ''*.otf'', ''tfm/*.tfm'', ''truetype/*.ttf'', ''*.ttf'', ''type1/*.pfb''\}\\ % tagfiles && \{''*.dtx'', ''*.ins'', ''manifest.txt'', ''MANIFEST.txt'', ''README'', ''README.md''\}\\ % tdslocations && \{% % ''fonts/afm/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.afm'', % ''fonts/enc/dvips/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.enc'', % ''fonts/map/dvips/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.map'', % ''fonts/opentype/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.otf'', % ''fonts/tfm/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.tfm'', % ''fonts/truetype/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.ttf'', % ''fonts/type1/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.pfb'', % ''fonts/type1/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.pfm'', % ''fonts/vf/'' .. vendor .. ''/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.vf'', % ''source/fonts/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.etx'', % ''source/fonts/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.mtx'', % ''source/fonts/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*-drv.tex'', % ''source/fonts/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*-map.tex'', % ''tex/latex/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.fd'', % ''tex/latex/'' .. module .. ''/'' .. ''*.sty'' % \} \\ % typesetdeps && \{maindir .. ''/nfssext-cfr''\}\\ % typesetexe && ''TEXMFDOTDIR=.:../local: pdflatex''\\ % typesetfiles && typesetfiles or \{''*.dtx'', ''*-tables.tex'', ''*-example.tex''\}\\ % typesetsourcefiles && \{keepdir .. ''/*'', ''nfssext-cfr*.sty''\}\\ % unpackexe && ''pdflatex''\\ % unpackfiles && \{''*.ins''\}\\ % utarg && ''uniquifyencs''\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabularx} % \end{table} % \begin{table} % \centering % \caption{\lpack{fontinst} defaults for \lpack{fontscript} variables.}\label{tab:varia-n} % \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{>{\ttfamily}le>{\ttfamily\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % \toprule % \normalfont\textbf{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \normalfont\textbf{Value} \\ % \midrule % autotestfds && autotestfds or \{\}\\ % binaryfiles && \{''*.pdf'', ''*.zip'', ''*.vf'', ''*.tfm'', ''*.pfb'', ''*.ttf'', ''*.otf'', ''*.tar.gz''\}\\ % binmakers && \{''*-pltotf.sh''\}\\ % familymakers && \{''*-drv.tex''\}\\ % fnttestfds && fnttestfds or \{\}\\ % keepdir && keepdir or sourcefiledir .. ''/keep''\\ % keepfiles && keepfiles or \{''*.enc'', ''*.fd'', ''*.map'', ''*.tfm'', ''*.vf''\}\\ % keeptempdir && keeptempdir or sourcefiledir .. ''/keeptemp''\\ % keeptempfiles && keeptempfiles or \{''*.mtx'', ''*.pl'', ''*-pltotf.sh'', ''*-rec.tex'', ''*.vpl'', ''*.zz''\}\\ % mapmakers && \{''*-map.tex''\}\\ % vendor && vendor or ''public''\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabularx} % \end{table} % % Defaults assigned by \file{fontinst.lua} to both \lpack{l3build} and \lpack{fontscripts} variables are listed in \fref{tab:varia} and \fref{tab:varia-n} respectively. % At least some of these variables would need adjustment in order to use \lpack{fontscripts} for a different project, let alone in a different environment. % % \DescribelVar{autotestfds}\texttt{autotestfds} \istable{globs} % % See also \texttt{testfds}. % % \DescribelVar{binmakers}\texttt{binmakers} \istable{globs} % Scripts to run to convert human-readable \TeX{} font metrics/virtual font metrics into binary \TeX{} font metrics and virtual fonts. % % \DescribelVar{familymakers}\texttt{familymakers} \istable{globs} % Source files \texttt{fontinst()} should compile to generate \TeX{} support files. % % For the default definition of \texttt{fontinst()} this variable should specify the driver or drivers to be compiled. % % \DescribelVar{fnttestfds}\texttt{fnttestfds} \istable{globs} % Files to use when generating test files for \texttt{l3build}. % % \DescribelVar{keepdir}\texttt{keepdir} \isstring{dir} % Directory to store final products of font creation e.g.~font definitions, map file fragments, \TeX{} font metrics, virtual fonts etc. % % \DescribelVar{keeptempdir}\texttt{keeptempdir} \isstring{dir} % Directory to store intermediat products of font creation e.g.~human-readable \TeX{} font metrics, virtual font metrics etc. % % \DescribelVar{keepfiles}\texttt{keepfiles} \istable{globs} % Files to copy to \texttt{keepdir}. % % \DescribelVar{keeptempfiles}\texttt{keeptempfiles} \istable{globs} % Files to copy to \texttt{keeptempdir}. % % \DescribelVar{mapmakers}\texttt{mapmakers} \istable{globs} % Source files \texttt{finst()} should compile to generate map file fragments etc. % % \DescribelVar{vendor}\texttt{mapmakers} \isstring{vendor} % Vendor directory for font installation such as \texttt{public} or \texttt{arkandis}. % % \section{Templates}\label{sec:templates} % % By default, \file{fontinst.lua} is able to utilise two kinds of \texttt{tex} template. % By default, it is assumed these templates are located in \path{maindir .. ''fnt-tests''}. % In order for this to work, this directory must include a \file{build.lua} even though there is nothing to build. % Otherwise, \texttt{l3build} cannot recognise the directory's contents as legitimate and fails to copy them correctly into the \texttt{build} directory. % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi % \begin{verbatim} % module = "fnt-tests" % maindir = ".." % sourcefiles = {"*.tex"} % installfiles = {"*.tex"} % \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % Font packages should then be located in subdirectories or sub-subdirectories of \texttt{maindir} with \file{build.lua} scripts configured appropriately. % % \subsection{Font Tables}\label{subsec:tables} % % A template for producing font tables as part of package documentation is provided. % The template is used in \file{fontinst.lua}'s \texttt{doc\_init()} hook to generate \texttt{tex} files populated with font information from font definition files. % This is then compiled by \texttt{l3build doc} to produce font tables. % % \subsection{Font Tests}\label{subsec:tests} % % If a template is found in the font test directory, it will be used in \file{fontinst.lua}'s \texttt{check\_init()} hook to generate \texttt{lvt} files populated with font information from font definition files. % These tests are then compiled by \texttt{l3build check} as part of the test suite. % Certain file patterns are excluded from testing. % In particular, separate tests are not generated for \texttt{ts1} \texttt{fd} files because these families are typically better tested along with their \texttt{t1} counterparts. % % % \section{Customisation}\label{sec:custom} % % As in the case of \lpack{l3build}, you can replace functions and targets at will, albeit on a much more limited scale. % Although it would be better to just not use \file{fontinst.lua} at all if you want to redefine everything, it can make sense to redefine \texttt{fontinst()} if, say, you want to use different font creation tools but make use of the functions for stashing generated files, generating font tables, testing etc. % % For example, \lpack{berenisadf} was built using a \file{build.lua} containing % \begin{verbatim} % autotcfds ={ "ts1ybd2j.fd", "ts1ybd2.fd", "ts1ybdj.fd", "ts1ybd.fd" } % dofile(maindir .. "/fontinst.lua") % function fntmake (dir,mode) % dir = dir or unpackdir % mode = mode or "errorstopmode --halt-on-error" % print("Unpacking ...\n") % local errorlevel = unpack() % print("Running make. Please be patient ...\n") % errorlevel = run(dir, "chmod +x ff-ybd.pe") % if errorlevel ~=0 then % gwall("Attempt to make fontforge script executable ", unpackdir, errorlevel) % else % errorlevel = run(dir, "make -f Makefile.make all") % if errorlevel ~= 0 then % gwall("make ", unpackdir, errorlevel) % end % -- make ts1 swash families so tc commands pick up the characters in ly1 % for i, j in ipairs(autotcfds) do % local jfam = string.gsub(j, "^ts1(.*)%.fd$", "%1") % local jnewfam = jfam .. "w" % local jnew = string.gsub(j, "(%.fd)$", "w%1") % local f = assert(io.open(unpackdir .. "/" .. j,"rb")) % local content = f:read("*all") % f:close() % -- copied from l3build % -- but I don't understand why the first subs is needed % -- is it a problem if the file doesn't end with a newline? % content = string.gsub(content .. (string.match(content,"\n$") and "" or "\n"), "\r\n", "\n") % local new_content = string.gsub(content, "{" .. jfam .. "}", "{" .. jnewfam .. "}") % new_content = string.gsub(new_content, "(ts1[^%.]*)(%.fd)", "%1w%2") % new_content = string.gsub(new_content, "(TS1/ybd[a-z0-9]*)", "%1w") % f = assert(io.open(unpackdir .. "/" .. jnew,"w")) % -- this somehow removes the second value returned by string.gsub?? % f:write((string.gsub(new_content,"\n",os_newline_cp))) % f:close() % end % errorlevel = fntkeeper() % if errorlevel ~= 0 then % gwall("FONT KEEPER FAILED! DO NOT MAKE STANDARD TARGETS WITHOUT RESOLVING!! ", unpackdir, errorlevel) % end % end % return nifergwall % end % target_list[ntarg] = { % func = fntmake, % desc = "Creates TeX font files", % pre = function(names) % if names then % print("fntmake does not need names\n") % help() % exit(1) % end % return 0 % end % } % \end{verbatim} % That is, \lpack{berenisadf} doesn't use \texttt{fontinst()} at all, but \texttt{fntmake()}, which simply invokes \texttt{gnu} \texttt{make} and calls \texttt{fntkeeper()}\footnote{% % It does not ensure encoding names are unique, but it should.% % }. % % \subsection{Examples}\label{subsec:eeiau} % % The latest versions of the following packages were developed using \lpack{fontscripts} and build using \lpack{l3build}\footnote{% % Note that it is in no sense a dependency; it contains nothing ever required in typesetting.% % }. % Full details, including the use of templates and scaling are available on \codeberg{} or \github{}. % \begin{itemize} % \item \textsc{Gust}: % \begin{itemize} % \item \lpack{cfr-lm} % \end{itemize} % \item \textsc{Arkandis}: % \begin{itemize} % \item \lpack{baskervaldadf} % \item \lpack{berenisadf} % \item \lpack{electrumadf} % \item \lpack{librisadf} % \item \lpack{romandeadf} % \item \lpack{venturisadf}. % \end{itemize} % \end{itemize} % % % \MaybeStop{% % \PrintChanges % \PrintIndex % } % % \section{Implementation} % % \iffalse %<*tables> % \fi % \begin{template}{fnt-tables.tex} % \begin{macrocode} \pdftracingfonts=1 \RequirePackage{svn-prov} \ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: fontscripts.dtx 10412 2024-09-27 15:10:34Z cfrees $}[v0.1 \revinfo][\outFileName] \DefineFileInfoSVN % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % ^^A Paid â defnyddio \GetFileInfoSVN*/\GetFileInfoSVN{} yn y fan hon!! % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{fonttable} \newcommand\sampletable[4]{% #1/#2/#3/#4:\par\noindent \xfonttable{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}% \clearpage } % vim: ts=2:sw=2:tw=80:nospell % \end{macrocode} % \end{template} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsection{Script Fragments}\label{subsec:lua} % % These are not standalone scripts, but files to be read by \texttt{l3build} to provide additional and/or divergent functions. % Note that several are based on LPPL files not on \ctan{}, as the \LaTeX{} Project does not package their build scripts. % % \textbf{These script fragments were not written for general use and will \MakeUppercase{certainly fail} if not adapted to your build environment.} % % \subsubsection{fontinst.lua}\label{subsubsec:fontinst-lua} % % \begin{luafrag}{fontinst.lua} % Use \texttt{dofile()} in \file{build.lua} to add to \lpack{l3build}. % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{ntarg = "fnttarg"} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,numberblanklines=true,firstline=12]{fontinst.lua} % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{nifergwall = 0} % \begin{target}{fnttarg} % Create fonts. % Default assumes \lpack{fontinst}. % Redefine element in target list for alternative tools. % For example, \lpack{berenisadf}'s \texttt{build.lua} redefines it to use \textsc{gnu} \texttt{make}, \textsc{FontForge} etc. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{utarg = "uniquifyencs"} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{target} % \begin{target}{uniquifyencs} % To ensure unique encodings without rebuilding fonts. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{ntarg = "fnttarg"} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{function gwall (msg,file,rtn)} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{target} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{utarg = "uniquifyencs"} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{function finst (patt,dir,mode)} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luafunction}{finst()} % Is to \texttt{finst} what \texttt{fontinst} is to \texttt{fontinst}. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{utarg = "uniquifyencs"} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{function fntkeeper ()} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=38]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{fntkeeper()} % Keep fonts between \texttt{l3build} runs unless \texttt{fnttarg} explicitly called. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=52,lastline=102]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{uniquify()} % Ensure encoding names are unique. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=105,lastline=222]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{fontinst()} % Configured for \lpack{fontinst}. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=223,lastline=321]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=322,lastline=323]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luafunction}{fnt_test()} % Assumes a suitable template is available for testing. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- fnt_test} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- checkinit_hook} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{checkinit_hook()} % Redefinition of standard \lpack{l3build} function. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- checkinit_hook} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- doc_init} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{docinit_hook()} % Redefinition of standard \lpack{l3build} function. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- doc_init} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- fontinst must be specified first} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{target}{fnttarg} % Main target definition. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- ntarg} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- utarg} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,]{fontinst.lua} % \end{target} % \begin{target}{uniquifyencs} % Secondary target. % It is not normally necessary to invoke this target separately if using the default definition of \texttt{fnttarg}. % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- utarg} % \renewcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- diwedd targets} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true]{fontinst.lua} % \end{target} % \begin{luavariable}{autotestfds} % \texttt{fd} files to use when auto-generating build tests. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=631,lastline=631]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=633,lastline=634]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{binmakers} % Scripts to create binary \texttt{tfm} and/or \texttt{vf} from \texttt{pl} and/or \texttt{vpl}. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=635,lastline=635]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=638,lastline=644]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{familymakers} % Files to compile to generate font definition files, human-readable metrics etc. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=645,lastline=645]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,lastline=646,firstline=647]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{fnttestfds} % Font definition files to use when auto-generating tests. % May be either a table of globs or a table of tables of package names and lists of globs. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,lastline=648,firstline=648]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,lastline=652,firstline=650]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{keepdir,keeptempdir} % Directories to stash generated font files and intermediate build products. % These should \textbf{not} be subdirectories of \texttt{builddir}. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=653,lastline=654]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \begin{luavariable}{keepfiles,keeptempfiles} % Globs for generated font files and intermediate build products to stash in \path{keepdir} and \path{keeptempdir} respectively. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=655,lastline=656]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=657,lastline=657]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{mapmakers} % Files to compile to generate map file fragments. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=658,lastline=658]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=659,lastline=662]{fontinst.lua} % \begin{luavariable}{vendor} % Vendor directory when installing. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=663,lastline=664]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luavariable} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,firstnumber=last,numberblanklines=true,firstline=665]{fontinst.lua} % \end{luafrag} % % \subsubsection{fnt-ctan.lua}\label{subsubsec:fnt-ctan-lua} % % \begin{luafrag}{fnt-ctan.lua} % Included by \file{fontinst.lua} if it exists in \texttt{maindir}. % Changes the way the \texttt{ctan} target builds the archive to match \ctan{} requirements for font distributions. % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,numberblanklines=true,firstline=2,lastline=8,firstnumber=last]{fnt-ctan.lua} % \begin{luafunction}{extname()} % Get extension from filename. % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- extname(filename)} % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- copysubctan(files,srcdir,targdir)} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,numberblanklines=true,firstnumber=last]{fnt-ctan.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{copysubctan()} % Sub-directories for \ctan. % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- copysubctan(files,srcdir,targdir)} % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- copyctan()} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,numberblanklines=true,firstnumber=last]{fnt-ctan.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \begin{luafunction}{copyctan()} % Redefine function used by \texttt{ctan}. % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStartString{-- copyctan()} % \newcommand*\FancyVerbStopString{-- end copyctan()} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,numbers=left,numberblanklines=true,firstnumber=last]{fnt-ctan.lua} % \end{luafunction} % \end{luafrag} % % \subsubsection{tag.lua}\label{subsubsec:tag-lua} % % This is just a copy of the function from \file{l3build-tagging.lua}. % It is here because \file{fontinst.lua} calls a file containing a custom \file{tag.lua} file locally\footnote{% % This file is on \github{} for the morbidly curious, along with at least three attempts to create a \file{manifest.txt}.% % }. % For an example of how to do this, see the \file{build-config.lua} file for \LaTeXe{}. % % \iffalse %<*tag> % \fi % \begin{luafrag}{tag.lua} % \begin{macrocode} function update_tag(filename,content,tagname,tagdate) return content end % \end{macrocode} % \end{luafrag} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % % % \subsection{Metrics}\label{subsec:mtx} % % These files influence the characters which end up in the \TeX{} fonts. % For example, they may construct otherwise missing glyphs or adjust kerning pairs. % % % \subsubsection{dotscbuild.mtx}\label{subsubsec:dotscbuild} % % \iffalse %<*dotscbuild> % \fi % \begin{metrics}{dotscbuild.mtx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \metrics \needsfontinstversion{1.917} \usemtxpackage{ltcmds} \ProvidesMtxPackage{dotscbuild} \begincomment \section{Proper latin small capitals} \subsection{Some utility commands} \endcomment \setcommand\setcsctopglyph#1#2#3#4{ \ifareglyphs{#2.sc,#3}\then \setglyph{#1} \topaccent{#2.sc}{#3}{#4} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{#1}{#2.sc}{1000} \Fi } \setcommand\setcscbotglyph#1#2#3#4{ \ifareglyphs{#2.sc,#3}\then \setglyph{#1} \botaccent{#2.sc}{#3}{#4} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{#1}{#2.sc}{1000} \Fi } \begincomment\medskip A \textbf{Try: Set glyph} is an ordinary \textbf{Set glyph} which is conditional on that a set of glyphs (those used to construct the composite glyph) are available. It is technically e.g. \begin{quotation} \setcsctopglyph{\macroparameter{1}}{\macroparameter{2}}% {\macroparameter{3}}{\macroparameter{4}} \setcscbotglyph{\macroparameter{1}}{\macroparameter{2}}% {\macroparameter{3}}{\macroparameter{4}}\par \end{quotation} (both of which are implemented in the code as simple four argument commands), but in the list of commands below those two commands will be typeset as \resetcommand\setcsctopglyph#1#2#3#4{% \Aheading{Try: Set glyph `\TypesetStringExpression{#1}'} \topaccent{#2.sc}{#3}{#4} \setleftrightkerning{#1}{#2.sc}{1000} } \resetcommand\setcscbotglyph#1#2#3#4{% \Aheading{Try: Set glyph `\TypesetStringExpression{#1}'} \botaccent{#2.sc}{#3}{#4} \setleftrightkerning{#1}{#2.sc}{1000} } \begin{quotation} \setcsctopglyph{\macroparameter{1}}{\macroparameter{2}}% {\macroparameter{3}}{\macroparameter{4}} \setcscbotglyph{\macroparameter{1}}{\macroparameter{2}}% {\macroparameter{3}}{\macroparameter{4}} \end{quotation} \endcomment \ifareglyphs{L,l.sc}\then \setint{smallcapsscale}{ \div{\mul{1000}{\height{l.sc}}}{\height{L}} } \Else \setint{smallcapsscale}{800} \Fi \setcsctopglyph{aacute.sc}{a}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{abreve.sc}{a}{breve}{500} \setcsctopglyph{acircumflex.sc}{a}{circumflex}{500} \setcsctopglyph{adieresis.sc}{a}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{agrave.sc}{a}{grave}{500} \setcscbotglyph{aogonek.sc}{a}{ogonek}{900} \setcsctopglyph{aring.sc}{a}{ring}{500} \setcsctopglyph{atilde.sc}{a}{tilde}{500} \setcsctopglyph{cacute.sc}{c}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ccaron.sc}{c}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ccedilla.sc}{c}{cedilla}{500} \setcsctopglyph{dcaron.sc}{d}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{eacute.sc}{e}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ecaron.sc}{e}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ecircumflex.sc}{e}{circumflex}{500} \setcsctopglyph{edieresis.sc}{e}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{egrave.sc}{e}{grave}{500} \setcscbotglyph{eogonek.sc}{e}{ogonek}{850} \setcsctopglyph{gbreve.sc}{g}{breve}{500} \setcsctopglyph{iacute.sc}{i}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{icircumflex.sc}{i}{circumflex}{500} \setcsctopglyph{idieresis.sc}{i}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{idotaccent.sc}{i}{dotaccent}{500} \setcsctopglyph{igrave.sc}{i}{grave}{500} \setcsctopglyph{lacute.sc}{l}{acute}{250} \ifareglyphs{l.sc,quoteright}\then \setglyph{lcaron.sc} \glyph{l.sc}{1000} \ifisint{monowidth}\then\Else \movert{-100} \Fi \glyph{quoteright}{\int{smallcapsscale}} \endsetglyph \setleftkerning{lcaron.sc}{l.sc}{1000} \Fi \setcsctopglyph{nacute.sc}{n}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ncaron.sc}{n}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ntilde.sc}{n}{tilde}{500} \setcsctopglyph{oacute.sc}{o}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ocircumflex.sc}{o}{circumflex}{500} \setcsctopglyph{odieresis.sc}{o}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ograve.sc}{o}{grave}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ohungarumlaut.sc}{o}{hungarumlaut}{500} \setcsctopglyph{otilde.sc}{o}{tilde}{500} \setcsctopglyph{racute.sc}{r}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{rcaron.sc}{r}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{sacute.sc}{s}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{scaron.sc}{s}{caron}{500} \setcscbotglyph{scedilla.sc}{s}{cedilla}{500} \setcsctopglyph{tcaron.sc}{t}{caron}{500} \setcscbotglyph{tcedilla.sc}{t}{cedilla}{500} \setcsctopglyph{uacute.sc}{u}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ucircumflex.sc}{u}{circumflex}{500} \setcsctopglyph{udieresis.sc}{u}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ugrave.sc}{u}{grave}{500} \setcsctopglyph{uhungarumlaut.sc}{u}{hungarumlaut}{500} \setcsctopglyph{uring.sc}{u}{ring}{500} \setcsctopglyph{yacute.sc}{y}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{ydieresis.sc}{y}{dieresis}{500} \setcsctopglyph{zacute.sc}{z}{acute}{500} \setcsctopglyph{zcaron.sc}{z}{caron}{500} \setcsctopglyph{zdotaccent.sc}{z}{dotaccent}{500} \begincomment \subsection{Other glyphs that can be built} \endcomment \ifisglyph{dcroat.sc}\then \setglyph{dbar.sc} \glyph{dcroat.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{dbar.sc}{dcroat.sc}{1000} \Else\ifisglyph{eth.sc}\then \setglyph{dbar.sc} \glyph{eth.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{dbar.sc}{eth.sc}{1000} \Fi\Fi \endmetrics % \end{macrocode} % \end{metrics} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{newlatin-dotsc.mtx}\label{subsubsec:newlatin-dotsc} % % \iffalse %<*newlatin-dotsc> % \fi % \begin{metrics}{newlatin-dotsc.mtx} % based on \file{newlatin.mtx} - because I couldn't figure out how to pass options... % \begin{macrocode} \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \metrics \needsfontinstversion{1.924} \usemtxpackage{llbuild} \usemtxpackage{lubuild} \ifoption{nosc}\then \Else \usemtxpackage{dotscbuild} % \usemtxpackage{lsfake} \usemtxpackage{dotscmisc} \Fi \usemtxpackage{ltpunct} \usemtxpackage{ltcmds} \unfakable{Gamma} \unfakable{Delta} \unfakable{Theta} \unfakable{Lambda} \unfakable{Xi} \unfakable{Pi} \unfakable{Sigma} \unfakable{Upsilon} \unfakable{Upsilon1} \unfakable{Phi} \unfakable{Psi} \unfakable{Omega} \foreach(accent){grave,acute,circumflex,tilde,dieresis,hungarumlaut,% ring,caron,breve,macron,dotaccent} \ifisglyph{\str{accent}}\then \resetglyph{\str{accent}} \glyph{\str{accent}}{1000} \resetdepth{0} \endresetglyph \Fi \endfor(accent) \setglyph{ringfitted} \movert{\half{\sub{\width{A}}{\width{ring}}}} \glyph{ring}{1000} \movert{\otherhalf{\sub{\width{A}}{\width{ring}}}} \endsetglyph \setleftkerning{less}{guillemotleft}{1000} \setleftkerning{greater}{guillemotright}{1000} \endmetrics % \end{macrocode} % \end{metrics} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{dotscmisc.mtx}\label{subsubsec:dotscmisc} % % \iffalse %<*dotscmisc> % \fi % \begin{metrics}{dotscmisc.mtx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \metrics \needsfontinstversion{1.917} \ProvidesMtxPackage{dotscmisc} \ifisglyph{i.sc}\then \setglyph{dotlessi.sc} \glyph{i.sc}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{dotlessi.sc}{i.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \Fi \ifisglyph{j.sc}\then \setglyph{dotlessj.sc} \glyph{j.sc}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{dotlessj.sc}{j.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \Fi \setint{smallcapsspacing}{0} \ifisglyph{f.sc}\then \setglyph{ff.sc} \glyph{f.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{f.sc}{f.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{f.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{ff.sc}{f.sc}{1000} \setglyph{f_f.sc} \glyph{ff.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{f_f.sc}{ff.sc}{1000} \ifisglyph{i.sc}\then \setglyph{fi.sc} \glyph{f.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{f.sc}{i.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{i.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{fi.sc}{f.sc}{1000} \setrightkerning{fi.sc}{i.sc}{1000} \setglyph{f_i.sc} \glyph{fi.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{f_i.sc}{fi.sc}{1000} \setglyph{ffi.sc} \glyph{ff.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{f.sc}{i.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{i.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{f_f_i.sc} \glyph{ffi.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{f_f_i.sc}{ffi.sc}{1000} % \setleftkerning{ffi.sc}{f.sc}{1000} \setrightkerning{ffi.sc}{i.sc}{1000} \fi \ifisglyph{l.sc}\then \setglyph{fl.sc} \glyph{f.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{f.sc}{l.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{l.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{fl.sc}{f.sc}{1000} \setrightkerning{fl.sc}{l.sc}{1000} \setglyph{f_l.sc} \glyph{fl.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{f_l.sc}{fl.sc}{1000} \setglyph{ffl.sc} \glyph{ff.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{f.sc}{l.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{l.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{ffl.sc}{f.sc}{1000} \setrightkerning{ffl.sc}{l.sc}{1000} \setglyph{f_f_l.sc} \glyph{ffl.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{f_f_l.sc}{ffl.sc}{1000} \fi \fi % ifisglyph{f.sc} \ifareglyphs{i.sc,j.sc}\then \setglyph{ij.sc} \glyph{i.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{i.sc}{j.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{j.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{ij.sc}{i.sc}{1000} \setrightkerning{ij.sc}{j.sc}{1000} \fi \ifisglyph{ss.sc}\then \setglyph{germandbls.sc} \glyph{ss.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{germandbls.sc}{ss.sc}{1000} \Else \ifisglyph{s.sc}\then \setglyph{germandbls.sc} \glyph{s.sc}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{s.sc}{s.sc}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{s.sc}{1000} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{germandbls.sc}{s.sc}{1000} \Fi \Fi \endmetrics % \end{macrocode} % \end{metrics} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsection{Encodings}\label{subsec:etx} % % None of these files are actually used in typesetting. % Rather, they are converted to \texttt{.enc} files, renamed and automatically edited to ensure unique encoding names. % These names are then substituted into \texttt{.map} files. % % \subsubsection{dotoldstyle.etx}\label{subsubsec:dotoldstyle} % % \iffalse %<*dotoldstyle> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{dotoldstyle.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\digit#1{#1.oldstyle} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{dotsc2.etx}\label{subsubsec:dotsc2} % % \iffalse %<*dotsc2> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{dotsc2.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.sc} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.sc} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2.sc} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \ifisint{capspacing}\then \setint{letterspacing}{\int{capspacing}} \fi \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{dottaboldstyle.etx}\label{subsubsec:dottaboldstyle} % % \iffalse %<*dottaboldstyle> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{dottaboldstyle.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\digit#1{#1.taboldstyle} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{lining.etx}\label{subsubsec:lining} % % \iffalse %<*lining> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{lining.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\digit#1{#1lining} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{oldstyle.etx}\label{subsubsec:oldstyle} % % \iffalse %<*oldstyle> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{oldstyle.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\digit#1{#1oldstyle} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-cfr.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-cfr} % % \iffalse %<*t1-cfr> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-cfr.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The commentary in the original is deleted in this version. For %% information about the T1 etc., typeset the original t1.etx %% included with fontinst. %% - Slots are altered to accommodate characters which are named %% differently. For example, this encoding uses "endash" and "emdash" %% whereas t1.etx called for "rangedash" and "punctdash". %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - LATIN CFR} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{emdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{exclamdown} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \ligature{LIG}{comma}{quotedblbase} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar}{hyphenchar} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less} \ligature{LIG}{less}{guillemotleft} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater} \ligature{LIG}{greater}{guillemotright} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{questiondown} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-dotalt-f\_f.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-dotalt-f-f} % % \iffalse %<*t1-dotalt-f-f> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-dotalt-f_f} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The commentary in the original is deleted in this version. For %% information about the T1 etc., typeset the original t1.etx %% included with fontinst. %% - Slots are altered to accommodate characters which are named %% differently. For example, this encoding uses "endash" and "emdash" %% whereas t1.etx called for "rangedash" and "punctdash". %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - f_f, f_f_i and f_f_l replace ff, ffi and ffl. %% - lc, uc and accented lc, uc are set to characters named "a.alt" etc. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.alt} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.alt} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.alt} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.alt} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX ENC - DOTALT F_F} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{emdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{f_f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{f_f_i}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{f_f_l}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{f_f_i}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{f_f_l}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{exclamdown} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \ligature{LIG}{comma}{quotedblbase} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar}{hyphenchar} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less} \ligature{LIG}{less}{guillemotleft} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater} \ligature{LIG}{greater}{guillemotright} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{questiondown} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{f_f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-dotinf.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-dotinf} % % \iffalse %<*t1-dotinf> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-dotinf.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file is modified for use in encoding inferiors. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.inferior} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.inferior} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2.inferior} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\digit#1{#1.inferior} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - DOTINF} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase.inferior} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft.inferior} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright.inferior} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft.inferior} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright.inferior} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase.inferior} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft.inferior} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright.inferior} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.inferior}{emdash.inferior} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash.inferior} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark.inferior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero.inferior} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace.inferior} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{exclamdown.inferior} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl.inferior} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign.inferior} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar.inferior} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent.inferior} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand.inferior} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright.inferior}{quotedblright.inferior} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft.inferior} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright.inferior} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk.inferior} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus.inferior} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{comma.inferior}{quotedblbase.inferior} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.inferior}{endash.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar.inferior}{hyphenchar.inferior} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period.inferior} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash.inferior} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon.inferior} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon.inferior} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{less.inferior}{guillemotleft.inferior} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal.inferior} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{greater.inferior}{guillemotright.inferior} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{questiondown.inferior} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at.inferior} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft.inferior} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash.inferior} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright.inferior} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum.inferior} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore.inferior} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{quotedblleft.inferior} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft.inferior} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar.inferior} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright.inferior} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde.inferior} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar.inferior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.inferior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown.inferior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown.inferior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.inferior} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-dotinferior.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-dotinferior} % % \iffalse %<*t1-dotinferior> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-dotinferior.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file is modified for use in encoding inferiors. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.inferior} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.inferior} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2.inferior} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.inferior} \setcommand\digit#1{#1.inferior} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - DOTINFERIOR} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase.inferior} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft.inferior} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright.inferior} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft.inferior} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright.inferior} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase.inferior} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft.inferior} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright.inferior} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.inferior}{emdash.inferior} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash.inferior} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark.inferior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero.inferior} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace.inferior} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{exclamdown.inferior} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl.inferior} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign.inferior} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar.inferior} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent.inferior} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand.inferior} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright.inferior}{quotedblright.inferior} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft.inferior} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright.inferior} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk.inferior} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus.inferior} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{comma.inferior}{quotedblbase.inferior} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.inferior}{endash.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar.inferior}{hyphenchar.inferior} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period.inferior} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash.inferior} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon.inferior} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon.inferior} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{less.inferior}{guillemotleft.inferior} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal.inferior} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{greater.inferior}{guillemotright.inferior} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{questiondown.inferior} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at.inferior} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft.inferior} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash.inferior} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright.inferior} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum.inferior} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore.inferior} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft.inferior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.inferior}{quotedblleft.inferior} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft.inferior} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar.inferior} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright.inferior} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde.inferior} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar.inferior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.inferior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown.inferior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown.inferior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.inferior} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-dotsup.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-dotsup} % % \iffalse %<*t1-dotsup> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-dotsup.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file is modified for use in encoding superiors. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.superior} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.superior} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2.superior} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\digit#1{#1.superior} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - DOTSUP} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase.superior} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft.superior} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright.superior} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft.superior} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright.superior} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase.superior} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft.superior} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright.superior} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.superior}{emdash.superior} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash.superior} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark.superior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero.superior} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace.superior} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{exclamdown.superior} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl.superior} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign.superior} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar.superior} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent.superior} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand.superior} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright.superior}{quotedblright.superior} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft.superior} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright.superior} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk.superior} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus.superior} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma.superior} \ligature{LIG}{comma.superior}{quotedblbase.superior} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.superior}{endash.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar.superior}{hyphenchar.superior} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period.superior} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash.superior} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon.superior} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon.superior} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less.superior} \ligature{LIG}{less.superior}{guillemotleft.superior} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal.superior} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater.superior} \ligature{LIG}{greater.superior}{guillemotright.superior} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{questiondown.superior} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at.superior} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft.superior} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash.superior} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright.superior} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum.superior} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore.superior} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{quotedblleft.superior} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft.superior} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar.superior} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright.superior} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde.superior} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar.superior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.superior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown.superior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown.superior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.superior} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-dotsuperior.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-dotsuperior} % % \iffalse %<*t1-dotsuperior> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-dotsuperior.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file is modified for use in encoding superiors. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2.superior} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2.superior} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2.superior} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.superior} \setcommand\digit#1{#1.superior} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - DOTSUPERIOR} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase.superior} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft.superior} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright.superior} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft.superior} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright.superior} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase.superior} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft.superior} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright.superior} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.superior}{emdash.superior} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash.superior} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark.superior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero.superior} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace.superior} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{exclamdown.superior} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl.superior} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign.superior} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar.superior} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent.superior} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand.superior} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright.superior}{quotedblright.superior} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft.superior} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright.superior} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk.superior} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus.superior} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma.superior} \ligature{LIG}{comma.superior}{quotedblbase.superior} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen.superior}{endash.superior} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar.superior}{hyphenchar.superior} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period.superior} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash.superior} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon.superior} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon.superior} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less.superior} \ligature{LIG}{less.superior}{guillemotleft.superior} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal.superior} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater.superior} \ligature{LIG}{greater.superior}{guillemotright.superior} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{questiondown.superior} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at.superior} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft.superior} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash.superior} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright.superior} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum.superior} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore.superior} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft.superior} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft.superior}{quotedblleft.superior} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft.superior} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar.superior} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright.superior} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde.superior} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar.superior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.superior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown.superior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown.superior} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.superior} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1-f\_f.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1-f-f} % % \iffalse %<*t1-f-f> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1-f_f.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The commentary in the original is deleted in this version. For %% information about the T1 etc., typeset the original t1.etx %% included with fontinst. %% - Slots are altered to accommodate characters which are named %% differently. For example, this encoding uses "endash" and "emdash" %% whereas t1.etx called for "rangedash" and "punctdash". %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - f_f, f_f_i and f_f_l replace ff, ffi and ffl. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.910} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Else % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.) \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setint{ligaturing}{0} \Fi \Fi \setint{ligaturing}{1} \Fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{quad}{1000} \setint{baselineskip}{1200} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \Else \setint{xheight}{500} \Fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \Else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \Else \setint{interword}{333} \Fi\Fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{stretchword}{0} \setint{shrinkword}{0} \setint{extraspace}{\int{interword}} \Else \setint{stretchword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}} \setint{shrinkword}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \setint{extraspace}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}} \Fi \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \Else \setint{capheight}{750} \Fi \ifisglyph{d}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{d}} \Else\ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \Else \setint{ascender}{750} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \Fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \Else \setint{descender}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \Else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \Fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \Else\ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \Else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \Fi\Fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \Else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \Fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setfontdimen{1}{italicslant} % italic slant \setfontdimen{2}{interword} % interword space \setfontdimen{3}{stretchword} % interword stretch \setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword} % interword shrink \setfontdimen{5}{xheight} % x-height \setfontdimen{6}{quad} % quad \setfontdimen{7}{extraspace} % extra space after . \setfontdimen{8}{capheight} % cap height \setfontdimen{9}{ascender} % ascender \setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight} % accented cap height \setfontdimen{11}{descender} % descender's depth \setfontdimen{12}{maxheight} % max height \setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth} % max depth \setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth} % digit width \setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem} % dominant width of verical stems \setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip} % baselineskip \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.} \Else \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX ENC - F_F} \Fi \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{emdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else \setslot{\lclig{FF}{f_f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FFI}{f_f_i}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FFL}{f_f_l}} \Fi \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{f_f_i}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{f_f_l}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{visiblespace} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{exclamdown} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \ligature{LIG}{comma}{quotedblbase} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{endash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar}{hyphenchar} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less} \ligature{LIG}{less}{guillemotleft} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater} \ligature{LIG}{greater}{guillemotright} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{questiondown} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}>{0}\then \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{f_f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \Fi \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eng}{eng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. This needs to be called `Eng'/`eng' rather than `Ng'/`ng' as it is in t1.etx in most cases, it seems.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{exclamdown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{t1j-f\_f.etx}\label{subsubsec:t1j-f-f} % % \iffalse %<*t1j-f-f> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{t1j-f_f.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax % \end{macrocode} % \file{t1j-f\_f.etx} -- install a T1-encoded roman font with oldstyle % and f-ligatures named "f\_f" etc. % % We do not need to distinguish between roman and italic in T1, % hence we simply call t1-f\_f.etx with oldstyle parameters. % \begin{macrocode} \encoding \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1oldstyle} \inputetx{t1-f_f} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{ts1-dotinf.etx}\label{subsubsec:ts1-dotinf} % % \iffalse %<*ts1-dotinf> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{ts1-dotinf.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The commentary in the original is deleted in this version. For %% information about the TS1 etc., typeset the original ts1.etx %% included with fontinst. %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file may be modified for use in encoding other characters. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TEXT COMPANION 1---TS1 DOTINF} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \nextslot{0} \setslot{capitalgrave.inferior} \comment{The grave accent `\capitalgrave{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalacute.inferior} \comment{The acute accent `\capitalacute{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcircumflex.inferior} \comment{The circumflex accent `\capitalcircumflex{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaltilde.inferior} \comment{The tilde accent `\capitaltilde{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldieresis.inferior} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\capitaldieresis{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalhungarumlaut.inferior} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\capitalhungarumlaut{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalring.inferior} \comment{The ring accent `\capitalring{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcaron.inferior} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\capitalcaron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalbreve.inferior} \comment{The breve accent `\capitalbreve{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalmacron.inferior} \comment{The macron accent `\capitalmacron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldotaccent.inferior} \comment{The dot accent `\capitaldotaccent{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{cedilla.inferior} \comment{The cedilla accent `\capitalcedilla{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{ogonek.inferior} \comment{The ogonek accent `\capitalogonek{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{13} \setslot{quotesinglbase.inferior} \comment{A straight single quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{18} \setslot{quotedblbase.inferior} \comment{A straight double quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightdblbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{21} \setslot{twelveudash.inferior} \comment{A 2/3~em dash, `\texttwelveudash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequartersemdash.inferior} \comment{A 3/4~em dash, `\textthreequartersemdash'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{23} \setslot{capitalcompwordmark.inferior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of capital letters. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{24} \setslot{arrowleft.inferior} \comment{A left pointing arrow, `\textleftarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowright.inferior} \comment{A right pointing arrow, `\textrightarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{26} \setslot{tieaccentlowercase.inferior} \comment{The original tie accent `\t{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{tieaccentcapital.inferior} \comment{The tie accent `\capitaltie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentlowercase.inferior} \comment{A new tie accent `\newtie{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentcapital.inferior} \comment{A new tie accent `\capitalnewtie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{31} \setslot{ascendercompwordmark.inferior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters with ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{32} \setslot{blank.inferior} \comment{The blank indicator `\textblank', similar to the letter `b' with an oblique bar throgh the stem.} \endsetslot \nextslot{36} \setslot{dollar.inferior} \comment{The dollar sign `\textdollar'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{39} \setslot{quotesingle.inferior} \comment{A straight single quote mark, `\textquotesingle'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{42} \setslot{asteriskcentered.inferior} \comment{The centered asterisk, `\textasteriskcentered'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{44} \setslot{comma.inferior} \comment{The decimal comma `,'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{45} \setslot{hyphendbl.inferior} \comment{An alternate double hyphen, `\textdblhyphen'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{46} \setslot{period.inferior} \comment{The decimal point `.'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{47} \setslot{fraction.inferior} \comment{The fraction slash `\textfractionsolidus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{48} \setslot{zerooldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{0}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{oneoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{1}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{twooldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{2}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threeoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{3}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fouroldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{4}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fiveoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{5}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sixoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{6}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sevenoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{7}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{eightoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{8}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{nineoldstyle.inferior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{9}'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{60} \setslot{angbracketleft.inferior} \comment{The opening angle bracket `\textlangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{61} \setslot{minus.inferior} \comment{The subtraction sign `\textminus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{62} \setslot{angbracketright.inferior} \comment{The closing angle bracket `\textrangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{77} \setslot{Omegainv.inferior} \comment{The inverted Ohm sign `\textmho', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{79} \comment{A circle `\textbigcircle', big enough to enclose a letter as in `\textcopyright' or `\textregistered'.} \setslot{bigcircle.inferior} \endsetslot \nextslot{87} \setslot{Omega.inferior} \comment{The upright Ohm sign `\textohm', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \nextslot{91} \setslot{openbracketleft.inferior} \comment{The opening double square bracket `\textlbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{93} \setslot{openbracketright.inferior} \comment{The closing double square bracket `\textrbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{94} \setslot{arrowup.inferior} \comment{An upwards pointing arrow `\textuparrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{95} \setslot{arrowdown.inferior} \comment{An downwards pointing arrow `\textdownarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{96} \setslot{asciigrave.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style grave `\textasciigrave'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \nextslot{98} \setslot{born.inferior} \comment{The born symbol `\textborn', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{99} \setslot{divorced.inferior} \comment{The divorced symbol `\textdivorced', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{100} \setslot{died.inferior} \comment{The died symbol `\textdied', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{108} \setslot{leaf.inferior} \comment{The leaf symbol `\textleaf', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{109} \setslot{married.inferior} \comment{The married symbol `\textmarried', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{110} \setslot{musicalnote.inferior} \comment{A musical note symbol `\textmusicalnote', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{126} \setslot{tildelow.inferior} \comment{A lowered tilde `\texttildelow'. In most PostScript fonts it can be substituted by `asciitilde', while `\textasciitilde' is supposed to be a raised `tilde'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{127} \setslot{hyphendblchar.inferior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphendbl'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{128} \setslot{asciibreve.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style breve `\textasciibreve'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicaron.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style caron `\textasciicaron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacutedbl.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style double tick mark, `\textacutedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciigravedbl.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style double backtick mark, `\textgravedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dagger.inferior} \comment{The single dagger `\textdagger'.} \endsetslot \setslot{daggerdbl.inferior} \comment{The double dagger `\textdaggerdbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bardbl.inferior} \comment{The double vertical bar `\textbardbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousand.inferior} \comment{The perthousand sign `\textperthousand'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bullet.inferior} \comment{The centered bullet `\textbullet'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centigrade.inferior} \comment{The degree centigrade symbol `\textcelsius'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollaroldstyle.inferior} \comment{An oldstyle dollar sign `\textdollaroldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centoldstyle.inferior} \comment{An oldstyle cent sign `\textcentoldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{florin.inferior} \comment{The florin sign `\textflorin'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colonmonetary.inferior} \comment{The Colon currency sign `\textcolonmonetary', similar to a capital `C' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{won.inferior} \comment{The Won currency sign `\textwon', similar to a capital `W' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{naira.inferior} \comment{The Naira currency sign `\textnaira', similar to a capital `N' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{guarani.inferior} \comment{The Guarani currency sign `\textguarani', similar to a capital `G' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{peso.inferior} \comment{The Peso currency sign `\textpeso', similar to a capital `P' with a horizontal bar through the bowl or below the bowl.} \endsetslot \setslot{lira.inferior} \comment{The Lira currency sign `\textlira', similar to a sterling sign `\textsterling' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{recipe.inferior} \comment{The recipe symbol `\textrecipe', similar to a capital `R' with an oblique bar through the tail.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobang.inferior} \comment{The interrobang symbol `\textinterrobang', similar to a combination of an exclamation mark and a question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobangdown.inferior} \comment{The inverted interrobang symbol `\textinterrobangdown', similar to a combination of an inverted exclamation mark and an inverted question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{dong.inferior} \comment{The Dong currency sign `\textdong', similar to a lowercase `d' with a horizontal bar through the stem and another bar below the letter.} \endsetslot \setslot{trademark.inferior} \comment{The trademark sign `\texttrademark', similar to the raised letters `TM'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pertenthousand.inferior} \comment{The pertenthousand sign `\textpertenthousand', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{pilcrow.inferior} \comment{The pilcrow mark `\textpilcrow', similar to a paragraph mark `\textparagraph' with a single stem.} \endsetslot \setslot{baht.inferior} \comment{The Baht currency sign `\textbaht', similar to a capital `B' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{numero.inferior} \comment{The numero sign `\textnumero', similar to the letter `N' with a raised `o', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{discount.inferior} \comment{The discount sign `\textdiscount', similar to a stylized percent sign, unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{estimated.inferior} \comment{The estimated sign `\textestimated', similar to an enlarged lowercase `e', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{openbullet.inferior} \comment{The centered open bullet `\textopenbullet'', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{servicemark.inferior} \comment{The service mark sign `\textservicemark', similar to the raised letters `SM', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{160} \setslot{quillbracketleft.inferior} \comment{The opening quill bracket `\textlquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{quillbracketright.inferior} \comment{The closing quill bracket `\textrquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{cent.inferior} \comment{The cent sign `\textcent'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.inferior} \comment{The British currency sign, `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{currency.inferior} \comment{The international currency sign, `\textcurrency'.} \endsetslot \setslot{yen.inferior} \comment{The Japanese currency sign, `\textyen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{brokenbar.inferior} \comment{A broken vertical bar, `\textbrokenbar', similar to `\textbar' with a gap through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.inferior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciidieresis.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style dieresis `\textasciidieresis'. This is supposed to be character by itself rather than an accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyright.inferior} \comment{The copyright sign `\textcopyright', similar to a small letter `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordfeminine.inferior} \comment{The raised letter `\textordfeminine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyleft.inferior} \comment{The reversed copyright sign `\textcopyleft', similar to a small reversed `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicalnot.inferior} \comment{The logical not sign `\textlnot'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circledP.inferior} \comment{A small letter `P' enclosed by a circle, `\textcircledP', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{registered.inferior} \comment{The registered trademark sign `\textregistered', similar to a small letter `R' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciimacron.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style macron `\textasciimacron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{degree.inferior} \comment{The degree sign `\textdegree'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plusminus.inferior} \comment{The plus or minus sign `\textpm'.} \endsetslot \setslot{two.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\texttwosuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{three.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\textthreesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacute.inferior} \comment{An ASCII-style acute `\textasciiacute'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{mu.inferior} \comment{The lowercase Greek letter `\textmu', intended for use as a prefix `micro' in physical units.} \endsetslot \setslot{paragraph.inferior} \comment{The paragraph mark `\textparagraph'.} \endsetslot \setslot{periodcentered.inferior} \comment{The centered period `\textperiodcentered'.} \endsetslot \setslot{referencemark.inferior} \comment{The reference mark `\textreferencemark', similar to a combination of the `multiply' and `divide' symbols.} \endsetslot \setslot{one.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\textonesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordmasculine.inferior} \comment{The raised letter `\textordmasculine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{radical.inferior} \comment{The radical sign `\textsurd', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \setslot{onequarter.inferior} \comment{The fraction `\textonequarter'.} \endsetslot \setslot{onehalf.inferior} \comment{The fraction `\textonehalf'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequarters.inferior} \comment{The fraction `\textthreequarters'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Euro.inferior} \comment{The European currency sign, similar to `\texteuro'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{214} \setslot{multiply.inferior} \comment{The multiplication sign `\texttimes'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~215, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was considered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \nextslot{246} \setslot{divide.inferior} \comment{The divison sign `\textdiv'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~247, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was onsidered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{ts1-dotsup.etx}\label{subsubsec:ts1-dotsup} % % \iffalse %<*ts1-dotsup> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{ts1-dotsup.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The commentary in the original is deleted in this version. For %% information about the TS1 etc., typeset the original ts1.etx %% included with fontinst. %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding name is modified. %% - The file is modified to accommodate differences in glyph names. %% - The file may be modified for use in encoding other characters. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TEXT COMPANION 1---TS1 DOTSUP} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \nextslot{0} \setslot{capitalgrave.superior} \comment{The grave accent `\capitalgrave{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalacute.superior} \comment{The acute accent `\capitalacute{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcircumflex.superior} \comment{The circumflex accent `\capitalcircumflex{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaltilde.superior} \comment{The tilde accent `\capitaltilde{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldieresis.superior} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\capitaldieresis{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalhungarumlaut.superior} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\capitalhungarumlaut{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalring.superior} \comment{The ring accent `\capitalring{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcaron.superior} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\capitalcaron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalbreve.superior} \comment{The breve accent `\capitalbreve{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalmacron.superior} \comment{The macron accent `\capitalmacron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldotaccent.superior} \comment{The dot accent `\capitaldotaccent{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{cedilla.superior} \comment{The cedilla accent `\capitalcedilla{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{ogonek.superior} \comment{The ogonek accent `\capitalogonek{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{13} \setslot{quotesinglbase.superior} \comment{A straight single quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{18} \setslot{quotedblbase.superior} \comment{A straight double quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightdblbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{21} \setslot{twelveudash.superior} \comment{A 2/3~em dash, `\texttwelveudash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequartersemdash.superior} \comment{A 3/4~em dash, `\textthreequartersemdash'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{23} \setslot{capitalcompwordmark.superior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of capital letters. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{24} \setslot{arrowleft.superior} \comment{A left pointing arrow, `\textleftarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowright.superior} \comment{A right pointing arrow, `\textrightarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{26} \setslot{tieaccentlowercase.superior} \comment{The original tie accent `\t{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{tieaccentcapital.superior} \comment{The tie accent `\capitaltie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentlowercase.superior} \comment{A new tie accent `\newtie{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentcapital.superior} \comment{A new tie accent `\capitalnewtie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{31} \setslot{ascendercompwordmark.superior} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters with ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{32} \setslot{blank.superior} \comment{The blank indicator `\textblank', similar to the letter `b' with an oblique bar throgh the stem.} \endsetslot \nextslot{36} \setslot{dollar.superior} \comment{The dollar sign `\textdollar'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{39} \setslot{quotesingle.superior} \comment{A straight single quote mark, `\textquotesingle'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{42} \setslot{asteriskcentered.superior} \comment{The centered asterisk, `\textasteriskcentered'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{44} \setslot{comma.superior} \comment{The decimal comma `,'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{45} \setslot{hyphendbl.superior} \comment{An alternate double hyphen, `\textdblhyphen'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{46} \setslot{period.superior} \comment{The decimal point `.'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{47} \setslot{fraction.superior} \comment{The fraction slash `\textfractionsolidus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{48} \setslot{zerooldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{0}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{oneoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{1}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{twooldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{2}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threeoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{3}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fouroldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{4}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fiveoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{5}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sixoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{6}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sevenoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{7}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{eightoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{8}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{nineoldstyle.superior} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{9}'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{60} \setslot{angbracketleft.superior} \comment{The opening angle bracket `\textlangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{61} \setslot{minus.superior} \comment{The subtraction sign `\textminus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{62} \setslot{angbracketright.superior} \comment{The closing angle bracket `\textrangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{77} \setslot{Omegainv.superior} \comment{The inverted Ohm sign `\textmho', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{79} \comment{A circle `\textbigcircle', big enough to enclose a letter as in `\textcopyright' or `\textregistered'.} \setslot{bigcircle.superior} \endsetslot \nextslot{87} \setslot{Omega.superior} \comment{The upright Ohm sign `\textohm', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \nextslot{91} \setslot{openbracketleft.superior} \comment{The opening double square bracket `\textlbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{93} \setslot{openbracketright.superior} \comment{The closing double square bracket `\textrbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{94} \setslot{arrowup.superior} \comment{An upwards pointing arrow `\textuparrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{95} \setslot{arrowdown.superior} \comment{An downwards pointing arrow `\textdownarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{96} \setslot{asciigrave.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style grave `\textasciigrave'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \nextslot{98} \setslot{born.superior} \comment{The born symbol `\textborn', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{99} \setslot{divorced.superior} \comment{The divorced symbol `\textdivorced', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{100} \setslot{died.superior} \comment{The died symbol `\textdied', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{108} \setslot{leaf.superior} \comment{The leaf symbol `\textleaf', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{109} \setslot{married.superior} \comment{The married symbol `\textmarried', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{110} \setslot{musicalnote.superior} \comment{A musical note symbol `\textmusicalnote', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{126} \setslot{tildelow.superior} \comment{A lowered tilde `\texttildelow'. In most PostScript fonts it can be substituted by `asciitilde', while `\textasciitilde' is supposed to be a raised `tilde'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{127} \setslot{hyphendblchar.superior} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphendbl'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{128} \setslot{asciibreve.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style breve `\textasciibreve'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicaron.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style caron `\textasciicaron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacutedbl.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style double tick mark, `\textacutedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciigravedbl.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style double backtick mark, `\textgravedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dagger.superior} \comment{The single dagger `\textdagger'.} \endsetslot \setslot{daggerdbl.superior} \comment{The double dagger `\textdaggerdbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bardbl.superior} \comment{The double vertical bar `\textbardbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousand.superior} \comment{The perthousand sign `\textperthousand'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bullet.superior} \comment{The centered bullet `\textbullet'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centigrade.superior} \comment{The degree centigrade symbol `\textcelsius'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollaroldstyle.superior} \comment{An oldstyle dollar sign `\textdollaroldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centoldstyle.superior} \comment{An oldstyle cent sign `\textcentoldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{florin.superior} \comment{The florin sign `\textflorin'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colonmonetary.superior} \comment{The Colon currency sign `\textcolonmonetary', similar to a capital `C' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{won.superior} \comment{The Won currency sign `\textwon', similar to a capital `W' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{naira.superior} \comment{The Naira currency sign `\textnaira', similar to a capital `N' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{guarani.superior} \comment{The Guarani currency sign `\textguarani', similar to a capital `G' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{peso.superior} \comment{The Peso currency sign `\textpeso', similar to a capital `P' with a horizontal bar through the bowl or below the bowl.} \endsetslot \setslot{lira.superior} \comment{The Lira currency sign `\textlira', similar to a sterling sign `\textsterling' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{recipe.superior} \comment{The recipe symbol `\textrecipe', similar to a capital `R' with an oblique bar through the tail.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobang.superior} \comment{The interrobang symbol `\textinterrobang', similar to a combination of an exclamation mark and a question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobangdown.superior} \comment{The inverted interrobang symbol `\textinterrobangdown', similar to a combination of an inverted exclamation mark and an inverted question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{dong.superior} \comment{The Dong currency sign `\textdong', similar to a lowercase `d' with a horizontal bar through the stem and another bar below the letter.} \endsetslot \setslot{trademark.superior} \comment{The trademark sign `\texttrademark', similar to the raised letters `TM'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pertenthousand.superior} \comment{The pertenthousand sign `\textpertenthousand', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{pilcrow.superior} \comment{The pilcrow mark `\textpilcrow', similar to a paragraph mark `\textparagraph' with a single stem.} \endsetslot \setslot{baht.superior} \comment{The Baht currency sign `\textbaht', similar to a capital `B' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{numero.superior} \comment{The numero sign `\textnumero', similar to the letter `N' with a raised `o', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{discount.superior} \comment{The discount sign `\textdiscount', similar to a stylized percent sign, unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{estimated.superior} \comment{The estimated sign `\textestimated', similar to an enlarged lowercase `e', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{openbullet.superior} \comment{The centered open bullet `\textopenbullet'', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{servicemark.superior} \comment{The service mark sign `\textservicemark', similar to the raised letters `SM', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{160} \setslot{quillbracketleft.superior} \comment{The opening quill bracket `\textlquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{quillbracketright.superior} \comment{The closing quill bracket `\textrquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{cent.superior} \comment{The cent sign `\textcent'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling.superior} \comment{The British currency sign, `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{currency.superior} \comment{The international currency sign, `\textcurrency'.} \endsetslot \setslot{yen.superior} \comment{The Japanese currency sign, `\textyen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{brokenbar.superior} \comment{A broken vertical bar, `\textbrokenbar', similar to `\textbar' with a gap through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{section.superior} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciidieresis.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style dieresis `\textasciidieresis'. This is supposed to be character by itself rather than an accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyright.superior} \comment{The copyright sign `\textcopyright', similar to a small letter `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordfeminine.superior} \comment{The raised letter `\textordfeminine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyleft.superior} \comment{The reversed copyright sign `\textcopyleft', similar to a small reversed `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicalnot.superior} \comment{The logical not sign `\textlnot'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circledP.superior} \comment{A small letter `P' enclosed by a circle, `\textcircledP', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{registered.superior} \comment{The registered trademark sign `\textregistered', similar to a small letter `R' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciimacron.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style macron `\textasciimacron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{degree.superior} \comment{The degree sign `\textdegree'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plusminus.superior} \comment{The plus or minus sign `\textpm'.} \endsetslot \setslot{two.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\texttwosuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{three.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\textthreesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacute.superior} \comment{An ASCII-style acute `\textasciiacute'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{mu.superior} \comment{The lowercase Greek letter `\textmu', intended for use as a prefix `micro' in physical units.} \endsetslot \setslot{paragraph.superior} \comment{The paragraph mark `\textparagraph'.} \endsetslot \setslot{periodcentered.superior} \comment{The centered period `\textperiodcentered'.} \endsetslot \setslot{referencemark.superior} \comment{The reference mark `\textreferencemark', similar to a combination of the `multiply' and `divide' symbols.} \endsetslot \setslot{one.superior} \comment{The raised digit `\textonesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordmasculine.superior} \comment{The raised letter `\textordmasculine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{radical.superior} \comment{The radical sign `\textsurd', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \setslot{onequarter.superior} \comment{The fraction `\textonequarter'.} \endsetslot \setslot{onehalf.superior} \comment{The fraction `\textonehalf'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequarters.superior} \comment{The fraction `\textthreequarters'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Euro.superior} \comment{The European currency sign, similar to `\texteuro'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{214} \setslot{multiply.superior} \comment{The multiplication sign `\texttimes'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~215, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was considered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \nextslot{246} \setslot{divide.superior} \comment{The divison sign `\textdiv'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~247, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was onsidered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{ts1-euro.etx}\label{subsubsec:ts1-euro} % % \iffalse %<*ts1-euro> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{ts1-euro.etx} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% - The original notices at the top of that file concerning authors, %% maintenance etc. are replaced by this notice. %% - The file is renamed. %% - The encoding is modified to accommodate euro/Euro.% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax \encoding \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TEXT COMPANION 1---TS1 - EURO} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \nextslot{0} \setslot{capitalgrave} \comment{The grave accent `\capitalgrave{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalacute} \comment{The acute accent `\capitalacute{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcircumflex} \comment{The circumflex accent `\capitalcircumflex{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaltilde} \comment{The tilde accent `\capitaltilde{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldieresis} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\capitaldieresis{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalhungarumlaut} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\capitalhungarumlaut{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalring} \comment{The ring accent `\capitalring{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalcaron} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\capitalcaron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalbreve} \comment{The breve accent `\capitalbreve{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitalmacron} \comment{The macron accent `\capitalmacron{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{capitaldotaccent} \comment{The dot accent `\capitaldotaccent{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{cedilla} \comment{The cedilla accent `\capitalcedilla{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{ogonek} \comment{The ogonek accent `\capitalogonek{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{13} \setslot{quotesinglbase} \comment{A straight single quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{18} \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A straight double quote mark on the baseline, `\textquotestraightdblbase'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{21} \setslot{twelveudash} \comment{A 2/3~em dash, `\texttwelveudash'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequartersemdash} \comment{A 3/4~em dash, `\textthreequartersemdash'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{23} \setslot{capitalcompwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of capital letters. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{24} \setslot{arrowleft} \comment{A left pointing arrow, `\textleftarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{arrowright} \comment{A right pointing arrow, `\textrightarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{26} \setslot{tieaccentlowercase} \comment{The original tie accent `\t{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{tieaccentcapital} \comment{The tie accent `\capitaltie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentlowercase} \comment{A new tie accent `\newtie{}', intended for use with lowercase letters.} \endsetslot \setslot{newtieaccentcapital} \comment{A new tie accent `\capitalnewtie{}', intended for use with capital letters.} \endsetslot \nextslot{31} \setslot{ascendercompwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters with ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{32} \setslot{blank} \comment{The blank indicator `\textblank', similar to the letter `b' with an oblique bar throgh the stem.} \endsetslot \nextslot{36} \setslot{dollar} \comment{The dollar sign `\textdollar'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{39} \setslot{quotesingle} \comment{A straight single quote mark, `\textquotesingle'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{42} \setslot{asteriskcentered} \comment{The centered asterisk, `\textasteriskcentered'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{44} \setslot{comma} \comment{The decimal comma `,'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{45} \setslot{hyphendbl} \comment{An alternate double hyphen, `\textdblhyphen'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{46} \setslot{period} \comment{The decimal point `.'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{47} \setslot{fraction} \comment{The fraction slash `\textfractionsolidus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{48} \setslot{zerooldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{0}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{oneoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{1}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{twooldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{2}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threeoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{3}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fouroldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{4}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fiveoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{5}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sixoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{6}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sevenoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{7}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{eightoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{8}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{nineoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{9}'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{60} \setslot{angbracketleft} \comment{The opening angle bracket `\textlangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{61} \setslot{minus} \comment{The subtraction sign `\textminus'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{62} \setslot{angbracketright} \comment{The closing angle bracket `\textrangle', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{77} \setslot{Omegainv} \comment{The inverted Ohm sign `\textmho', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{79} \comment{A circle `\textbigcircle', big enough to enclose a letter as in `\textcopyright' or `\textregistered'.} \setslot{bigcircle} \endsetslot \nextslot{87} \setslot{Omega} \comment{The upright Ohm sign `\textohm', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \nextslot{91} \setslot{openbracketleft} \comment{The opening double square bracket `\textlbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{93} \setslot{openbracketright} \comment{The closing double square bracket `\textrbrackdbl', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{94} \setslot{arrowup} \comment{An upwards pointing arrow `\textuparrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{95} \setslot{arrowdown} \comment{An downwards pointing arrow `\textdownarrow', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{96} \setslot{asciigrave} \comment{An ASCII-style grave `\textasciigrave'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \nextslot{98} \setslot{born} \comment{The born symbol `\textborn', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{99} \setslot{divorced} \comment{The divorced symbol `\textdivorced', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{100} \setslot{died} \comment{The died symbol `\textdied', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{108} \setslot{leaf} \comment{The leaf symbol `\textleaf', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{109} \setslot{married} \comment{The married symbol `\textmarried', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{110} \setslot{musicalnote} \comment{A musical note symbol `\textmusicalnote', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{126} \setslot{tildelow} \comment{A lowered tilde `\texttildelow'. In most PostScript fonts it can be substituted by `asciitilde', while `\textasciitilde' is supposed to be a raised `tilde'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{127} \setslot{hyphendblchar} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphendbl'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{128} \setslot{asciibreve} \comment{An ASCII-style breve `\textasciibreve'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicaron} \comment{An ASCII-style caron `\textasciicaron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacutedbl} \comment{An ASCII-style double tick mark, `\textacutedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciigravedbl} \comment{An ASCII-style double backtick mark, `\textgravedbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dagger} \comment{The single dagger `\textdagger'.} \endsetslot \setslot{daggerdbl} \comment{The double dagger `\textdaggerdbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bardbl} \comment{The double vertical bar `\textbardbl'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousand} \comment{The perthousand sign `\textperthousand'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bullet} \comment{The centered bullet `\textbullet'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centigrade} \comment{The degree centigrade symbol `\textcelsius'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollaroldstyle} \comment{An oldstyle dollar sign `\textdollaroldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{centoldstyle} \comment{An oldstyle cent sign `\textcentoldstyle'.} \endsetslot \setslot{florin} \comment{The florin sign `\textflorin'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colonmonetary} \comment{The Colon currency sign `\textcolonmonetary', similar to a capital `C' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{won} \comment{The Won currency sign `\textwon', similar to a capital `W' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{naira} \comment{The Naira currency sign `\textnaira', similar to a capital `N' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{guarani} \comment{The Guarani currency sign `\textguarani', similar to a capital `G' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{peso} \comment{The Peso currency sign `\textpeso', similar to a capital `P' with a horizontal bar through the bowl or below the bowl.} \endsetslot \setslot{lira} \comment{The Lira currency sign `\textlira', similar to a sterling sign `\textsterling' with two horizontal bars.} \endsetslot \setslot{recipe} \comment{The recipe symbol `\textrecipe', similar to a capital `R' with an oblique bar through the tail.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobang} \comment{The interrobang symbol `\textinterrobang', similar to a combination of an exclamation mark and a question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{interrobangdown} \comment{The inverted interrobang symbol `\textinterrobangdown', similar to a combination of an inverted exclamation mark and an inverted question mark.} \endsetslot \setslot{dong} \comment{The Dong currency sign `\textdong', similar to a lowercase `d' with a horizontal bar through the stem and another bar below the letter.} \endsetslot \setslot{trademark} \comment{The trademark sign `\texttrademark', similar to the raised letters `TM'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pertenthousand} \comment{The pertenthousand sign `\textpertenthousand', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{pilcrow} \comment{The pilcrow mark `\textpilcrow', similar to a paragraph mark `\textparagraph' with a single stem.} \endsetslot \setslot{baht} \comment{The Baht currency sign `\textbaht', similar to a capital `B' with a vertical bar through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{numero} \comment{The numero sign `\textnumero', similar to the letter `N' with a raised `o', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{discount} \comment{The discount sign `\textdiscount', similar to a stylized percent sign, unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{estimated} \comment{The estimated sign `\textestimated', similar to an enlarged lowercase `e', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{openbullet} \comment{The centered open bullet `\textopenbullet'', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{servicemark} \comment{The service mark sign `\textservicemark', similar to the raised letters `SM', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \nextslot{160} \setslot{quillbracketleft} \comment{The opening quill bracket `\textlquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{quillbracketright} \comment{The closing quill bracket `\textrquill', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{cent} \comment{The cent sign `\textcent'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling} \comment{The British currency sign, `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{currency} \comment{The international currency sign, `\textcurrency'.} \endsetslot \setslot{yen} \comment{The Japanese currency sign, `\textyen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{brokenbar} \comment{A broken vertical bar, `\textbrokenbar', similar to `\textbar' with a gap through the middle.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciidieresis} \comment{An ASCII-style dieresis `\textasciidieresis'. This is supposed to be character by itself rather than an accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyright} \comment{The copyright sign `\textcopyright', similar to a small letter `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordfeminine} \comment{The raised letter `\textordfeminine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{copyleft} \comment{The reversed copyright sign `\textcopyleft', similar to a small reversed `C' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{logicalnot} \comment{The logical not sign `\textlnot'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circledP} \comment{A small letter `P' enclosed by a circle, `\textcircledP', unavailable in most fonts.} \endsetslot \setslot{registered} \comment{The registered trademark sign `\textregistered', similar to a small letter `R' enclosed by a circle.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciimacron} \comment{An ASCII-style macron `\textasciimacron'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{degree} \comment{The degree sign `\textdegree'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plusminus} \comment{The plus or minus sign `\textpm'.} \endsetslot \setslot{twosuperior} \comment{The raised digit `\texttwosuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threesuperior} \comment{The raised digit `\textthreesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciiacute} \comment{An ASCII-style acute `\textasciiacute'. This is supposed to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.} \endsetslot \setslot{mu} \comment{The lowercase Greek letter `\textmu', intended for use as a prefix `micro' in physical units.} \endsetslot \setslot{paragraph} \comment{The paragraph mark `\textparagraph'.} \endsetslot \setslot{periodcentered} \comment{The centered period `\textperiodcentered'.} \endsetslot \setslot{referencemark} \comment{The reference mark `\textreferencemark', similar to a combination of the `multiply' and `divide' symbols.} \endsetslot \setslot{onesuperior} \comment{The raised digit `\textonesuperior'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ordmasculine} \comment{The raised letter `\textordmasculine'.} \endsetslot \setslot{radical} \comment{The radical sign `\textsurd', unavailable in most fonts. Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.} \endsetslot \setslot{onequarter} \comment{The fraction `\textonequarter'.} \endsetslot \setslot{onehalf} \comment{The fraction `\textonehalf'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threequarters} \comment{The fraction `\textthreequarters'.} \endsetslot \ifisglyph{euro}\then \setslot{euro} \comment{The European currency sign, similar to `\texteuro'.} \endsetslot \Else \setslot{Euro} \comment{The European currency sign, similar to `\texteuro'.} \endsetslot \Fi \setslot{Euro} \comment{This just makes sure that any glyph labelled `Euro' in the font gets encoded. The TS1 encoding will use the previous slot when the font is actually used by tex. At least, I think so. That is, since we've got spare slots in this encoding, we can use them to enable `either... or...' encoding options both for reencoding the fonts for fontinst and for the tex encodings. (?!)} \endsetslot \setslot{euro} \comment{This just makes sure that any glyph labelled `euro' in the font gets encoded. The TS1 encoding will use the previous slot when the font is actually used by tex. At least, I think so. That is, since we've got spare slots in this encoding, we can use them to enable `either... or...' encoding options both for reencoding the fonts for fontinst and for the tex encodings. (?!)} \endsetslot \nextslot{214} \setslot{multiply} \comment{The multiplication sign `\texttimes'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~215, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was considered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \nextslot{246} \setslot{divide} \comment{The divison sign `\textdiv'. This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~247, but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was onsidered too late to change it.} \endsetslot \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsubsection{ucdotalt.etx}\label{subsubsec:ucdotalt} % % \iffalse %<*ucdotalt> % \fi % \begin{encoding}{ucdotalt.etx} % \begin{macrocode} \relax \encoding \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1.alt} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1.alt} \ifisint{letterspacing}\then \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.altspaced} \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1.altspaced|, but you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in the typeset output.} \Fi \Fi \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1.alt} \endencoding % \end{macrocode} % \end{encoding} % \iffalse % % \fi % %\Finale