# Copyright (C) 2002-09 Stephane Galland # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =pod =head1 NAME Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme - A theme for the HTML generator =head1 SYNOPSYS use Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme ; my $gen = Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme->new( bib2html, target, title, phpgen, webgen ) ; =head1 DESCRIPTION Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme is a Perl module, which proposes a documentation theme for the HTML generator of bib2html. This theme generates something like javadoc. =head1 GETTING STARTED =head2 Initialization To start a generator script, say something like this: use Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme; my $gen = Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::DynaTheme->new( { 'VERSION' => '0.11' }, "./phpdoc", "Title", 1, 1 ) ; ...or something similar. Acceptable parameters to the constructor are: =over =item * bib2html (hash) contains some data about bib2html. =item * target (string) The directory in which the documentation must be put. =item * title (string) is the title of the documentation. =item * phpgen (boolean) indicates if the PHP doc was generated =item * webgen (boolean) indicates if the WEB doc was generated =item * lang (object ref) is a reference to the language object. =back =head1 METHOD DESCRIPTIONS This section contains only the methods in Html.pm itself. =over =cut package Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme::Dyna; @ISA = ('Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme'); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION); use Exporter; use Carp ; use Bib2HTML::Generator::Theme ; use Bib2HTML::General::Verbose ; use Bib2HTML::General::Error ; use Bib2HTML::General::HTML ; use Bib2HTML::General::Misc ; #------------------------------------------------------ # # Global vars # #------------------------------------------------------ # Version number of Dyna theme my $VERSION = "4.0" ; #------------------------------------------------------ # # Constructor # #------------------------------------------------------ sub new($$$$$$$) { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ ) ; $self->{'COPY_FILES'} = [ 'stylesheet.css', 'minus.gif', 'plus.gif', 'child.gif', 'lastchild.gif', 'samechild.gif', 'emptychild.gif', ] ; $self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} = 0 ; $self->{'TREE_ID_COUNT'} = 0 ; bless( $self, $class ); return $self; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Validation # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * getMyValidHTML() Replies the list of W3C protocols for which this theme was validated. You must override this method. =cut sub getMyValidHTML() { my $self = shift ; return ( 'html', 'css' ) ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Main structure # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * get_html_header() Replies the HTML header of each page. Takes 1 arg: =over =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory =back =cut sub get_html_header($) : method { my $self = shift ; my $rootdir = $_[0] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; return join( '', "\n", # JavaScript "\n" ) ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Structural element API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * get_tree_node() Replues the HTML string for the specified tree. a list. Takes 2 args: =over =item * node (string) is the string that is the root of the tree. =item * subs (string) is an HTML string that describes the children. =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory. =back =cut sub get_tree_node($$$) { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; $text =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+/ /g ; return $self->SUPER::get_tree_node($text,$_[1],$_[2]) ; } =pod =item * get_tree_leaf() Replies a line of a tree which will be displayed inside a list. Takes 1 args: =over =item * node (string) is the string that is the root of the tree. =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory. =back =cut sub get_tree_leaf($$) { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; $text =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+/ /g ; return $self->SUPER::get_tree_leaf($text,$_[1]) ; } =pod =item * get_tree() Creates a tree. Takes 2 or 3 args: =over =item * tree (hash) is the tree =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory =item * root label (optional string) is the label of the root node =back =cut sub get_tree($$;$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $tree = $_[0] || confess( "you must supply the tree" ) ; my $rootdir = $_[1] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; my $defaultRootLabel = $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_THEME_TREE_ROOT'); my $rootlabel = $_[2] || $defaultRootLabel; $tree = { $rootlabel => $tree } ; return $self->__get_dyna_tree__( $tree, $rootdir ) ; } sub __get_dyna_tree__($$) { my $self = shift ; my $rootdir = $_[1] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; my ($prevs,$lines,$max) = $self->__get_dyna_tree_rec__(@_) ; my $content = '' ; foreach my $prev (@{$prevs}) { $content .= join( '', "
\n" ) ; } my $tblheader = "\n" ; my $tblfooter = "
\n" ; my $tablecontent = "" ; foreach my $line (@{$lines}) { my $iddata = pop @{$line} ; my $count = $max ; my $linecontent = '' ; while (@{$line}) { my $cell = shift @{$line} ; if (($cell)&&("$cell" eq "[-]")) { # Add a collapse button confess( 'empty id when collapsable node' ) unless $iddata->{'open'} ; $count -- ; $linecontent .= join( '', "", $self->href( "javascript:swaptree('".$iddata->{'open'}."')", "\"-\"{'open'}."plusminus\" width=\"11\" ". "height=\"11\" border=\"0\">" ), "" ) ; } elsif (($cell)&&($cell eq '[ ]')) { # Add a white space $count -- ; $linecontent .= join( '', "", "\"", "" ) ; } elsif (($cell)&&($cell eq '[+]')) { # Add a tee $count -- ; $linecontent .= join( '', "", "\"+\"", "" ) ; } elsif (($cell)&&($cell eq '[|]')) { # Add a vertical bar $count -- ; $linecontent .= join( '', "", "\"|\"", "" ) ; } elsif (($cell)&&($cell eq '[\\]')) { # Add a corner $count -- ; $linecontent .= join( '', "", "\"\\\"", "" ) ; } elsif (($cell)&&($count>0)) { # Add a text $linecontent .= join( '', "", $cell, "" ) ; $count = 0 ; } } # Add the line if ($linecontent !~ /^\s*$/m) { # Test if a table header was needed $tablecontent = "$tblheader" unless ($tablecontent) ; # Add the line $tablecontent .= "$linecontent" ; # Close the table if on a block bound if ((!isemptyarray($iddata->{'closes'}))|| ($iddata->{'open'})) { $content .= "$tablecontent$tblfooter" ; $tablecontent = "" ; } # Put the block's open/close actions if (!isemptyarray($iddata->{'closes'})) { for(my $i=0; $i<@{$iddata->{'closes'}}; $i++) { $content .= "" ; } } if ( $iddata->{'open'} ) { $content .= "
{'open'}."\">" ; } } } if ($tablecontent) { $content .= "$tablecontent$tblfooter" ; } return $content ; } sub __get_dyna_tree_rec__($$) { my $self = shift ; my $rootdir = $_[1] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; my @content = () ; my @prev = () ; my $max = 0 ; if ( ! isemptyhash( $_[0] ) ) { my @keys = keys %{$_[0]}; @keys = sortbyletters(@keys) ; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#keys; $i++) { my $nodename = $keys[$i] ; my $oid = '' ; # Gets the children my ($child_prev,$child_content,$child_max) = $self->__get_dyna_tree_rec__( $_[0]->{$nodename}, $rootdir ) ; # Computes the collpasing icon my $collaps = '' ; if ( ! isemptyarray( $child_content ) ) { $collaps = '[-]' ; # Computes the tags just before the tree # This tag permits to undisplay the $id area $self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ++ ; $oid = "treeoverviewid".$self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ; push @prev, $oid ; } push @prev, @{$child_prev} ; # Adds this node to the array push @content, [ "$collaps", " $nodename", { 'open' => $oid, 'closes' => [] } ] ; $max = 2 ; # Adds the children my @subcontent = () ; my $found = 0 ; for(my $j=$#{$child_content}; $j>=0; $j--) { my $next = $child_content->[$j][0] ; my $icon = '[ ]' ; if ( $found ) { if ( ( ! $next ) || ( $next eq '[-]' ) ) { $icon = '[+]' ; } else { $icon = '[|]' ; } } elsif ( ( ! $next ) || ( $next eq '[-]' ) ) { $found = 1 ; $icon = '[\\]' ; } unshift @subcontent, [ $icon, @{$child_content->[$j]} ] ; if ( $max < (@{$child_content->[$j]}-1) ) { $max = @{$child_content->[$j]}-1 ; } } push @content, @subcontent ; if ( $oid ) { push( @{$content[$#content]->[$#{$content[$#content]}]->{'closes'}}, $oid ) ; } } } return (\@prev,\@content,$max) ; } =pod =item * build_linked_tree() Creates a tree with links between nodes. Takes 1 arg: =over =item * tree (array) is the tree =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory =back =cut sub build_linked_tree($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $tree = $_[0] || confess( "you must supply the tree" ) ; my $rootdir = $_[1] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; my $content = "" ; if ( $#{$tree} >= 0 ) { my $end = '' ; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#{$tree}; $i++ ) { my $class = $tree->[$i] ; $self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ++ ; my $id1 = "classtreeid".$self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ; $self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ++ ; my $id2 = "classtreeid".$self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ; $content .= join( '', "
\n", "
\n", "", "", "
" ) ; if ( $i < $#{$tree} ) { $content .= join( '', $self->href( "javascript:swaptree2('".$id1."','".$id2."')", "\"-\"" ), " " ) ; } $content .= join( '', $class, "
" ) ; if ( $i < $#{$tree} ) { $content .= join( '', "
", "\"-\"", "
" ) ; } $content .= join( '', "
") ; $end .= "
" ; } $content .= $end ; } return $content ; } =pod =item * build_detail_section_title() Replies title of an detail section. Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the section. =item * label (string) is the label of the title bar. =back =cut sub build_detail_section_title($$) : method { my $self = shift ; return join( '', "", "

", "
", $_[0] || '', "

\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_class_detail() Replies the detail for a class. Takes 3 args: =over =item * classname (string) is the name of the class =item * extends (string) is the name of extended class. =item * explanation (string) is the description of the function. =item * details (string) contains some details on this function. =back =cut sub build_class_detail($$$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $classname = $_[0] || confess( 'you must supply the classname' ) ; my $extends = $_[1] || '' ; my $explanation = $_[2] || '' ; my $details = $_[3] || '' ; return join( '', "
", $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_CLASS'), " $classname", ( $extends ? "
". $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_EXTENDS'). " $extends
\n" : '' ), "

", $explanation, "

\n", $details, "\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_function_detail() Replies the detail for a function. Takes 5 args: =over =item * key_name (string) is the keyname of the function. =item * name (string) is the name of the function. =item * signature (string) is the signature of the function. =item * explanation (string) is the description of the function. =item * details (string) contains some details on this function. =back =cut sub build_function_detail($$$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $kname = $_[0] || confess( 'you must supply the keyname' ) ; my $name = $_[1] || confess( 'you must supply the name' ) ; my $signature = $_[2] || confess( 'you must supply the signature' ) ; my $explanation = $_[3] || confess( 'you must supply the explanation' ) ; my $details = $_[4] || '' ; return join( '', "

", $name, "


", $explanation, "

\n", $details, "
" ) ; } =pod =item * build_detail_part() Replies a detail part. Takes 3 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the section. =item * separator (string) is the separator of the elements. =item * elements (array ref) is the whole of the elements. =back =cut sub build_detail_part($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; if ( $#{$_[2]} >= 0 ) { my $content = join( '', "
" ) ; my $i = 0 ; $content .= "
    " if ( $_[1] =~ /
  • /i ) ; foreach my $e (@{$_[2]}) { if ( $_[1] =~ /
  • /i ) { $content .= "
  • " ; } elsif ( $i > 0 ) { $content .= $_[1] ; } $content .= $e ; $content .= "
  • " if ( $_[1] =~ /
  • /i ) ; $i ++ ; } $content .= "
" if ( $_[1] =~ /
  • /i ) ; $content .= "
  • \n" ; return $content ; } else { return "" ; } } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Paragraph API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * frame_subpart() Replies a subpart of a frame Takes 3 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the part. =item * text (array) is the content of the frame. =item * rootdir (string) is the path to the root directory. =back =cut sub frame_subpart($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $rootdir = $_[2] || confess( 'you must supply the root directory' ) ; $self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ++ ; my $id = "treeid".$self->{'FRAME_TREE_ID_COUNT'} ; my $content = "

    \n" ; $content .= $self->href( "javascript:swaptree('".$id."')", "\"-\"" ) ; $content .= join( '', ( $title ? ' '.html_add_unsecable_spaces($title)."
    \n" : '' ), "
    " ) ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { for(my $i=0; $i<=$#{$_[1]}; $i++) { my $item = html_add_unsecable_spaces( $_[1][$i] ) ; $content .= join( '', "", "
    \"-\" ", $item, "
    \n" ) ; } } $content .= "
    \n\n" ; return $content ; } =pod =item * frame_window() Replies a frame Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the frame. =item * text (string) is the content of the frame. =back =cut sub frame_window($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $text = $_[1] || '' ; return join( '', ( $title ? "


    \n\n" : '' ), $text ) ; } =pod =item * small() Replies a text with a small size. Takes 1 arg: =over =item * text (string) =back =cut sub small($) { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; return join( '', "", $text, "\n" ) ; } =pod =item * tiny() Replies a text with a tiny size. Takes 1 arg: =over =item * text (string) =back =cut sub tiny($) { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; return join( '', "", $text, "\n" ) ; } =pod =item * section() Replies a section Takes 3 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the new section. =item * content (string) is the content of the new section =item * root (string) is the root directory for the generated documentation. =back =cut sub section($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || confess( 'you must specify the title' ) ; my $content = $_[1] || '' ; my $rootdir = $_[2] || confess( 'you must specify the root directory' ) ; return join( '', "

    ", "\n", "\n", "
    ", $title, "
    ", $content, "
    \n" ) ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Array API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * build_onecolumn_array() Replies an one-column array. Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the array =item * cells (array ref) is the content of the returned cells. =back =cut sub build_onecolumn_array($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $content = '' ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { foreach my $cell (@{$_[1]}) { $content .= join( '', "", $cell, "\n" ) ; } } return join( '', "

    ", "", "", "\n", $content, "\n
    ", $title, "
    \n\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_twocolumn_array() Replies an two-column array. Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the array =item * cells (array ref) is the content of the returned cells. =back =cut sub build_twocolumn_array($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $content = '' ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { for(my $i=0; $i<=$#{$_[1]}; $i++) { if ( ( ishash($_[1][$i]) ) && ( ! isemptyhash($_[1][$i]) ) ) { $content .= join( '', "", $_[1][$i]->{'name'}, "", $_[1][$i]->{'explanation'}, "" ) ; } } } return join( '', "

    ", "", "", "\n", $content, "\n
    ", $title, "
    \n\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_small_array() Replies an small one-column array. Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the array =item * cells (array ref) is the content of the returned cells. =back =cut sub build_small_array($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $content = '' ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { foreach my $cell (@{$_[1]}) { $content .= join( '', "", $cell, "\n" ) ; } } return join( '', "

    ", "", "", "\n", $content, "\n
    ", $title, "
    \n\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_tiny_array() Replies a tiny one-column array. Takes 2 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the array =item * cells (array ref) is the content of the returned cells. =back =cut sub build_tiny_array($$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $content = '' ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { foreach my $cell (@{$_[1]}) { $content .= join( '', "", $cell, "\n" ) ; } } return join( '', "

    ", "", "", "\n", $content, "\n
    ", $title, "
    \n\n" ) ; } =pod =item * build_threecolumn_array() Replies an two-column array. Takes 3 args: =over =item * title (string) is the title of the array =item * cells (array ref) is the content of the returned cells. =item * anchor (string) is the name of the anchor. =back =cut sub build_threecolumn_array($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $title = $_[0] || '' ; my $content = '' ; if ( ( isarray($_[1]) ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]) ) ) { for(my $i=0; $i<=$#{$_[1]}; $i++) { if ( ( ishash($_[1][$i]) ) && ( ! isemptyhash($_[1][$i]) ) ) { $content .= join( '', "", $_[1][$i]->{'type'}, "", $_[1][$i]->{'name'}, "
    \n", $_[1][$i]->{'explanation'}, "" ) ; } } } return join( '', "

    ", "", "", "\n", $content, "\n
    ", $title, "
    \n\n" ) ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Navigation API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * get_navigation_bar() Replies the navigation bar. Takes 3 args: =over =item * url (string) is the url of the generated page. =item * params (hash ref) is a set of parameters used to generate the bar. =item * root (string) is the root directory for the generated documentation. =back =cut sub get_navigation_bar($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; my $thispage = $_[0] || confess( 'the url must be provided' ) ; my $rootdir = $_[2] || confess( "the rootdir must be supplied" ) ; confess( 'params is not an associative aray' ) unless (ishash($_[1])) ; my $overview = "".$self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_OVERVIEW')."" ; my $tree = "".$self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_TREE')."" ; my $index = "".$self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_INDEX')."" ; my $newbuttons = ''; my $prev = html_uc( $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_PREV') ) ; my $next = html_uc( $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_NEXT') ) ; if ( ! $_[1]{'overview'} ) { $overview = $self->ext_wt_href('overview-summary',$overview,$rootdir) ; } if ( ! $_[1]{'tree'} ) { $tree = $self->ext_wt_href('overview-tree',$tree,$rootdir) ; } if ( $_[1]{'index'} ) { $index = $self->href( htmlcatfile( $rootdir, $self->filename('index',0) ), $index, $self->browserframe('index') ) ; } if ( $_[1]{'previous'} ) { $prev = $self->href($_[1]{'previous'},$prev) ; } if ( $_[1]{'next'} ) { $next = $self->href($_[1]{'next'},$next) ; } if ( $_[1]{'notree'} ) { $tree = "" ; } else { $tree = " $tree \n" ; } # new buttons if ( ( $_[1]{'userdef'} ) && ( ! isemptyarray($_[1]->{'userdef'}) ) ) { foreach my $button (@{$_[1]->{'userdef'}}) { if ( ($button->{'url'}) && ($button->{'label'}) ) { my $str = $self->href($button->{'url'}, $self->{'LANG'}->get($button->{'label'})) ; $newbuttons .= " $str \n" ; } } } my $content = join( '', "\n", "\n", "\n", # Name of the doc "\n\n", # Second row "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "
    \n", # First row "\n", "\n", "\n", $tree, $newbuttons, "\n", "\n
     $overview  $index 
    \n", "
    ", $self->{'TITLE'}, "
    ", "$prev  $next", "", $self->ext_href('main_index',"". uc( $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_FRAMES') ). "",$rootdir), "  ", $self->href($thispage,"". uc( $self->{'LANG'}->get('I18N_LANG_NO_FRAME') ). "", $self->browserframe('main_index')), " 
    \n" ) ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Filename API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * copy_files() Copies some files from the bib2html distribution directly inside the HTML documentation tree. =cut sub copy_files() : method { my $self = shift ; $self->SUPER::copy_files() ; my @pack = File::Spec->splitdir( __FILE__ ) ; pop @pack ; push @pack, 'Dyna' ; foreach my $file (@{$self->{'COPY_FILES'}}) { Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::two( "Copying $file..." ) ; Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::three( "\tfrom ".File::Spec->catdir(@pack) ) ; Bib2HTML::General::Verbose::three( "\tto ".$self->{'TARGET_DIR'} ) ; my $from = File::Spec->catfile(@pack, $file) ; filecopy( $from, File::Spec->catfile($self->{'TARGET_DIR'},$file) ) or Bib2HTML::General::Error::syserr( "$from: $!\n" ); } } 1; __END__ =back =head1 COPYRIGHT (c) Copyright 2002-09 Stéphane Galland , under GPL. =head1 AUTHORS =over =item * Conceived and initially developed by Stéphane Galland Egalland@arakhne.orgE. =back =head1 SEE ALSO bib2html.pl