(C) Ideal Fonts 1998 and Inter deposit registration. Pleased to give you few informations (not too much! still stay simple) about the stuff in this directory. This directory freely is provided by IDEAL FONTS 4, avenue Cadoux-Girault F-92270 Bois-Colombes FRANCE Tel-fax: (331) email: idealfonts@usa.net Currently you will find in this directory: For Textures users ================== - Basic LaserWriter metrics to use with LaTeX T1 fontencoding (ready to use with an automatic installer). - All LaTeX files (with automatic installer too), need to rebuild the format. - LaTeX stuff to use the free Adobe EuroFonts (to download separately) and then be able to print \texteuro in PostScript (usual families and usual shapes). It includes the "euro" package. - The VDC folder: a 1 month demonstration version of the famous Virtual DC fonts (VDC) for Textures, for Plain TeX or LaTeX. V V DDDD CCC V V D D C V V D D C V DDDD CCC FONTS from IDEAL FONTS Don't hesitate to ask us for any more information. =====================================================================