% [christianne-debbie.mac]
  %  2015.11  for key chain + box
  % I only define the ones I need, debbie is written in CHIPEWYAN [p. 619m Writing Systems of the World]

\font\creeA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 15pt
\font\creeAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 20pt
\font\creeAAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 25pt
\font\creeAAAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 30pt
\font\creeAAAAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 35pt
\font\creeAAAAAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 40pt
\font\creeAAAAAAA = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 45pt

\font\creeB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 50pt
\font\creeBB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 55pt
\font\creeBBB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 60pt
\font\creeBBBB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 65pt
\font\creeBBBBB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 70pt
\font\creeBBBBBB = [/home/morris/MY-FONTS/oskiwbold.ttf] at 75pt

% for Christianne: Cree 
\def\sf{\char"1422}     %  final s
\def\a{\kern -1.0truept \char"140A} 
\def\nf{\char"1423}    %  final n

% for Debbie Chipewan