%#!make chemobabel.pdf
%% This document describes the usage of `chemobabel.sty',
%% a LaTeX package for generating chemical structural formulas
%% using Open Babel and Inkscape.
%% Copyright 2014-2022 Acetaminophen (Hironobu YAMASHITA)
%% Email : h.y.acetaminophen[a t]gmail.com
%% GitHub : https://github.com/aminophen
%% Blog : http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/
%% Twitter : @aminophen
pdftitle={User Manual for chemobabel.sty},%
pdfauthor={Hironobu Yamashita (Acetaminophen)},%
pdfsubject={TeX \& LaTeX Advent Calendar 2014},%
pdfkeywords={chemistry,open babel,chemdraw,smiles}]{hyperref}
% --- Change the style of captions
% --- (Japanese jsarticle style => English style)
\sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
% --- XyMTeX logo definition
% --- misc
\def\Lver#1{\Lpack{chemobabel} #1}
% ------
\title{\Lpack{chemobabel} \\[1ex]
\normalsize --- Chemical Structures from MDL Molfiles,
ChemDraw Files or SMILES Notations --- \\
% 化学構造式をMOLファイルやChemDrawファイル,SMILES表記法から自動生成
\author{Hironobu Yamashita (@aminophen)}
This document (\jobname.pdf) describes the usage of \Lpack{chemobabel.sty},
a \LaTeX\ package for \textbf{generating chemical structural formulas}
to be inserted in your documents.
The formulas can be generated \textbf{from many kinds of chemical data
formats}, including MDL Molfiles, ChemDraw files and even from
SMILES notations, with the help of Open Babel.
The formulas below are generated using this method.\footnote{Unless
otherwise noted, this documentation used \Lcode{\input{obversion.txt}}}
この文書では,\textbf{化学構造式を生成}して\LaTeX の文書中に挿入するための
構造式はOpen Babelの機能を利用することにより,MDL Molfile, ChemDrawファイル,
For English documentation, please refer to chemobabel-en.pdf.
\chemobabel[width=65mm]{draw/Firefly luciferin.mol}{} \quad
\chemobabel*[width=90mm]{draw/Brevetoxin A.mol}
\caption{Firefly luciferin \& Brevetoxin A (from MDL Molfiles)}
\chemobabel[width=80mm]{draw/ATP.cdx}{} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) \& Glucose (from ChemDraw files)}
Note: with Open Babel 3.1.1 the chemical structure of ATP from the .cdx file
becomes wrong.\\ See \url{https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel/issues/338}
\smilesobabel[width=36mm]{CCO}{} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel*[width=40mm]{CC(C(=O)O)N} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{Ethanol, Alanine \& (1\textit{S},3\textit{S})-3-Methylcyclopentanol (from SMILES notations)}
\smilesobabel*[width=30mm]{CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) \& $\alpha$-\textsc{d}-Glucose (from SMILES notations)}
%This package is maintained on GitHub:\par
%If you have questions, please let me know.
%Also available on CTAN:
%CTANからも入手可能です →
%Distributed with \TeX\ Live and MiK\TeX.
%Below is a short description for CTAN:\par
%\TeX\ LiveやMiK\TeX でも配布されています。
This package provides a way to convert and include
chemical structure graphics from various chemical formats,
such as ChemDraw files, MDL molfile or SMILES notations
using Open Babel.
To use this \LaTeX\ package, it is necessary to enable execution
of the following external commands via \Lcode{latex -shell-escape}.
\item \Lcode{obabel} (Open Babel)
\item \Lcode{inkscape} or \Lcode{rsvg-convert}
(for SVG -> PDF/EPS conversion)
\item \Lcode{pdfcrop} or \Lcode{ps2eps}
(optional; for cropping large margins of PDF/EPS)
\subsection{Motivation for Development}
As you already know, \LaTeX\ is being used all over the world.
However, when it comes to drawing chemical strucutral formulas,
ways of inserting formulas into \LaTeX\ documents are very limited.
I think it is mainly due to lack of both reliable and simple methods
of doing this that many of the researchers in chemistry are reluctant
to use \LaTeX\ system.
ご存じのとおり,\LaTeX は世界中で使われています。
\LaTeX 文書中に構造式を挿入する手段は非常に限られています。
多くの研究者が\LaTeX システムを使わない要因になっていると考えられます。
Some \TeX/\LaTeX\ macros and packages are already available from
\item \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xymtex}{\XyMTeX}:
a set of packages for drawing chemical structural formulas
\item \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/chemfig}{\Lpack{chemfig}}:
a package which draws molecules using \TikZ
These packages are reliable and almost all kinds of structural formulas
can be drawn in a consistent way. However, a lot of practice will be
required before one can come to make full use of them.
\item \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xymtex}{\XyMTeX}:
\item \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/chemfig}{\Lpack{chemfig}}:
\TikZ を利用して構造式を描画するパッケージ
You can also insert structural formulas with \verb|\includegraphics| of
PDF or EPS files exported from special softwares for chemists, such as
and other similar programs.
In this case, you have to save files in both chemical formats
(such as \verb|.cdx| or \verb|.mol|) and graphical formats
(\verb|.pdf| or \verb|.eps|) manually.
この場合,化学用のフォーマット(\verb|.cdx| や \verb|.mol| など)と
画像フォーマット(\verb|.pdf| や \verb|.eps| など)の両方で保存する必要があります。
This new package, \Lpack{chemobabel.sty}, will offer a new choice for
chemists who need chemical structures inserted in their \LaTeX\ documents.
In this method, we use \href{http://openbabel.org/}{Open Babel} for
generating chemical structural formulas in SVG format,
and \href{https://inkscape.org/en/}{Inkscape} for converting SVG to PDF/EPS.
Both programs are open source and cross-platform, and being actively maintained.
新しいパッケージ \Lpack{chemobabel.sty} は,\LaTeX 文書中に化学構造式を
この方法では,\href{http://openbabel.org/}{Open Babel}によって
\paragraph{About Open Babel}
Open Babel is a toolbox specially designed to handle many kinds of
chemical data. It is an open, collaborative project allowing anyone to search,
convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry,
solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas.
See \href{http://openbabel.org/}{Official Website} for detail.
\paragraph{Open Babelについて}
Open Babelはさまざまな化学データを扱うために特別に設計されたツールです。
\subsection{Idea and Approach}
First I found a post on Noel O'Blog \cite{NOB1}, \cite{NOB2} and
the comment \cite{JLA} about generating chemical structural formulas
from SMILES notations using Open Babel.
I thought the method described in these posts were very interesting,
but I didn't like all the programs could be executed by
\verb|-shell-escape| option.
At the same time, I encountered a macro for copying all
\verb|\includegraphics| from one source file to another \cite{OKU},
which made me conceive of an idea of extracting minimal source code
which needs \verb|-shell-escape| option.
I thought this method would be applicable to converting ChemDraw files into
graphics, but I could not find any project attempting to realize this idea.
I found a project named
\href{http://chemdrawinlatex.sourceforge.net/}{Chemdraw in \LaTeX}
on Sourceforge, but now it was closed.
This drove me to develop a new package to simplify the process for
inserting chemical structural formulas into \LaTeX\ documents.
最初にOpen Babelを用いてSMILES表記から化学構造式を生成するという
Noel O'Blog の記事\cite{NOB1}, \cite{NOB2}とコメント\cite{JLA}を見つけました。
すべてのプログラムが \verb|-shell-escape| オプションによって実行されて
それと同じころ,あるソース中の \verb|\includegraphics| を
このとき私は \verb|-shell-escape| が必要な最小のコードだけを抽出する
\href{http://chemdrawinlatex.sourceforge.net/}{Chemdraw in \LaTeX}は
すでに終了していました。そこで,化学構造式を\LaTeX 文書中に挿入する手順を
\section{Before you begin}
\subsection{Installing dependent softwares}
First, you have to install \href{http://openbabel.org/}{Open Babel} and
(or \href{http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/download/}{librsvg}) on your
computer, and export PATH to the required command-line programs,
\Lcode{obabel} and \Lcode{inkscape} (or \Lcode{rsvg-convert}).
The package also uses \Lcode{pdfcrop} (or \Lcode{ps2eps}) to
crop large margins, but it is included in \TeX\ Live.
You can confirm by executing following commands:
初めにコンピュータに\href{http://openbabel.org/}{Open Babel}と
\Lcode{ps2eps})も利用しますが,これは\TeX\ Liveに収録されています。
%In UNIX operating system:
$ which obabel
$ which inkscape (if you choose inkscape)
$ which rsvg-convert (if you choose librsvg)
%In Windows operating system:
> where obabel
> where inkscape (if you choose inkscape)
> where rsvg-convert (if you choose librsvg)
And when you get some command echo, installation should be successful.
\subsection{Loading the package}
In the preamble of your document, declare
to load \Lpack{chemobabel} package.
The package depends on \Lpack{graphicx}.
もし(u)p\LaTeX を使っていてDVIドライバに\Lcode{dvipdfmx}を使用する場合は
ドライバオプション \verb+[dvipdfmx]+ をクラスオプション(グローバル)に
\section{Basic Usage}
\subsection{Conversion from Chemical Structure Data Files}
Suppose you have \verb|ATP.cdx|, a file with chemical structural formula
of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) drawn in ChemDraw, and
\verb|Brevetoxin A.mol|, a MDL Molfile which can be obtained from
\href{http://www.chemspider.com/}{ChemSpider} (originally \verb|9041092.mol|).
Use \verb|\chemobabel| command as follows. I put original files in a
subdirectory \Lcode{draw}, so added \Lcode{draw/} before the actual filename.
Of course you can put in the same directory with your \LaTeX\ file.
\verb|ATP.cdx| はATP(アデノシン三リン酸)の構造式を
ChemDrawで描画したファイル,\verb|Brevetoxin A.mol| は
(もとのファイル名は \verb|9041092.mol| となっています)。
\verb|\chemobabel| コマンドは本文中で以下のようにして使います。
ファイル名の前に \Lcode{draw/} を付けました。
もちろん \LaTeX ソースと同一ディレクトリに置くこともできます。
\chemobabel*[width=120mm]{draw/Brevetoxin A.mol}
Then, typeset with \verb|-shell-escape| option.
Remember to use this option, otherwise it won't allow \LaTeX\ to
call any external command-line programs, such as obabel and inkscape!
$ pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex
You will see in \verb|chemobabelimgdir| subdirectory ``chemobabelimg[NUM].pdf'',
and output file test.pdf will be Figure~\ref{fig:chem1}:
\LaTeX ファイル名がtest.texだとすると,以下のように
\verb|-shell-escape| オプションを与えてタイプセットします。
このオプションを与えることで,\LaTeX が外部プログラムである
$ platex -shell-escape test.tex
するとサブディレクトリ \verb|chemobabelimgdir| 以下に
$ dvipdfmx test.dvi
\chemobabel[width=90mm]{draw/ATP.cdx}{} \\ \vspace{1cm}
\chemobabel*[width=120mm]{draw/Brevetoxin A.mol}
\caption{Conversion from ATP.cdx and Brevetoxin A.mol}\label{fig:chem1}
%The syntax is:
\verb|\chemobabel[|\Lmeta{options}\verb|]{|\Lmeta{filename}\verb|}{|\Lmeta{obabel options}\verb|}| \\
\verb|\chemobabel| takes one optional parameter and two mandatory parameters.
\item The optional parameter \Lmeta{options} in the box brackets
is passed to \verb|\includegraphics|.
If omitted, the default ``clip,scale=1' is assumed.
\item The first mandatory parameter \Lmeta{filename} is the file name
which contains chemical structural formula.
\item The second mandatory parameter \Lmeta{obabel options}
is passed to \verb|obabel| command
(see Section \ref{depict} for some examples).
If you want to leave the second parameter empty,
a shorthand form \verb|\chemobabel*| is also available
(since \Lver{v0.9k [2022/10/09]}).
\verb|\chemobabel| は1つのオプション引数と2つの必須引数をとります。
\item 角括弧内のオプション引数は \verb|\includegraphics| に渡されます。
省略された場合は \verb|clip,scale=1| とみなされます。
\item 必須引数の1つめには化学構造式が描かれたファイル名を与えます。
\item 必須引数の2つめには \verb|obabel| に送るオプション
短縮形として \verb|\chemobabel*| を使用することもできます
(\Lver{v0.9k [2022/10/09]}以降)。
\subsection{Conversion from SMILES Notations}
You can also write SMILES notations directly in your \LaTeX\ file to be
converted into structural formulas.
For example, \verb|CCO| is the SMILES notation of ethanol, and
\verb|CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O| is that of acetaminophen (paracetamol).
Use \verb|\smilesobabel| command as follows:
\LaTeX ソースファイル中に直接SMILES表記を書き込んで,
例えば,\verb|CCO| はエタノールのSMILES表記,
\verb|CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O| はアセトアミノフェンのSMILES表記です。
\verb|\smilesobabel| コマンドを以下のようにして使います:
Again typeset with \verb|-shell-escape| option:
$ pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex
This time you will get ``smilesobabelimg[NUM].pdf'' and ``test.pdf''
as Figure~\ref{fig:smi1}.
やはり \verb|-shell-escape| オプションを付けてタイプセットします。
$ platex -shell-escape test.tex
$ dvipdfmx test.dvi
\smilesobabel{CCO}{} \quad
\caption{Conversion from SMILES notation}\label{fig:smi1}
%The syntax is:
\verb|\smilesobabel[|\Lmeta{options}\verb|]{|\Lmeta{SMILES notation}\verb|}{|\Lmeta{obabel options}\verb|}| \\
\verb|\smilesobabel*[|\Lmeta{options}\verb|]{|\Lmeta{SMILES notation}\verb|}|
The only difference from \verb|\chemobabel| is that
\Lmeta{SMILES notation} should be placed in the first braces.
You can put any kinds of SMILES notations in parameters of
\verb|\smilesobabel|, even when they contain some special characters
such as a backslash (\verb|\|) and a percent symbol (\verb|%|).
Similarly, parameters of \verb|\chemobabel| can also contain
these special characters.
\verb|\chemobabel| との唯一の違いは,中括弧の1つめにSMILES表記法の
\verb|\smilesobabel| の引数としては,任意のSMILES表記を用いることができます
(バックスラッシュ (\verb|\|) やパーセント記号 (\verb|%|) のような
なお,\verb|\chemobabel| の引数についても同様に,
\smilesobabel*[width=28mm]{Cl/C=C/Br} \quad
\noindent \textbf{Notes for users of earlier versions \Lver{v0.6 [2015/06/29]} or older}
In earlier versions of \Lpack{chemobabel}, it was necessary for users
to pay another attention when using these \LaTeX\ special characters.
However, the workaround I had suggested before was far from desirable
because ``casual \LaTeX\ users'' were forced to change category codes
of these characters manually.
To solve this problem, I improved the internal macros since \Lver{v0.7 [2015/08/26]}.
Now you can put any kinds of SMILES notations directly without worrying
about special characters (\verb|\|, \verb|%|, etc).
Note that the undesirable workaround (like changing \verb|\catcode| inside
\verb|\begingroup| ... \verb|\endgroup|) has now become rather harmful.
\noindent \textbf{\Lver{v0.6 [2015/06/29]}以前の旧バージョンのユーザに対する注意}
これらの\LaTeX で特別な意味を持つ文字に注意を払う必要がありました。
従来私が紹介してきた回避策は“カジュアルな \LaTeX ユーザ”に
この問題を解決するため,\Lver{v0.7 [2015/08/26]}以降では
これにより,\verb|\| や \verb|%| といった特別な文字を心配することなく,
従来の回避策(\verb|\begingroup| ... \verb|\endgroup| 内で \verb|\catcode| を
\subsection{Package options}
By default, \Lpack{chemobabel} converts chemical structures into
PDF images using Inkscape. However, you can switch the image format
and the conversion program if you like.
When you are using drivers which do not support PDF figures (such as dvips),
it will be helpful if \Lpack{chemobabel} converts them into EPS images.
For this purpose, you can use:
\Lpack{chemobabel} パッケージは,デフォルトでは化学構造式をInkscapeによって
The option \verb|eps| switches the image format
(that is, output format from Inkscape) into EPS (since
\Lver{v0.9d [2016/02/28]}).\footnote{Moreover, since
\Lver{v0.9l [2022/10/22]}, the package automatically switches to
EPS mode when using dvips.}
You can also change the image conversion program from ``Inkscape'' to
``rsvg-convert'' (since \Lver{v0.9e [2016/03/07]}).
The program rsvg-convert is faster than inkscape, so it will be useful.
For this purpose, use \verb|librsvg| option:
というように \verb|eps| オプションを指定すれば,内部でInkscapeから出力される
画像形式をPDFではなくEPSに変更します(\Lver{v0.9d [2016/02/28]}以降)
\footnote{\Lver{v0.9l [2022/10/22]}以降ではさらに,dvipsの場合に
また,画像変換プログラムを Inkscape から rsvg-convert に変更することもできます
(\Lver{v0.9e [2016/03/07]}以降)。
この場合は,以下のように \verb|librsvg| オプションを指定します。
The default behavior is equivalent to the \verb|pdf| and \verb|inkscape| options:
デフォルトは \verb|pdf| オプションと \verb|inkscape| オプションを
Moreover, Open Babel v2.4.0 or later versions generate images with
a rather large margin. To avoid this, the images are cropped
using \verb|pdfcrop| for PDF or \verb|ps2eps| for EPS
(since \Lver{v0.9i [2022/09/12]}).
If you want to disable this cropping, please add \verb|nocrop| option:
さらに,Open Babel v2.4.0以降で生成される画像はデフォルトで余白が大きいため,
クロップしています(\Lver{v0.9i [2022/09/12]}以降)。
これをやめたい場合は \verb|nocrop| オプションを指定してください。
\subsection{For Safer Typesetting...}
With the basic method described in Section \ref{basic},
you will get desired output in almost any situation.
However, it is sometimes NOT desirable to use \verb|-shell-escape| option,
because with that option \LaTeX\ can call \emph{any} external command-line
programs whether you like it or not.
This means that there is a chance for unknown programs to be executed,
and this can be dangerous especially in case that you don't write your
own \LaTeX\ code. To avoid this problem, I provide a workaround for
extracting all \verb|\chemobabel| and \verb|\smilesobabel| commands
to another \LaTeX\ file (Reference: \TeX\ Forum \cite{OKU}).
All you have to do is to add \verb|extract| option when loading the package:
しかし,\verb|-shell-escape| オプションを付けてタイプセットするため,
好むと好まざるとにかかわらず\LaTeX が\emph{どんな外部コマンドでも}実行
しており,これはとりわけ自分で書いた\LaTeX ソースでない場合には危険を伴います。
この問題を回避するために,\verb|\chemobabel| と \verb|\smilesobabel| コマンド
だけを別の \LaTeX ファイルに抽出するマクロを用意しています
(参考:\TeX\ Forum \cite{OKU})。
この場合は,パッケージを読み込む際に \verb|extract| オプションを付与してください。
When typesetting, usual command
$ pdflatex test.tex
can be used.
With \verb|extract| option, all \Lpack{chemobabel} does is extracting
all \verb|\chemobabel| and \verb|\smilesobabel| commands from the
original \LaTeX\ file.
You will get ``ChemFigFile.tex'' in the current directory, a minimal
\LaTeX\ source file which includes all \verb|\chemobabel| and
\verb|\smilesobabel| commands.
You can simply typeset it by
$ platex test.tex
\verb|extract| オプションを付けると,\Lpack{chemobabel}パッケージは
単に元の\LaTeX ソースから \verb|\chemobabel| と \verb|\smilesobabel| コマンド
これは元のソースに書かれていた \verb|\chemobabel| と \verb|\smilesobabel| コマンド
をすべて含む最小の \LaTeX ソースで,これは直接pdflatexでタイプセットできます。
$ pdflatex -shell-escape ChemFigFile.tex
\Lpack{graphicx}パッケージに \verb+[dvipdfmx]+ オプション
and you will get PDF figures in the same way
as described in Section \ref{basic}.
After this, typeset your own document again
(this time you should remove \verb|extract| option):
$ pdflatex test.tex
This time you will get desired output ``test.pdf''
which includes figures properly.
This method will also save you a lot of time for typesetting.
あとは \verb|extract| オプションを除去して再度
$ platex test.tex
$ dvipdfmx test.dvi
\paragraph{Note on the option \Lcode{-output-directory}}
When using the option \Lcode{-output-directory} of \TeX,
the extracted code ``ChemFigFile.tex'' goes there
but the subdirectory \verb|chemobabelimgdir| and
generated images stay in the current working directory.
To process the resulting files correctly, it would be
necessary to move files properly.
\TeX の\Lcode{-output-directory}オプションを使用すると,
サブディレクトリ \verb|chemobabelimgdir| と生成画像は
\section{Advanced Usage}
\subsection{Options for Depiction}
As I have already mentioned, in both \verb|\chemobabel| and \verb|\smilesobabel|,
you can give some \Lmeta{obabel options} in the second braces.
Here I will introduce some examples.
既に述べたとおり,\verb|\chemobabel| と \verb|\smilesobabel| の両方について,
2つめの中括弧に \Lmeta{obabel options} を与えることができます。
%executes a command which gives a formula with all carbon atoms shown:
$ obabel -:"CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O" -O smilesobabelimg[NUM].svg -xa
\smilesobabel{CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O}{-xu -xC}
%gives one without element-specific atom coloring or terminal carbon atoms:
$ obabel -:"CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O" -O smilesobabelimg[NUM].svg -xu -xC
%You can add \Lcode{-xd} option to remove filenames from ChemDraw figures with Open Babel 2.x.
%Open Babel 2.x系列でChemDrawの図からファイル名を取り除くには,\Lcode{-xd} オプションを付けます:
$ obabel -:"ATP.cdx" -O chemobabelimg[NUM].svg -xd
\smilesobabel[width=21mm]{CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O}{} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel[width=25mm]{CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O}{-xa} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{Acetaminophen (Paracetamol): Nothing, \Lcode{-xa}, \Lcode{-xu}}
SMILES: \verb|CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)O|
\smilesobabel[width=25mm]{C1[C@H](C)C[C@@H](O)C1}{} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel[width=25mm]{C1[C@H](C)C[C@@H](O)C1}{-xC} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{(1\textit{S},3\textit{S})-3-Methylcyclopentanol: Nothing, \Lcode{-xC}, \Lcode{-xt}}
SMILES: \verb|C1[C@H](C)C[C@@H](O)C1|
\smilesobabel[width=42mm]{CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl}{} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel[width=42mm]{CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl}{-xa -xu} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel[width=42mm]{CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl}{-xu -xC}
\caption{3-Ethylbenzoyl chloride: Nothing, \Lcode{-xa -xu}, \Lcode{-xu -xC}}
SMILES: \verb|CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl|
\smilesobabel[width=42mm]{CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl}{--highlight "cC=O blue"} \hspace{1cm}
\smilesobabel[width=42mm]{CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl}{-xA --genalias}
\caption{3-Ethylbenzoyl chloride: \Lcode{--highlight "cC=O blue"}, \Lcode{-xA --genalias}}
SMILES: \verb|CCc1cccc(c1)C(=O)Cl|
\chemobabel[width=65mm]{draw/Firefly luciferin.mol}{} \hspace{1cm}
\chemobabel[width=65mm]{draw/Firefly luciferin.mol}{-xa}
\caption{Firefly luciferin (from MDL Molfiles): Nothing, \Lcode{-xa}}
\chemobabel[width=70mm]{draw/ATP.cdx}{} \hspace{1cm}
\caption{ATP (from ChemDraw files): Nothing, \Lcode{-xd}}
For more details, see
\href{http://openbabel.org/docs/dev/Command-line_tools/babel.html}{obabel and babel}
\href{http://openbabel.org/docs/dev/FileFormats/SVG_2D_depiction.html}{SVG depiction (svg)}
in Open Babel documentation.
より詳細にはOpen Babel documentationの
\href{http://openbabel.org/docs/dev/Command-line_tools/babel.html}{obabel and babel}または
\href{http://openbabel.org/docs/dev/FileFormats/SVG_2D_depiction.html}{SVG depiction (svg)}を
\subsection{More complex structural formulas}
Open Babel can generate more complex structural formulas from SMILES notations.
Open BabelはSMILES表記から複雑な構造式を生成することができます。
SMILES: \verb|CN1CC[C@]23c4c5ccc(c4O[C@H]2[C@H](C=C[C@H]3[C@H]1C5)O)O|
\caption{Brevetoxin A}
SMILES (Sorry but too long): \verb|C[C@@H]1C[C@H]2[C@@H](CC(=O)O2)O[C@H]3C[C@@H]4[C@H](C[C@@H]([C@@H]5[C@@H](O4)C/C=C\C[C@@H]6[C@@H](O5)C/C=C\[C@@H]7[C@@H](O6)CCC[C@@H]8[C@@](O7)(C[C@@H]9[C@@H](O8)C[C@@H]2[C@@H](O9)[C@H](C[C@H](O2)CC(=C)C=O)O)C)C)O[C@@]3(C1)C|
However, the results are sometimes undesirable and may also be
different depending on version numbers.
Here are some examples:
Cephalostatin-1 (Example from \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_molecular-input_line-entry_system}{Wikipedia}): \\
\caption{Cephalostatin-1 (figure from Open Babel for Mac 2.3.1)}
\caption{Cephalostatin-1 (figure from Open Babel for Win 2.3.2)}
Sesamin: \verb|c1cc2c(cc1C3C4COC(C4CO3)c5ccc6c(c5)OCO6)OCO2|
\caption{Sesamin (figures from Open Babel for Mac 2.3.1; Normal and \Lcode{--gen2d})}
\caption{Sesamin (figures from Open Babel for Win 2.3.2; Normal and \Lcode{--gen2d})}
Also, Open Babel may generate wrong structures from SMILES notations.
Here we can see the formula generated from a SMILES notation lacks one double bond.
また,Open BabelはSMILES表記から誤った構造式を生成することもあります。
\caption{Firefly luciferin: exact structure from ChemSpider ID 4588411}
\caption{Firefly luciferin?: output from Open Babel for Win 2.3.2}
\caption{Firefly luciferin?: output from current Open Babel}
SMILES: \verb|C1[C@@H](N/C(=c\2/nc3c(=CC(=O)C=C3)s2)/S1)C(=O)O|
We can avoid all these problems by using \verb|\chemobabel| with \verb|.mol| or
\verb|.cdx| files, instead of \verb|\smilesobabel|.
However, the fact that many complex structures can be generated from
only one character string is very interesting, isn't it?
このような問題点は全て \verb|.mol| または \verb|.cdx| を
用意して \verb|\chemobabel| を利用することで回避できます。
\section{Note for Compatibility}
\subsection{Advantages of \Lpack{chemobabel}}
The macros \verb|\smiles| (written by Noel O'Boyle \cite{NOB1}) and
\verb|\obabel| (depends on \Lpack{graphvizObabel.sty} by
Jakob Lykke Andersen's \cite{JLA}) can be used as follows:
Noel O'Boyleさんによる \verb|\smiles| \cite{NOB1} あるいは
Jakob Lykke Andersenさんによる\Lpack{graphvizObabel.sty}が
提供する \verb+\obabel+ \cite{JLA} は以下のようにして使うことになっています:
%% ----- for \smiles command -----
\immediate\write18{obabel -:"#1" -O smilesimg\arabic{smilescounter}.png}
%% -----
%% ----- for \obabel command -----
%% -----
However, \verb|\smiles| command creates raster graphics (.png) and
has no options to pass to \verb|\includegraphics|, and \verb|\obabel| command
sometimes does not work because of lack of file extension (.pdf) and
possibility of giving errors with empty optional parameters.
These problems are solved in \verb|\smilesobabel|.
しかし,\verb|\smiles| はラスター画像 (.png) を生成して
かつ \verb|\includegraphics| に渡すオプションを扱えず,\verb|\obabel| は
拡張子 (.pdf) が欠落していたりオプション引数が空の場合にエラーが発生したり
これらの問題は \verb|\smilesobabel| では解決されています。
\section{Limitations and Alternatives}
This method relies on Open Babel for generating structural formulas,
even without drawing anything by yourself.
Of course you can modify and customize these structures to some extent,
but this method will not be suitable for fine control of the output.
Also, computer-generated formulas may sometimes be unnatural and undesirable.
Therefore this method will be useful only when you need a simple method
for inserting structural formulas with minimal modification.
If you are not satisfied with the output, consider using {\XyMTeX} or
\Lpack{chemfig} packages instead.
I also found following packages which can be used for similar purpose:
この方法はOpen Babelに依存して構造式を生成しており,
出力に満足できない場合は,\XyMTeX や\Lpack{chemfig}のようなパッケージを
\item \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/mol2chemfig}{\Lpack{mol2chemfig}}:
convert chemical structures from MDL molfile format
to \Lpack{chemfig} source code
\section{Technical information}
According to
\href{http://www.daylight.com/meetings/summerschool98/course/dave/smiles-intro.html}{SMILES Tutorial},
special characters are used in SMILES syntax are the followings:
\href{http://www.daylight.com/meetings/summerschool98/course/dave/smiles-intro.html}{SMILES Tutorial}%
\item Roman alphabets: \verb|A-Z|, \verb|a-z|
\item Numbers: \verb|1-10|
\item Brackets: \verb|[ ] ( )|
\item Others:
\item \verb|*| (unspecified atomic number)
\item \verb|.| (disconnection)
\item \verb|+| (charge sign)
\item \verb|-| (single bond or charge sign)
\item \verb|=| (double bond)
\item \verb|#| (triple bond)
\item \verb|$| (quadruple bond)
\item \verb|:| (aromatic bond)
\item \verb|%| (used when more than 10 ring closures)
\item \verb|/|, \verb|\| (configuration around double bonds)
\item \verb|@| (tetrahedral chirality)
\item \verb|>| (reaction)
It is important to prevent these characters from being translated as
\LaTeX\ special characters.
However, a backslash (\verb|\|) is a default escape character in \LaTeX,
and a percent symbol (\verb|%|) also has a special meaning as a comment character.
In \Lpack{chemobabel} (higher than v0.7), all these characters are
handled properly by changing category codes temporarily (like \verb+\verb+). \\
これらの文字が\LaTeX における特殊文字として解釈されることを防ぐ
必要がありますが,バックスラッシュ \verb|\| はデフォルトの
エスケープ文字であり,またパーセント記号 \verb|%| もコメント文字と
\Lpack{chemobabel} v0.7以上では,カテゴリーコードを一時的に変更することで
\section{Version History}
2014/12/01 v0.1 & Made public as \Lpack{smilesobabel.sty} \\
2014/12/02 v0.2 & Add options which can be passed to obabel. \\
2014/12/07 v0.3 & Change name of package: \Lpack{chemobabel.sty} \\
& Images are stored in \Lcode{chemobabelimgdir}. \\
& Add \verb|\chemobabel| command. \\
2014/12/09 v0.4 & Fix a bug: (Thanks: Yusuke Terada) \\
& Extra spaces at the end of lines are removed. \\
2014/12/20 v0.5 & Add \verb|extract| option. \\
2015/06/29 v0.6 & Improve warning messages. \\
2015/08/26 v0.7 & Solve \verb|\catcode|-related problems in \verb|\smilesobabel|. \\
2015/08/27 v0.8 & Improve \verb|\smilesobabel| a little. \\
2015/08/28 v0.9 & Improve \verb|\smilesobabel|: (Thanks: ZR) \\
& Exclude $\varepsilon$-\TeX\ dependency. \\
2015/08/29 v0.9a & Improve \verb|\chemobabel| a little. \\
2016/01/06 v0.9b & Support Lua\TeX-0.85.0 and later versions. \\
2016/02/09 v0.9c & Fix a bug; forgotten in v0.9b. \\
2016/02/28 v0.9d & Add \verb|eps| and \verb|pdf| options. \\
2016/03/07 v0.9e & Add \verb|librsvg| and \verb|inkscape| options. \\
2016/10/23 v0.9f & Incorporate \verb|extract| option into main package. \\
2018/01/23 v0.9g & Minor refactor of code. \\
2022/09/11 v0.9h & Support Inkscape version 1.0 command line syntax. \\
2022/09/12 v0.9i & Crop images before inclusion, add \verb|nocrop| option. \\
2022/09/19 v0.9j & Check shell-escape status to show better error message. \\
& This is the first release on CTAN! \\
2022/10/09 v0.9k & Add \verb|\chemobabel*| and \verb|\smilesobabel*|. \\
& Warn if a user need to run another \LaTeX. \\
& Improve \verb|[extract]| to take over user-given package options. \\
2022/10/22 v0.9l & Default to EPS mode if PDF inclusion is unsupported by the driver. \\
& Default \verb|clip| for image inclusion. \\
\item In Version 0.2, the number of parameters set in \verb|\smilesobabel| is changed!
\item From Version 0.3, the package name is changed to \Lpack{chemobabel.sty}.
\item From Version 0.7, the \verb|\catcode|-related workaround is rather harmful.
\href{http://baoilleach.blogspot.jp/2012/03/cheer-up-your-latex-with-smiles-support.html}{Cheer up your \LaTeX\ with SMILES support} -- Noel O'Blog
\href{http://baoilleach.blogspot.jp/2012/04/cheer-up-your-latex-with-smiles-support.html}{Cheer up your \LaTeX\ with SMILES support II} -- Noel O'Blog
\href{http://imada.sdu.dk/~jlandersen/}{\LaTeX: Graphviz and OpenBabel} -- Jakob Lykke Andersen
\href{http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/tex/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=1411}{文章内の画像のみを表示する方法} -- \TeX\ Forum \\
(How to extract only figures in \LaTeX\ source)
\href{http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/11/02/130624}{化学構造式を\TeX で(1):自動化による簡単生成} -- Acetaminophen's diary \\
(Chemical Structural Formula in \LaTeX\ (1): An Easy Method by Auto-generation)
\href{http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/11/02/130624}{化学構造式を\TeX で(2):自動化の注意点と解消法} -- Acetaminophen's diary \\
(Chemical Structural Formula in \LaTeX\ (2): Important Notes for Auto-generation and Solution)
\href{http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/11/05/135927}{化学構造式を\TeX で(3):補足事項} -- Acetaminophen's diary \\
(Chemical Structural Formula in \LaTeX\ (3): Supplement)
\textbf{Note}: \href{http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/}{Acetaminophen's diary} is my own blog! (Sorry, but only in Japanese)
I added a post about this package on the 8th day of \href{http://www.adventar.org/calendars/553}{\TeX\ \& \LaTeX\ Advent Calendar 2014} (in Japanese):
\item \href{http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/08/053519}{誰でも簡単! 化学構造式を\LaTeX に取り込むパッケージ} -- Acetaminophen's diary \\
(An easy way to insert chemical structural formulas into \LaTeX\ documents)