/* $Header: ngstuff.c,v 85/05/10 14:31:52 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: ngstuff.c,v $ * Revision 85/05/10 14:31:52 lwall * Prevented "Junked" or "Marked unread" when no state change. * * Revision 85/05/10 11:36:45 lwall * Branch for patches. * * Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:45:03 lwall * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd. * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "common.h" #include "term.h" #include "util.h" #include "ng.h" #include "bits.h" #include "intrp.h" #include "cheat.h" #include "head.h" #include "final.h" #include "sw.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "ngstuff.h" void ngstuff_init() { ; } /* do a shell escape */ int escapade() { register char *s; bool interactive = (buf[1] == FINISHCMD); bool docd; char whereiam[256]; if (!finish_command(interactive)) /* get remainder of command */ return -1; s = buf+1; docd = *s != '!'; if (!docd) { s++; } else { getwd(whereiam); if (chdir(cwd)) { printf(nocd,cwd) FLUSH; sig_catcher(0); } } while (*s == ' ') s++; /* skip leading spaces */ interp(cmd_buf, (sizeof cmd_buf), s);/* interpret any % escapes */ resetty(); /* make sure tty is friendly */ doshell(Nullch,cmd_buf); /* invoke the shell */ noecho(); /* and make terminal */ crmode(); /* unfriendly again */ if (docd) { if (chdir(whereiam)) { printf(nocd,whereiam) FLUSH; sig_catcher(0); } } #ifdef MAILCALL; mailcount = 0; /* force recheck */ #endif return 0; } /* process & command */ int switcheroo() { if (!finish_command(TRUE)) /* get rest of command */ return -1; /* if rubbed out, try something else */ if (!buf[1]) pr_switches(); #ifdef PUSHBACK else if (buf[1] == '&') { if (!buf[2]) { page_init(); show_macros(); } else { char tmpbuf[LBUFLEN]; register char *s; for (s=buf+2; isspace(*s); s++); mac_line(s,tmpbuf,(sizeof tmpbuf)); } } #endif else { bool docd = (instr(buf,"-d") != Nullch); char whereami[256]; if (docd) getwd(whereami); sw_list(buf+1); if (docd) { cwd_check(); if (chdir(whereami)) { /* -d does chdirs */ printf(nocd,whereami) FLUSH; sig_catcher(0); } } } return 0; } /* process range commands */ int numnum() { ART_NUM min, max; char *cmdlst = Nullch; register char *s, *c; ART_NUM oldart = art; char tmpbuf[LBUFLEN]; bool justone = TRUE; /* assume only one article */ if (!finish_command(TRUE)) /* get rest of command */ return NN_INP; if (lastart < 1) { fputs("\nNo articles\n",stdout) FLUSH; return NN_ASK; } #ifdef ARTSRCH if (srchahead) srchahead = -1; #endif for (s=buf; *s && (isdigit(*s) || index(" ,-.$",*s)); s++) if (!isdigit(*s)) justone = FALSE; if (*s) { cmdlst = savestr(s); justone = FALSE; } else if (!justone) cmdlst = savestr("m"); *s++ = ','; *s = '\0'; safecpy(tmpbuf,buf,LBUFLEN); for (s = tmpbuf; c = index(s,','); s = ++c) { *c = '\0'; if (*s == '.') min = oldart; else min = atol(s); if (minlastart) { max = lastart; if (min > max) min = max; printf("(Last article is %ld)\n",(long)lastart) FLUSH; pad(just_a_sec/3); } if (max < min) { fputs("\nBad range\n",stdout) FLUSH; if (cmdlst) free(cmdlst); return NN_ASK; } if (justone) { art = min; return NN_REREAD; } check_first(min); for (art=min; art<=max; art++) { if (perform(cmdlst,TRUE)) { #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) printf("\n(Interrupted at article %ld)\n",(long)art) FLUSH; ELSE #endif #ifdef TERSE printf("\n(Intr at %ld)\n",(long)art) FLUSH; #endif if (cmdlst) free(cmdlst); return NN_ASK; } } } art = oldart; if (cmdlst) free(cmdlst); return NN_NORM; } int perform(cmdlst,toplevel) register char *cmdlst; int toplevel; { register int ch; if (toplevel) { printf("%-6ld",art); fflush(stdout); } for (; ch = *cmdlst; cmdlst++) { if (isspace(ch) || ch == ':') continue; if (ch == 'j') { if (!was_read(art)) { mark_as_read(art); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) fputs("\tJunked",stdout); #endif } } else if (ch == 'm') { if (was_read(art)) { unmark_as_read(art); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) fputs("\tMarked unread",stdout); #endif } } else if (ch == 'M') { #ifdef DELAYMARK delay_unmark(art); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) fputs("\tWill return",stdout); #endif #else notincl("M"); return -1; #endif } else if (ch == '=') { printf("\t%s",fetchsubj(art,FALSE,FALSE)); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) ; ELSE #endif putchar('\n') FLUSH; /* ghad! */ } else if (ch == 'C') { #ifdef ASYNC_PARSE printf("\t%sancelled",(cancel_article() ? "Not c" : "C")); #else notincl("C"); return -1; #endif } else if (ch == '%') { #ifdef ASYNC_PARSE char tmpbuf[512]; cmdlst = dointerp(tmpbuf, (sizeof tmpbuf), cmdlst,":"); if (*cmdlst != ':') --cmdlst; if (perform(tmpbuf,FALSE)) return -1; #else notincl("%"); return -1; #endif } else if (index("!&sSwW|",ch)) { cmdlst = cpytill(buf,cmdlst,':') - 1; /* we now have the command in buf */ if (ch == '!') { escapade(); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) fputs("\tShell escaped",stdout); #endif } else if (ch == '&') { switcheroo(); #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) fputs("\tSwitched",stdout); #endif } else { putchar('\t'); save_article(); } } else { printf("\t???%s\n",cmdlst); return -1; } #ifdef VERBOSE fflush(stdout); #endif } if (toplevel) { #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) putchar('\n') FLUSH; ELSE #endif #ifdef TERSE putchar(' '); #endif } return 0; }