/* * Hacked for rrn */ /* $Header: addng.c,v 85/05/29 09:06:24 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: addng.c,v $ * Revision 85/05/29 09:06:24 lwall * New newsgroups without spool directories incorrectly classified as "ancient". * * Revision 85/05/10 11:30:50 lwall * Branch for patches. * * Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:34:41 lwall * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd. * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "common.h" #include "rn.h" #include "ngdata.h" #include "last.h" #include "util.h" #include "intrp.h" #include "only.h" #include "rcstuff.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "addng.h" void addng_init() { ; } #ifdef FINDNEWNG /* generate a list of new newsgroups from active file */ bool newlist(munged,checkinlist) bool munged; /* are we scanning the whole file? */ bool checkinlist; { char *tmpname; register char *s, *status; register NG_NUM ngnum; #ifndef ACTIVE_TIMES long birthof(); #endif extern char int_count; tmpname = filexp("/tmp/rnew.%$"); tmpfp = fopen(tmpname,"w+"); if (tmpfp == Nullfp) { printf(cantcreate,tmpname) FLUSH; return FALSE; } UNLINK(tmpname); /* be nice to the world */ while (fgets(buf,LBUFLEN,actfp) != Nullch) { /* Check if they want to break out of the new newsgroups search */ if (int_count) { int_count = 0; fclose(tmpfp); return FALSE; } if (s = index(buf,' ')) { status=s; while (isdigit(*status) || isspace(*status)) status++; *s++ = '\0'; if (strnEQ(buf,"to.",3) || *status == 'x' || *status == '=') /* since = groups are refiling to another group, just ignore their existence */ continue; #ifdef ACTIVE_TIMES if (inlist(buf) && ((ngnum = find_ng(buf)) == nextrcline || toread[ngnum] == TR_UNSUB) #else if (checkinlist ? (inlist(buf) && ((ngnum = find_ng(buf)) == nextrcline || toread[ngnum] == TR_UNSUB)) : (find_ng(buf) == nextrcline && birthof(buf,(ART_NUM)atol(s)) > lasttime) #endif ) { /* if not in .newsrc and younger */ /* than the last time we checked */ fprintf(tmpfp,"%s\n",buf); /* then remember said newsgroup */ } #ifdef FASTNEW else { /* not really a new group */ if (!munged) { /* did we assume not munged? */ fclose(tmpfp); /* then go back, knowing that */ return TRUE; /* active file was indeed munged */ } } #endif } #ifdef DEBUGGING else printf("Bad active record: %s\n",buf) FLUSH; #endif } /* we have successfully generated the list */ fseek(tmpfp,0L,0); /* rewind back to the beginning */ while (fgets(buf,LBUFLEN,tmpfp) != Nullch) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; get_ng(buf,TRUE); /* add newsgroup, maybe */ } fclose(tmpfp); /* be nice to ourselves */ return FALSE; /* do not call us again */ } /* return creation time of newsgroup */ long birthof(ngnam,ngsize) char *ngnam; ART_NUM ngsize; { char tst[128]; long time(); #ifdef SERVER return (ngsize < 2 ? time(0) : 0); #else not SERVER sprintf(tst, ngsize ? "%s/%s/1" : "%s/%s" ,spool,getngdir(ngnam)); if (stat(tst,&filestat) < 0) return (ngsize ? 0L : time(Null(long *))); /* not there, assume something good */ else return filestat.st_mtime; #endif } bool scanactive() { NG_NUM oldnext = nextrcline; /* remember # lines in newsrc */ fseek(actfp,0L,0); newlist(TRUE,TRUE); if (nextrcline != oldnext) { /* did we add any new groups? */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif