.../files This directory is roughly equivalent to /etc in UNIX. The files in this directory are critical for the system to run. The important files are: dayfile6.3 -- the dayfile printed out when INGRES starts up. dbtmplt6.3 -- the template for a database; this file drives creatdb. error6.3_1 error6.3_2 error6.3_3 error6.3_30 error6.3_4 error6.3_5 -- these files contain the error messages that the system prints out. grafile6.3 -- the dayfile for geoquel. proctab6.3 -- the process table. INGRES reads this to decide what programs to load. ttytype -- defines the terminal types on your system for various ports. Used by geoquel. usage -- printed out by the INGRES driver when there is something wrong. Right now it is quite short, but you could give a verbose message if that is appropriate for your user population.