Franz J. Hauck <hauck @ informatik . uni-erlangen . de> (email mangled to prevent spamming) IMMD IV Dept. of Comp. Sci University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Martensstr. 1 91058 Erlangen Germany
The IMMD IV owns the copyright of the bibliography. Any commercial use of the bibliography is strictly prohibited. The bibliography may only be copied and distributed free of charge and only for academic or research purposes. Any copy must have a notice of its origin and must be accompanied by the URL
The bibliography covers references to literature on operating systems, distributed systems, object-oriented programming, and performance analysis.
This bibliography was collected by several people at the IMMD IV, especially by Peter Schlenk, Hermann de Meer, Anja Tebbe, and Franz J. Hauck. The collection is maintained by Franz J. Hauck.