The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies
Other Bibliographies on Neural Networks
This page lists bibliographies which could not be integrated into this collection for one reason or another.
Library Information System Biblio - Neural Networks of the
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) and the
Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence (IMKAI)
at the University of Vienna, Austria.
- This is a special version of OFAI's and IMKAI's library
information system BIBLIO. It currently contains references to around
3500 books, research papers, conference papers, and journal articles
in the area of neural networks, and is being constantly extended.
- Neural Network Bibliographic Search Tools
- Bibliography of Connectionist Models with Symbolic Processing
- Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures - A Preliminary Taxonomy and Guide to Literature
- by K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar.
- Electronic
sources of information on neural networks
- provided by the Neural Networks group at
the Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica (DSI) at the Universita di
Firenze - Italy
- The CI Collection of BibTeX Databases
- is a collection of bibliographies for journals and conference series in the areas computational intelligence and neural networks.
- Bibliographies by Steve Lawrence