The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography on programming languages
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Number of references: 1832 Last update: December 16, 2008 Number of online publications: 169 Supported: yes
Most recent reference: 2009
Benjamin C. Pierce <bcpierce @ cis . upenn . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania USA
My personal bib database contains relatively complete sets of citations for several areas: static type systems for object-oriented programming languages subtyping and polymorphism extensible record typing category theory in computer science (up to 1990) concurrent languages based on process calculi pi-calculus
programming languages, type systems, subtyping, concurrency, lambda-calculus, object-oriented programming, category theory
Author Comments:
Some special BibTeX fields: checked Set to "yes" or a date if the citation has been checked against a physical copy of the document fullauthor Present in some cases where the author's name appears in abbreviated form on the actual document, but where I happened to know their full name. The portion of the name that does not appear on the document is placed in square brackets, following standard practice in some publishing houses. fulleditor Similar
inproceedings(714), article(359), book(181),
techreport(166), misc(135), incollection(95),
phdthesis(75), unpublished(59), proceedings(30),
manual(6), mastersthesis(6), conference(4), inbook(2) Fields:
title(1828), year(1808), author(1764), pages(905),
month(861), booktitle(845), publisher(577),
volume(500), number(467), note(417), journal(361),
checked(357), series(269), editor(256), address(233),
source(208), institution(168), bcp(157), plclub(155),
keys(97), school(81), type(71), key(66), fullurl(65),
keywords(50), abstract(46), url(39), fullisbn(37),
organization(35), howpublished(34), bibdate(33),
fullauthor(33), fulleditor(29), slides(28), tr(27),
annote(22), conf(21), fullissn(21), coden(19),
short(19), fullpublisher(18), ps(18), optaddress(17),
comment(16), full(16), complete(15),
acknowledgement(14), edition(13), opteditor(13),
isbn(12), place(12), dates(11), pdf(11), comments(10),
day(9), fullurlps(9), fullurldvi(8), optmonth(8),
optnote(8), references(8), chapter(7),
classification(7), department(7), callnumber(6),
doi(6), doi-url(6), reffrom(6), updated(6),
corpsource(5), ee(5), entered(5), issn(5),
realauthor(5), text(5), treatment(5), ascii(4),
backcitesprocessed(4), callno(4), fulladdress(4),
fullmonth(4), lccn(4), location(4), refsprocessed(4),
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booksubtitle(2), checkedc(2), crossrefonly(2),
editors(2), errata(2), fullchapter(2), fullplace(2),
id(2), manuscript(2), oai(2), official(2), opturl(2),
origpages(2), pedantictitle(2), pubcountry(2), puf(2),
sources(2), added-by(1), alturl(1), area(1), biburl(1),
categories(1), check(1), checkedbyjcr(1),
checkednote(1), classcodes(1), confaddress(1),
conflocation(1), conftitle(1), copyright(1),
description(1), descriptor(1), dimensions(1),
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fulllocation(1), fullorganization(1), fullseries(1),
genterms(1), hidseries(1), html(1), identifier(1),
issue(1), journam(1), language(1), lccnalt(1),
myurl(1), oldabstract(1), oldauthor(1),
oldbooktitle(1), oldnote(1), optannnote(1),
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review(1), scope(1), sjb(1), sli_ppt(1),
source-date(1), thesaurus(1), topic(1), where(1),
xnote(1), xxx-references(1) Distribution of publication dates: