This MSDOS version of the program Coxeter by Fokko DuCloux will only run if the CPU is a 386. It will run like any other dos application except that it uses 32bit extended memory and runs in protected mode. To run either have the directory which contains coxeter.exe in the path or log into that directory. Type: coxeter and follow the directions on the screen. It will run in exactly the same way as the version for a Sun. The program has been configured to only use physical memory. It can be set up to use virtual memory up to 320M depending on the amount of hard disk space available. If this feature is absolutely necessary then contact with a request for a virtual memory version of the program. In the request give the amount of disk space that can be spared (anything less than about 100M is not worthwhile). For example with 8M of physical memory and 38M of virtual memory one does not have enough memory to compute the kl polynomials for E_6. The program will also run in a window under Windows 3.0, 386 enhanced mode (thus you can do other things while it runs). In order to use it in this way you must run windows without using QEMM386 or Dos 5 EMM386. That is you should only use himem.sys. Windows limits you to 32M of virtual memory so anything beyond F_4 is probably impossible under windows.