NOTE: This list includes only the files that have been described. There are other files in this directory which are not listed here. See FILES.IDX in top level dir for a complete list without descriptions. Directory: ANSI-ESC.DOC 4K 04-05-86 Reference for ANSI escape sequences ANSILTR2.ARC 4K 05-13-89 ANSI Letter templates for The Draw 3.10/3.20 BLINK120.ARC 1K 08-29-88 TSR simulates non-blinking cursor BRNOUT.ARC 18K 06-13-88 Screen saver with variable time delay BUFFIT20.ARC 9K 03-15-89 TSR screen backscroller v2.0 CGA10.ARC 5K 05-20-89 Run CGA programs on Herc Monochrome systems CLEAR.ASM 1K 08-25-83 Fast clear screen function, Assembler code COLORIZE.ARC 2K 03-15-89 Adds color to games COLORS.ARC 13K 12-19-87 Change text colors in DOS and programs CONCPY11.ARC 5K 11-15-88 Copy screen output to file & still see it CRSR42.ARC 7K 11-11-88 Lemay's cursor routines for TP4 (req QWIK42) CRTALIGN.ARC 22K 12-14-87 Video generation to align monitor CS.ARC 2K 02-22-87 Use CGA pgm with Hercules card CURS-ON.OFF 1K 07-19-87 Turn cursor on or off CURSBLOK.ARC 10K 12-26-87 TSR turns cursor to solid block CURSOR.MOR 1K 04-05-86 more info on unblinking cursor CYLON4.ARC 1K 12-20-88 Set your cursor - 4 different choices DHPRTSCR.ARC 3K 02-04-88 Fix for CRLF bug in IBM-PC ROM bios PrtSc rtn DRIP21.ARC 6K 09-22-88 Clear screen in fashion like water dripping FCON200.ARC 245K 05-04-88 Fansi-Console enhanced kbd/scr driver, 3/28/88 FCON200M.ARC 34K 05-14-89 Fansi-Console v2.00M (needs FCON200/FCONSDOC) FCONSDOC.ARC 161K 05-04-88 Documentation for Fansi Console FLIPFLOP.ARC 2K 09-14-88 Flip back and forth between color & mono disp. HERCSV13.ARC 7K 04-09-89 Screen blanker for Hercules Graphics card HERCULES.ARC 39K 09-06-86 Hercules Mono Graphics Utilities HGCIB202.ARC 100K 10-27-87 Run CGA programs on Hercules card. v2.02 HPPS71.ARC 2K 06-12-88 Laserjet+/CGA/EGA Prt Scr driver HPRTSC.ARC 7K 01-21-88 Herc-Epson graphics screen printer (w/ASM) LASTSCRN.ARC 16K 09-11-88 TSR:Store scrn for later recall w/color v1.01 LOOK120.ARC 22K 02-21-88 Browse text file up to 120 columns/CGA M.ARC 10K 12-26-87 Quickly switch display modes MOWED.ASM 1K 01-24-84 Set video modes, assembly language source NANSI.TCP 1K 08-07-88 Unix termcap for NANSI.SYS NANSI22.ARC 49K 07-09-87 Source code & driver for NANSI (faster ANSI) NANSI24.ARC 44K 10-12-87 Improved ANSI.SYS - direct replacement, v2.4 NANSI987.ARC 26K 11-21-87 Improved ANSI.SYS - direct replacement NANSIS.ARC 17K 05-12-86 Improved ANSI.SYS - direct repl., no-snow mod. NOCURCUR.ARC 1K 11-24-87 Simple program info to turn cursor on/off PC-BW.ARC 3K 11-14-87 Utility for BW monitor on CGA cards PCBAO11.ARC 34K 10-08-87 PC-Board ANSI optimize removes un-needed code PCCURS13.ARC 93K 11-02-88 Unix compatible version of Curses screen mgmt PCURSES.ARC 350K 06-21-87 Unix compatible version of Curses screen mgmt PHOTO.ARC 5K 01-24-88 TSR EGA/CGA/TEXT Screen Capture & Replay. VG. PIPEV20.ARC 9K 06-20-88 Redirect console output to a disk file QRULER21.ARC 18K 04-11-89 Memory resident ruler bar QWIKANSI.ARC 10K 02-09-88 A fast ANSI.SYS replacement SAVSCR.ASM 36K 02-11-86 Blank screen after no activity SAVSCR.DOC 4K 02-11-86 Doc for SAVSCR.ASM SAVSCR11.LBR 26K 02-11-86 Blank screen after no activity SCRIPT.ARC 22K 03-19-88 Saves console output to a file SCRNSAV2.ARC 3K 02-13-89 TSR screen saver for PS2 systems SD21.ARC 88K 02-06-88 Screen Display generator/editor ver 2.1 SFNEC.ARC 100K 04-30-87 PRINTER UTILITIES FOR NEC 8023 SIMCGA40.ARC 13K 12-04-87 Use CGA pgms in monochrome with Hercules board SNIPPER.ARC 13K 11-01-87 Point and sheet define screen to file util SNIPPV12.ARC 18K 07-24-88 Selective screen print/write file/type to keyb SOS300.ARC 15K 02-14-89 Save/restore text screens to/from mem or disk SPS20.ARC 3K 04-23-87 Selective PrintScreen, prints selected block v STATLINE.ARC 2K 07-28-86 shows status of caps lock, num lock,etc. SV.ARC 11K 12-26-87 Utility to display screen image files TDRAW320.ARC 209K 04-21-89 The Draw. Screen generator, many options TELEPORT.ARC 12K 07-24-88 Cut and paste data between programs TERMCAP.ARC 13K 03-19-88 Unix-style termcap functions for PC w/C THEFAST.ARC 3K 12-26-88 Speeds up screen writes on PC compatibles TWOMON.ARC 2K 06-08-87 Two programs for two monitor support UNBLINK2.ARC 5K 10-15-88 TSR to turn cursor blink on and off. USE2CRTS.ARC 10K 11-09-86 Copy contents of color screen to mono USEANSI.ARC 8K 08-29-88 Short Tutorial on Using the ANSI.SYS Function VICTORY.CQR 3K 03-30-86 how to unblink the cursor VIDEO.ARC 2K 05-03-89 TSR-choose forground/background colors + mode VIDEOTST.ARC 21K 09-19-87 video test for color monitor,dots,bars etc. VIDSPD13.ARC 16K 08-29-88 Video speed performance tester ver. 1.3 VIDSPEED.ARC 14K 08-07-88 Video memory performance test WBIOS.ASM 22K 06-17-84 TSR, add window functions to BIOS WBIOS.DOC 1K 06-12-84 Doc for WBIOS.ASM XFLASH1.ARC 13K 08-29-88 Elim. CGA scroll flash w/o snow w/ASM source XPS12.ARC 9K 10-16-88 Enhance the PrtSc function of DOS ZANSI-12.ARC 28K 08-29-88 ANSI.SYS replacement - faster than NANSI,w/ASM ZENO13.ARC 9K 06-27-87 Speed up Screen writes 100 %