NOTE: This list includes only the files that have been described. There are other files in this directory which are not listed here. See FILES.IDX in top level dir for a complete list without descriptions. Directory: ALLKEYS.ARC 2K 08-29-88 Temporarily disable hotkeys of all TSRs ANARKEY1.ARC 46K 11-30-88 Command-line editor/history retrieval v1.00 ATKBRATE.ARC 2K 09-06-86 Adjust AT's keyboard autorepeat AUTOKEY.ARC 11K 02-17-89 Feeds keystrokes to keyboard from file BUF160.ASM 9K 05-02-85 Expand PC's keyboard buffer to 160 chars BUF160_4.ARC 8K 09-26-88 Expand PC's keyboard buffer to 160 chars CAPSCTRL.ASM 2K 01-19-88 Swap left shift and control key on keyboard CAPSLOCK.ARC 5K 11-09-88 aVOIDS tHIS sHIFT pROBLEM!! CED-ADDS.ARC 13K 03-07-87 Some add-ins for CED DOS command editor CED10DA.ARC 34K 06-29-88 Command editor for DOS commands CEDINS.ARC 1K 11-16-86 Modify CED v1.0D to insert mode default CEDWARS2.ARC 76K 10-05-88 Sample configs & tips for CED10D.ARC #2 COLON12.ARC 5K 09-24-88 TSR to switch keyboard colon and semi-colon COMMANDO.ARC 15K 12-18-88 Command line editor and history utility DKEY.ARC 20K 10-27-87 Keyboard redefinition DOS-EDIT.LBR 9K 06-15-86 DOS command line edit and recall DOSEXT.ARC 18K 10-18-88 History and Alias + for MS/PC-DOS ENH-KBD.INF 3K 02-17-89 Information about enhanced keyboard scan codes ENHANCED.ARC 7K 08-29-88 TSR enables full use of extended keyboard F11F12.ASM 2K 05-14-88 Program F11, F12 function keys FASTBF23.ARC 37K 03-29-89 Keyboard enhancer. 'do-it-all', many functions FIX101KY.ARC 5K 09-24-88 AT-keyboard key redefiner. w/ASM FKEY1-1.ARC 7K 10-31-87 Assign DOS commands to Function Key FKEYINS.ARC 6K 10-15-87 TSR to assign DOS commands to F-keys KBRESET.ARC 1K 11-29-87 reset kybd capslock & numlock to off KBSCAN.ARC 6K 02-26-89 Keyboard scan codes KBUF11.ARC 7K 02-12-89 TSR extends size of keyboard buffer KEY-FAKE.LBR 3K 06-06-86 Insert chars into kbd buff KEYCLEAN.ARC 5K 08-29-88 Tips for maintenance of keyboards KEYDO.ARC 3K 08-29-88 TSR allows command recall and edit KEYFAKE.ARC 10K 11-19-87 Sends simulated keystrokes to programs KEYIBM.LBR 8K 09-16-85 Function key defintion program KEYPRESS.ARC 1K 10-15-87 Batch file key reader KEYREMAP.HOW 1K 09-17-88 How to remap your keyboard layout KEYS20.ARC 58K 12-26-88 Redefine function keys w/ANSI menu driven 1.4 KEYSET13.ARC 87K 08-31-88 Keyboard Macros/Function key setter KEYUTILS.ARC 6K 09-07-88 Sets Fkeys(1-40) and convert scan codes LOCK-OFF.ARC 1K 04-19-89 Turn off keyboard NumLock/ScrollLock/CapsLock NEWKEY51.ARC 118K 03-08-89 NewKey v5.1, redefine keys, macros, much more NOOKEY!.ARC 6K 09-12-87 F-Key redifinition for hard disk use NUM-OFF.ASM 1K 05-10-88 Turn numlock off NUMLOCK.ARC 12K 04-13-87 Enable NUMLOCK key from batch file or DOS RATKEY27.ARC 14K 10-16-88 Enhanced TSR keyboard macro utility ROBOKEY.ARC 3K 10-07-87 Store keystrokes/replay at specified time SCANCHK4.ARC 18K 01-29-88 Keyboard scan code check/display SCANCODE.ARC 11K 12-05-87 Display scancode for any key STACKEY2.ARC 105K 01-08-88 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid SWAPKEY.ASM 5K 09-12-84 TSR allows swapping keys on keyboard SWPKEYAT.ASM 7K 07-10-85 TSR allows swapping keys on keyboard SWPKEYAT.DOC 3K 07-15-85 Documentation for SWAPKEYAT.ASM TAKECM31.ARC 7K 04-11-89 Command-line macros TOGGLE.ARC 3K 02-23-88 Turns on/off Caps,Num & Scroll Lock TOGKEY.ARC 6K 01-24-88 Turn Ctrl,other keys to toggles TSTKBD.ASM 1K 12-24-87 Return what type system keyboard UNCLE13.ARC 9K 01-31-89 DOS command line editor/recall, like CED VISITYPE.ARC 6K 11-19-87 Visible 80-char typeahead buffer