NOTE: This list includes only the files that have been described. There are other files in this directory which are not listed here. See FILES.IDX in top level dir for a complete list without descriptions. Directory: 22DSK124.ARC 219K 02-13-89 CP/M<->Diskette xfer, Over 100 formats. SYDEX 256FILES.ARC 40K 08-29-88 Hold open up to 256 files in DOS 3.xx 2FORMAT.ARC 1K 10-01-88 Format 2 floppys without hassles AFORMAT.ARC 2K 05-16-88 Format A & B drives without pause ALIGN.ARC 36K 11-10-86 Drive alignment prg. for techs AMPROCPM.ARC 8K 12-26-87 Read/write Ampro CP/M disks on MSDOS ANAD132.ARC 72K 03-04-89 Analyze/inspct/edt/repair/copy diskettes 1.32 AUTOPARK.ARC 7K 09-23-88 Automatically park hard disk when not in use BOOT.ARC 6K 12-03-88 Create your own custom boot records. BT105.ARC 7K 01-24-89 BootThru, allows booting HD W/diskette in A: CACHE2.ARC 3K 05-21-86 Updated version of disk caching pgm. CACHEART.ARC 17K 08-29-88 Review of disk cache programs CORE28.ARC 44K 05-23-88 Core Hard Disk Evaluator - v2.8 DCACHE.ARC 19K 09-20-88 Disk cache program from PC-Mag DCOPY.ARC 41K 07-26-88 Copy whole diskette with subdirs to file DISCACHE.ARC 9K 01-30-89 Superb Disk Cache - Conv./Exp./Ext. memory DISCEX.ARC 30K 11-15-88 Fixed disk exerciser DISKANL.ARC 5K 12-17-87 Scans diskettes and reports errors DISKBUF.ARC 22K 07-01-87 Utility to optimize BUFFERS= config DISKDUMP.ARC 11K 03-22-89 Turbo C disk dump program M.Kleiman DISKOPT.ARC 3K 03-21-89 Use to set the disk seek rate DISKORAY.ARC 16K 12-31-87 Checks floppy rotational speed DISKP.EXE 8K 04-05-86 CORE h-disk speed tests DISKREAD.ARC 91K 08-07-87 version 1.5 of disk exploration program DISKTIME.ARC 21K 08-05-87 Checks the speed of your hard drive DOG206.ARC 45K 03-14-89 DiskOrGanizer v2.06 disk defragmentizer DRVTYPES.ARC 6K 03-24-88 display drive types your AT recognizes DSKWATCH.ASM 7K 10-06-85 Report disk errors in scr window EDPART.ARC 18K 05-01-88 Edit disk partition EMMCACHE.ARC 10K 12-16-87 Cache program using extended memory. ERRMON.ARC 11K 12-31-87 Memory resident disk error monitor EZCL-V11.ARC 83K 10-01-88 Load a disk once, copy forever! FASTCOPY.ARC 12K 07-24-88 FASTCOPY program FASTCPY2.ARC 15K 05-31-87 Excellent disc copy/duplicate utility FASTFMT.ARC 20K 10-15-86 Formats a blank disk in 35 secs. FATBAK11.ARC 2K 01-24-89 Back up FAT tables. Great safety measure FBR163.ARC 15K 09-23-88 Vern Buerg's Fast Back-up Program FIX-FAT.ARC 29K 01-24-89 Tools to reconstruct floppy FAT FIXBOOT.ARC 3K 03-11-89 Fix floppy boot sectors FIXFAT.ARC 8K 01-24-89 Fix your FAT tables (text) FIX_DISK.ARC 17K 12-20-88 Disk fixers. Include swap FAT1/FAT2 FMTMAS14.ARC 63K 08-04-88 Menu driven floppy disk format utility FORMQ15.ARC 21K 12-20-88 Multiple format/verify for diskettes HD-DIAG.ARC 16K 03-26-88 NICE Hard Disk diagnostics - Super Program!! HDBACKUP.ARC 36K 06-07-88 Hard drive backup utility HDPREP.ARC 23K 12-31-85 HD format and block bad sec. util HDSENTRY.ARC 4K 05-31-87 Rudimentary HD protection (w/ASM) HDSOURCE.ARC 93K 08-22-87 PD ver of IBM's Advanced Diags w/ASM src HDTST125.ARC 88K 03-20-89 Hard disk diag & low level format supports RLL HDTST441.ARC 101K 12-03-88 The ULTIMATE in Hard Disk Testers Ver. 4.41 IAU19A.ARC 160K 09-20-88 Nondestructive hard disk interleave adj. IBUV2.ARC 38K 04-04-88 Interactive Backup Utility, Ver 2 INVIS.ARC 13K 09-30-88 lets harddisk boot with floppy in drive a: L-RMND12.ARC 39K 03-22-89 Reminds you when it's time to backup files LAN.ARC 73K 06-30-88 Floppy-based LAN w/ Pascal source MAPDSK30.ARC 70K 12-20-88 Maps all disk extents; DOS & OS/2 versns v3 NEWPARK.ARC 5K 11-08-87 Park all hard disks at last track/improved OMTIFIX.ARC 2K 08-29-88 Fix for OMTI 8620 disk controller memory prob. PALERT1.ARC 20K 06-12-88 Patriquin's low disk space warning PARK.ARC 16K 05-23-88 This will park your hard disk heads safely PARTITN.ARC 22K 11-09-88 Mainpulates partition info on hard disk v2.0 PCOPY78.ARC 86K 02-26-89 Powerful file move/copy utility PDTIMPRK.ARC 9K 09-26-87 Public Domain auto HD park, with source PERS3650.ARC 6K 01-19-88 Text file on PERSTOR HD controller PERSTORE.ARC 14K 06-06-88 Perstore disk controllers & compatible drives PKANYDSK.ARC 7K 12-14-87 Park Any Hard Disk POLYCOPY.ARC 26K 04-08-87 Convenient fast diskette duplicator PROTECT.ARC 3K 05-16-88 Toggle write-protect on hard disk QCOPY.ARC 13K 02-10-89 Another quick disk copying program QDR33D.ARC 8K 09-14-88 Fast diskette reformatter by V.Buerg QFORMAT.ARC 8K 04-22-88 Memory resident quick disk reformatter (w/ASM) RDISK2.ARC 2K 02-22-87 Ramdisk that you can install/remove with reboo READCPM.ARC 29K 06-20-87 Allows reading CPM-86 disks on PC REFORM12.ARC 24K 05-23-87 Disk defragmenter [Turbo Pas src] REFORM15.ARC 44K 05-23-87 Defragment your hard disk ROINFO10.ARC 24K 08-29-88 Guide for setup of fixed disk drive RWCPM.ARC 10K 06-25-87 Read & Write Epson CP/M diskettes RX50.ARC 7K 09-06-86 Read DEC RX50 Disks on Your IBM PC SCAV31.ARC 17K 10-06-88 Jennings' find & mark bad sectors on disks SDF.ARC 27K 12-14-87 Super Disk Formatter + Flop spd-up SHAREPCK.ARC 15K 11-19-87 PC Kwik disk caching program SPINTEST.ARC 2K 09-02-88 HD transfer rate and interleave test ver. 1.2 SST201.ARC 37K 10-08-87 Hard disk de-fragmentizer. VVG. Careful! ST225.ARC 11K 01-22-87 Seagate Hard Drive Info. STUFIT.ARC 7K 08-11-88 Stuffs files to center of disk STUFR01.ARC 13K 08-01-88 backup,archive,disk file copy TESTDRIV.ARC 42K 01-29-88 Extensive test of 5'' floppies THRASHER.ARC 42K 02-07-87 With DOS 3.1+ How Many BUFFERS Do You Need? TIMEPARK.ARC 5K 08-12-87 Park HD heads after a period of no use TIMPARK1.LBR 5K 06-25-86 Park hard disk after inactivity TOADPURG.LBR 21K 05-12-86 Positively overwrite floppy [TurboPas src] TP.ARC 3K 08-22-87 Transpose characters in a file TRK0BAD.ARC 1K 08-11-88 What to do if track zero is bad on HD VACUUM.ARC 6K 07-22-87 Recover data from damaged disks w/ASM VARVDISK.ASM 13K 10-24-83 Variable-size RAM drive VERDISK.ASM 13K 07-13-85 Check for diskette or hard disk for errors VERDISK.DOC 1K 07-13-85 Part of VERDISK.ASM VOLUME.COM 1K 02-01-86 Change volume label on a disk WD.ARC 163K 03-06-89 Files from Western Digital's BBS WDCONFIG.ARC 5K 08-02-87 HL/LL FORMAT FOR WD 1002S-WX2 HD WPHD.ARC 2K 03-12-88 Write protect hard disk ZERODISK.ARC 8K 03-22-89 Erase unallocated disk blocks - with C source