NOTE: This list includes only the files that have been described. There are other files in this directory which are not listed here. See FILES.IDX in top level dir for a complete list without descriptions. Directory: CAL.ARC 34K 12-31-87 Displays current month on screen CALC.ARC 87K 04-15-86 PC-Mag programmer's calculator EVAL.ARC 23K 12-01-87 evaluates mathematical expression FFC48.ARC 38K 08-11-88 TSR 4 Func. calc. with paste funcs. FFUNC75.ARC 21K 08-11-88 Non TSR 4 func. calculator. KYCAL207.ARC 52K 10-15-87 Mem. Resident Scientific Calculator MATHPAD.ARC 97K 12-08-87 Powerful scientific calculator. MONKEY.ARC 63K 03-31-88 Matrix calculator NUMCONV.ARC 9K 03-09-88 Convert between several numbering systems PCHP.ARC 38K 02-22-87 HP Calculator RPCALC.CQM 36K 05-20-86 Reverse Polish Notation calculator RPN10.ARC 54K 01-03-89 HP-29c calculator Turbo C v1.5, CGA SUN.ARC 39K 04-13-88 Calculate sunrise and sunset times TSFUNC13.ARC 98K 04-04-89 Expression evaluator and plotter - T. Salmi VECALC12.ARC 56K 01-24-89 Vector calculator - for eng. and graphics W-4.ARC 18K 02-07-87 Help with filling out new witholding form