Last updated: 03-Nov-89 PD2: Utility programs. This directory is sort of a catch-all for things that don't seem to fit anywhere else. ACM-CONTEST.TAR-Z Software to run an ACM-style programming contest. Used by the judge(s) of the contest. Contributor: Jim Nelson ACTIV.TAR-Z A "script"-like program which will enter the time of day before the input if the user has been idle for a given interval. Contributor: Marc Meyer APPLY.TAR-Z Apply a command to a set of arguments. Contributor: Doug Gwyn ARPATIME.TAR-Z Programs to construct "ARPA-style" date strings. Contributor: Stan Barber ART1.TAR-Z A short program which simulates ART1 neural networks, proposed by Grossberg and Carpenter in 87 IEEE ASSP magazine. Contributor: Jagath Samarabandu ASH.TAR-Z A complete shell. Similar to the System V version of the Bourne shell, with some added features. Has been tested on variants of System III, System V, and Berkeley UNIX. Contributor: Kenneth Almquist ASTRO-DATA.TAR-Z Computes all sorts of astronomical data about the sun, moon, and planets. Contributor: R. Kukuk AT.TAR-Z A version of the "at" command. Contributor: Michael Richmond ATL.TAR-Z A companion to the 4.3BSD "at" and "atq" commands. "atl" allows a user to look at the "at" script he has submitted to see what it does. Contributor: Roger Southwick ATTY.TAR-Z Provides a set opf EMACS-like editing commands which allow you to move around the input line and make corrections, bring back previous lines, etc. Runs in user mode, requires no special privileges to run or install. Contributor: Kenneth Almquist AUTOLOAD.TAR-Z A program to enable the auto-loading (upon first reference) of shell scripts as functions. Requires a shell that supports functions, e.g. System V "sh" or the Korn Shell. Contributor: John Mackin AWKSTATS.TAR-Z Awk scripts to compute univariate statistics. Contributor: Tom Reingold BATCH.SH A batch command execution shell script for the AT&T UNIX-PC. Contributor: Gus Garcia BBS.C A fairly simplistic bulletin board system. Contributor: BCSH.SH A C-shell (csh) emulator for the Bourne shell (sh). Includes command substitution, history, etc. Contributor: Chris Robertson BDF.C A Berkeley-style "df" for System V. Contributor: Paul Vixie BEXEC.C A program to help brain-damaged shells (like System V "sh") use the "#!" "magic number" feature standard in Berkeley UNIX. Contributor: Brandon Allbery BINTNX.C, BINTNXVMS.C A program to convert a TOPS-20 file transferred in FTP "binary" mode to "tenex" mode (i.e. to convert it to what it's supposed to look like). "binary" mode is 9 8-bit bytes in 2 36-bit words, while "tenex" mode is 4 8-bit bytes in each 36-bit word. The BINTNXVMS.C version is for VMS systems. Contributor: Keith Petersen BOOL-EVAL.TAR-Z A program to evaluate boolean expression arrays. Somewhat useful for designing PALs and such. Contributor: Jim Frost BYTES.SH A program to add the bytes fields from a "ls -la" of a directory. Contributor: unknown CALC1.TAR-Z A double-precision desk calculator with math library functions and variables. Accepts interactive input or command line arguments allowing a "csh" alias to let you say "calc arbitrary-math-expr". Contributor: Dave Curry CALC2.TAR-Z Another desk calculator which accepts expressions on the command line. Contributor: Wayne Mesard CHOOS.TAR-Z Choos is based on the old "pic" program (renamed to avoid conflict with the DWB graphics typesetting program) by Tom Duff. The selection of arguments is stored in an array, allowing the user to back up and/or wrap around the argument list. Choos without arguments elicits a help message. Contributor: Chuck Forsberg CHUNI.TAR-Z Change universes on a Pyramid machine. Contributor: Frank Crawford CLOCK.TAR-Z A curses-drive digital clock for terminal screens. Contributor: Ross Wille COLM.TAR-Z A columnation tool which handles fixed and variable width columns, variable gutter widths, etc. Contributor: Gary Oberbrunner CONFIG.TAR-Z A program to automatically configure large software systems. Tells you lots of properties of your machine and C compiler. Optionally produces the ANSI "float.h" and "limits.h" files. Also pinpoints possible compiler problems. Contributor: Steven Pemberton CRONSORT.TAR-Z A program to sort a "cron" file into chronological order. Contributor: Gordon Vickers CSH-TO-KSH.TAR-Z A program to convert C-shell scripts to Korn shell scripts. Contributor: Bob Mcqueer CTRL.TAR-Z Programs to convert between control character sequences and printable characters for use in echoing command strings, etc. Contributor: Maarten Litmaath CURLY.TAR-Z Programs to expand and unexpand the C-shell "curly brace" notation. One takes a list of file names and outputs curly-brace notation, the other expands curly-brace notation into a list of files. Contributor: Kevin Braunsdorf CURSE.TAR-Z A program to do cursor control operations, using termcap, from the shell. Useful for shell scripts and the like. Contributor: Jonathan Bowen CUT-PASTE.TAR-Z A public domain implementation of the System V "cut" and "paste" commands. Contributor: John Weald CVTBASE.TAR-Z A generalized base conversion program. Contributor: Mike Parker DBCOPY.TAR-Z Double-buffered file copy. Can specify block size, number of records, etc. DBCOPY-MAN.TXT contains the documentation. Contributor: Dave Martindale DETERMCAP.TAR-Z A program to split up the "/etc/termcap" file into a directory for each terminal, and individual files within the directory for each capability. Contributor: Arnold D. Robbins DICTSQ.TAR-Z A program to compress sorted word lists. Uses "sort" and "compress". Contributor: Mike Wexler DISPD.TAR-Z A "notice board" system for 4.2BSD. Runs on a terminal, and lets people see who's logged in, messages of the day, status of various people ("out sick", "in meeting", etc.). Contributor: Mike Williams DISTKIT.TAR-Z A kit for making software distributions. Includes tools to do auto- matic configuration, and tools to construct the distribution itself. Contributor: Larry Wall ECHO.TAR-Z A complete merge of the BSD and System V "echo" commands. Not derived from AT&T code. Contributor: David MacKenzie EPHEM.TAR-Z An emphemeris program. Uses termcap. Contributor: Elwood C. Downey FACES.TAR-Z A face server for monitoring mail and print jobs. It is based on the 8th Edition "vismon" program, but contains no code from it. Version 1.3. Contributor: Rich Burridge FASTGREP.TAR-Z A faster version of "grep". Can replace "grep", "fgrep", and "egrep". Contributor: James A. Woods FEP.TAR-Z A general purpose front end for any line-oriented UNIX command. Requires Berkeley pseudo-ttys and select(). Contributor: Kazamasa Utashiro FFT1.TAR-Z A UNIX and MS-DOS general purpose FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) program. Contributor: Steve Sampson FFT2.TAR-Z Another FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) program. Uses the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, meaning it will work with a number of samples which is not a power of two. Handles real and complex data. Contributor: Peter Valkenburg FFT-DSP.TAR-Z A set of FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) routines for Digital Signal Processing. Contributor: Dan Kegel FFTN.TAR-Z An N-dimensional FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) program. Contributor: Andrew Lee FIELD.TAR-Z The "field" program (similar to "cut") from Steve Bourne's book. Contributor: Bill Silvert FINANCIAL.C A program to calculate rate of return, interest rates, future values of deposits, nominal, effective, and compound interest, future value of current sum, present value of future sum, amortization schedules. Contributor: Paul Pederson FLEX.TAR-Z A replacement for "lex", the UNIX lexical analyzer generator. It's mostly compatible with lex, but missing a few "niggling" features. Version 2.1. Contributor: Vern Paxson FLIP.TAR-Z A program to convert text files between MS-DOS and UNIX formats. Contributor: Rahul Dhesi FLOCK.TAR-Z A program which applies an advisory lock (4.2BSD; could be easily modified for System V) on the file named as its first argument and then runs the command given by the following arguments. Contributor: Doug Kingston GENEAL.TAR-Z A genealogy program which can browse data, make individual and family pages, make birthday and anniversary lists, etc. See also the file PD2:TREEPAR.TAR-Z. Contributor: Jim McBeath GETOPT.TAR-Z A shell script version of the "getopt" routine for processing arguments. Contributor: Rich Salz GONE1.TAR-Z A program to lock the terminal until your password is typed. Contributor: Dave Shanks GONE2.TAR-Z A program which locks the terminal until a supplied password is typed. Times out after a given amount of time to avoid someone locking the terminal permanently. Allows certain harmless commands to be run ("who", "who am i", etc.). Contributor: Dave Curry GPERF.TAR-Z A program which generates perfect hash functions for sets of key words. A perfect hash function is one which allows recognition of a key word using exactly one probe into the hash table. Contributor: Douglas C. Schmidt GRABCHARS.TAR-Z A program to get one or more keystrokes from the user without requiring them to hit RETURN. Useful for proompting within shell scripts, etc. Version 1.3. Contributor: Dan Smith GREP.C The DECUS software tape version of the "grep" utility. Contributor: Ray Davis GSPN.TAR-Z A simulator for generalized stochastic Petri nets that can be used to evaluate the performance of parallel systems (hardware and software). An overview can be found in "Performance Analysis Using Stochastic Petri Nets", Michael K. Molloy, IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-31, #9, Sept. 1982. Contributor: Andreas Nowatzyk HELP-VMS1.TAR-Z A VMS-like help program for UNIX. Allows topics and subtopics to be accessed individually. Contributor: Neal Ziring HELP-VMS2.TAR-Z Another VMS-like help program for UNIX. Contributor: Roland Stolfa HELP.TAR-Z A "help" facility for perusing /usr/man. Used as "help cmd" it works just like the "man" command. With no args, it displays a numbered list of topics (files and directories) which the user may select. As a side effect, "help" may be used to peruse any directory simply by saying "help dirname". Contributor: Dave Curry HEXCALC.TAR-Z A calculator program based on the Texas Instruments Programmer II calculator. Contributor: Richard Hargrove HEY.TAR-Z A program to broadcast a message to all terminals a specific user is using. From UNIX/World, October 1985. Contributor: Bob Desinger HGREP.TAR-Z A front-end for grep to highlight the word that was searched for. Contributor: Jef Poskanzer JCL.TAR-Z A JCL interpreter. You always knew someone would do this... Contributor: Robert Lupton KEYDEF.TAR-Z A program to allow reprogramming of DEC VT[23]xx function keys. Contributor: Gordon Vickers LCOMP.TAR-Z An implementation of Peter Weinberger's "Cheap Dynamic Instruction Counting", from the AT&T Bell Labs Technical Journal UNIX in 1984. Runs on Sun-3 (68020) and Vax (Berkeley-based) systems. Contributor: Paul Haahr LIT.TAR-Z A "super-echo" command which accepts control-character escapes, etc. Every bell and whistle you could ever want. Contributor: Richard A. O'Keefe LOAN.C A program to calculate the interest, principal, and payments on simple-interest loans (like car loans). Contributor: Jane Medefesser LOCK.TAR-Z A program to lock the terminal until the user's password is typed. Contributor: Toby Harness LOWLAV.TAR-Z Given a list of hosts, return the name of the host with the lowest load average. Uses rwho, so is probably Berkeley-specific. Contributor: John D. DiMarco M4.TAR-Z A public domain M4 macro processor. Contributor: Ozan Yigit MAKE.TAR-Z A "make" work-alike program. Runs on PCDOS and BSD UNIX. Contributor: Greg Yachuk MAN.TAR-Z A compiled version of "man" for System V. Should compile and run on 4.xBSD with minor changes. Contributor: Edward C. Bennett MDCOPY.TAR-Z A program which allows a single file to be copied to multiple floppy disks, spanning the disks. Contributor: Greg Yachuk MEASURES.TAR-Z A program that reads a list of measurable itmes and then tells you what you have to measure to determine what an unknown item is. Contributor: Arthur David Olson METRICS.TAR-Z Programs to calculate metrics of C programs. Uses Barry Boehm's COCOMO model, and also has a Halstead metric tool. Contributor: Brian Renaud MINIT.TAR-Z A linear programming package based on the dual simplex method. Based on the original code in Collected Algorithms from CACM (1968) in Algol 68 by Rudolfo Salazar and Subrata Sen. This version is in C. Contributor: Badri Lokanathan MKMF.TAR-Z A "makefile maker". Contributor: Lloyd Zusman MMAKE.TAR-Z A program which can generate makefiles for multiple operating systems (or other environmental configurations) from a single master makefile. Contributor: Eric Schneider MORSE.TAR-Z Takes its input and coverts it to International Morse Code. Contributor: Nils McCarthy MTOOLS.TAR-Z Programs to read and write MS-DOS formatted diskettes on a UNIX based system. Contributor: Emmet P. Gray NOBACK.C Convert lines with backspaces in them to multiple lines for displaying on dumb terminals, etc. Contributor: Paul Vixie NSTRINGS.TAR-Z A replacement for the BSD "strings" program. Faster and more correct. Runs on VMS, too. Contributor: Michael Greim PATCH.TAR-Z A program to apply patches (output from the "diff" program) to programs automatically. Amazingly intelligent, I haven't seen it screw up yet. Contributor: Larry Wall PEGBOARD.TAR-Z A program to keep track of who is in or out of the office, and when they're due back. Contributor: Richard O'Rourke PERL.TAR-Z A semi-replacement for "awk" and "sed". An interpreted language for scanning files, extracting information from them, and printing reports based on that information. It combines the best features of C, "sed", "awk", and "sh". Version 3.0. Contributor: Larry Wall PERL-CTIME.TAR-Z An emulation of ctime(3) in PERL. Contributor: Waldemar Kebsch PHONEGEN.C A program to generate all possible letter combinations from a given telephone number. Contributor: Liudvikas Bukys PHONEME.C A program to translate English words into their phonetic spellings. Contributor: John Wasser PIPESCRIPT.TAR-Z A Berkeley "script"-like utility, but uses pipes. Not quite as general as real "script" (screen editors, etc. won't work), but should run on any UNIX even without ptys. Contributor: Kent Forschmiedt PMAN.TAR-Z A program to print pieces of formatted manual pages, by specifying an argument such as "warnings" you see only the "BUGS", "CAVEATS", etc. sections, and so on. Contributor: Gary Perlman PRINTF.TAR-Z Another version of "printf" for shell scripts. Implements most of the ANSI C specs, as well as roman numerals. Contributor: Chris Torek PSC.TAR-Z Prints the user page segment of a "core" file out in a format similar to the "crash" program for system crashes. For System V; probably requires work to run under Berkeley. Contributor: John F. Haugh II PT.TAR-Z A program to display the hierarchy of a process tree. Works on both System V and BSD. Contributor: Jeff Bauer PTREE-BSD.TAR-Z A backed to "ps" for BSD systems to display the process tree. Contributor: Paul Lew PUSHD-POPD-KSH.TAR-Z An implementation of the C shell "pushd", "popd", and "dirs" commands for the Korn shell. Contributor: Fletcher Mattox PWGET.TAR-Z Programs to provide a shell script interface to the password file much like "getpwent" et. al. do for C programs. Contributor: Michael Saboff REACTIVEKBD.TAR-Z A general purpose command line editor with the addition of predictive text generation (i.e, a DWIM command). Interfaces with a standard shell and allows simple editing of lines, and prediction of lines based on previous input. Contributor: Mark James REDIR.TAR-Z A program to redirect standard output and standard error for csh users. (Could be used by anyone, but "sh" already has the I/O redirection constructs for it.) Contributor: Bob Glickstein RELDB.TAR-Z Programs to generate scattergrams, statistics from columnar data, and some plot(1) filters. Contributor: Gunnar Stefansson REVERSE.C A program to completely reverse its input. Reverses characters on each lines and exchanges lines top to bottom. Contributor: K. A. Gluck REVGREP.TAR-Z A program like "grep", except that it reads backwards from the end of the file, printing matches in reverse order. Useful for getting things out of log files, etc. Contributor: Neal Ziring RF.TAR-Z A Rolodex program for maintaining lists of names and addresses which can quickly be referred to. Uses System V curses. Contributor: Larry Lippman ROFF.TAR-Z A program which allows you to place information at the top of a troff file indicating which filters and macro packages are needed, and then calls the appropriate programs. Contributor: Brian Litzinger ROLODEX.TAR-Z A Rolodex program for maintaining lists of names and addresses which can quickly be referred to. Uses Berkeley curses (not the same program as RF.TAR-Z). Contributor: Dave Ihnat ROT.TAR-Z A program to rotate the lines of a file such that the lines become columns. Contributor: Martin Schmidt RS.TAR-Z A personal reminder system. Contributor: Don Joslyn RU.TAR-Z A program to print a users(1)-style list of names for each host in the rwho spool directory. Contributor: P. Kern S5FINGER.TAR-Z Various Berkeley utilities for System V. "finger", "whois", and some others. Contributor: Keith Gabryelski S5LAST1.TAR-Z An implementation of the Berkeley "last" command for System V. Contributor: Harver R. Moran Jr. S5LAST2.TAR-Z Another implementation of "last" for System V. Contributor: Chris Kern S5LOOK.C An implementation of "look" for System V. Contributor: Larry Campbell SAMPLE.TAR-Z An educational program for teaching about sampling distributions. Allows the user to provide a distribution which it will then graph. Contributor: Gary Perlman SAO.TAR-Z[1-2] The Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory dataset reduced to RA/DECL/MAG records. Furnished by NASA Goddard for non-commercial use. There's 49 "shar" files here; you unpack them. Contributor: Alan Wm Paeth SC.TAR-Z Version 6.1 of the public domain "sc" spreadsheet calculator. Runs on 4.xBSD and System V. Contributor: Bob Bond SCREENWHO.TAR-Z A curses-based "who" program that updates the screen every few minutes. Contributor: Paul Pomes SEARCH.C A program to search for a string. May contain newlines; works on binary files. Contributor: Daniel R. Levy SETS.TAR-Z A program to perform union, intersection, and difference operations on two sets given as arguments. Can be used to compute lists of files such as "everything EXCEPT *.c" and so on. Contributor: Chris Tweed SHELLFORMS.TAR-Z A program to provide a forms-editor interface to shell scripts. Contributor: Paul Lew SHOW.TAR-Z A version of "echo" with lots of flags from the multitude of UNIXes out there. Contributor: Alan Fargusson SOUNDEX.C A program which implements the "soundex" algorithm for generating identical tokens for like-sounding names. Contributor: Jerry Carlin SOUNDEX2.C Another implementation of Soundex. Contributor: N. Dean Pentcheff SOUNDEX-SPELL.SH A spelling corrector using SOUNDEX2.C (the one from Dean Pentcheff). Contributor: Frederic W. Brehm SPIN.TAR-Z A simple interpreter intended for use as a program development tool and modest programmable interface. Contains a parser and execution engine, both easily extended. Contributor: Jim McBeath SRCTOMAN.SH A shell script to convert comments in various programming languages into a UNIX-style manual page. Contributor: W. Z. Venema STRINGS-COFF.TAR-Z A program to extract strings from COFF-format object files. Contributor: Piercarlo Grandi STRINGS-SH.TAR-Z Programs for manipulating strings in shell scripts. Provides "index", "rindex", substring extractors, etc. Contributor: Greg Paris SUBSTR.TAR-Z A program to extract substrings from expressions. Contributor: William E. Davidsen, Jr. TAPE.TAR-Z A tape database program for cataloging and alphabetizing a large number of audio (or other) tapes. Contributor: David Bleckmann TC.TAR-Z Termcap capabilities for shell scripts. Saying "tc cap" will output the string for capability "cap" for the current terminal type. Contributor: TERMCAP-TO-TERMINFO.TAR-Z Converts a termcap file into terminfo source files. Contributor: Robert Viduya TERMLIST.TAR-Z A Perl script to produce annotated listings of termcap entries. Contributor: Geoff Leach TOE.C Like "finger" only different. Contributor: Dan Heller TOT-INFO.TAR-Z Programs to compute Chi-square independence, Gamma and related functions, etc. for 2-way contingency tables. Contributor: Doug Gwynn TRAPFILES.TAR-Z Uses "ptrace" to trace a program and reports all files opened and closed by the program. Berkeley UNIX dependent. Contributor: Arndt Jonasson TREEPAR.TAR-Z A place and route (and plot) package for tree-structured data. Mostly intended as a companion to PD2:GENEAL.TAR-Z. Contributor: Jim McBeath TTYPE.C A touch-typing tutor program. May need mods to work on BSD systems. Contributor: Paul Hubbard UNITS.TAR-Z A unit conversion program that does charts, too. Contributor: Gregory R. Simpson UNIX-VMS.TAR-Z Tools for VMS to give it some UNIX-like features. It's mostly stuff to make DCL look a little more like the UNIX shells. Contributor: David Albrecht UNOD.TAR-Z A program to "reverse" an "od -c" dump of a file, putting everything back. This lets you edit binary files, among other things. Contributor: Daniel R. Levy UNTIC.TAR-Z A program to decompile "terminfo" description files into ASCII. Contributor: Dave Regan VIS.TAR-Z Turn any command into a screen-oriented one by executing it over and over, updating the screen with the results. Contributor: George M. Sipe VSH.TAR-Z A visual shell which uses the full screen and allows selection of files by placing the cursor on them, etc. Contributor: Dan T'so VTTEST.TAR-Z A program to test compatibility of so-called "VT100 compatibile" terminals. Contributor: Perl Lindberg VT220FONTEDIT.TAR-Z A screen-oriented editor for downloaded fonts in a VT220 terminal. Contributor: Eric A. Pearce VT220KEYS.TAR-Z A program to download strings to the function keys on a DEC VT220 terminal. Contributor: Ken Lester WHICH.C A C version of the Berkeley "which" script. It searches your path and tells you which version of a program you're using. Contributor: Larry J. Barello WHICH.SH A shell script version of "which" that allows wildcards to work. Contributor: Steven Pemberton WHICH.TAR-Z Yet another C version of "which". Contributor: Maarten Litmaath WIREWRAP.TAR-Z A program to do circuit board design. Contributor: Bruce Karsh WNS.TAR-Z A program to search for a pettern in a file and then print a window of lines from the file around the place where the match occurred. Contributor: Mark E. Mallett XDUMP.TAR-Z Produce a hexadecimal dump of a file or a shared memory segment. Contributor: Bjorn Engsig XTX.TAR-Z A program which allows placing embedded shell commands in comments in other files, and then executes them. Useful for putting "troff" commands at the top of a paper so you don't have to remember all the filters, etc. Contributor: R. P. A. Collinson XXU.TAR-Z Rename TOPS-20 or VMS file names to UNIX file names. Used after you do an "mget" with FTP and find yourself in a directory full of files with screwball names. Contributor: William E. Davidsen