% \iffalse meta-comment % %% File: l3pdfmanagement.dtx % % Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % of this license is in the file % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % This file is part of the "LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle" (The Work in LPPL) % and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % The development version of the bundle can be found at % % https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources % % for those people who are interested. % %<*driver> \DocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-2b} \documentclass[full]{l3doc} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{array,booktabs} \hypersetup{pdfauthor=The LaTeX Project,pdftitle=l3pdfmanagement (LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle)} \providecommand\potentialclash{\noindent\llap{\dbend\ }} % Fixing footnotes in functions and variables: this should be in l3doc! \newcommand\fixfootnote[2]{\footnotemark \AddToHookNext{env/#1/after}{\footnotetext{#2}}} \AddToHook{env/function/begin}{\def\footnote{\fixfootnote{function}}} \AddToHook{env/variable/begin}{\def\footnote{\fixfootnote{variable}}} \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \title{^^A % The \pkg{l3pdfmanagement} module\\ Managing central PDF resources ^^A % \\\LaTeX{} PDF management testphase bundle % } % % \author{^^A % The \LaTeX{} Project\thanks % {^^A % E-mail: % \href{mailto:latex-team@latex-project.org} % {latex-team@latex-project.org}^^A % }^^A % } % % \date{Version 0.96m, released 2024-09-29} % % \maketitle % \begin{documentation} % % \section{\pkg{l3pdfmanagement} documentation} % When creating a pdf a number of objects, dictionaries and entries to % central \enquote{core} dictionaries must be created. % % The commands in this module offer interfaces to this core PDF dictionaries % They unify a number of primitives like the pdftex % registers and commands \cs{pdfcatalog}, \cs{pdfpageattr}, % \cs{pdfpagesattr}, \cs{pdfinfo}, \cs{pdfpageresources} % and similar commands of the other backends in a backend independent way. % % The supported backends are pdflatex, lualatex, (x)dvipdfmx (latex, xelatex % and---starting in texlive 2021--lualatex) % and dvips with ps2pdf (not completely yet). dvips with distiller could work too % but is untested. % % That the interfaces are backend independent doesn't mean that the results and even % the compilation behavior is identical. The backends are too different to allow % this. Some backends expand arguments e.g. in a \cs{special} while other don't. % Some backends can insert a resource at the first compilation, while another uses % the aux-file and a label and so needs at least two. Some backends create and % manage resources automatically which must be managed manually by other backends. % % The dictionaries and resources handled by this module are inserted only % once in a PDF or only once per page. Examples are the Catalog dictionary, % the Info dictionary, the page resources. For these dictionaries and resources % management by the \LaTeX{} kernel is necessary to avoid % that packages overwrite settings from % other packages which would lead to clashes and incompatibilities. % It is therefore necessary that \emph{all} packages which want to add content to these % dictionaries and resources use the interface provided by this module. % % As these dictionaries and resources are so central for the PDF format values to these % dictionaries are always added globally. Through the interface values % can be added (and in many cases also removed) by users and packages, % but the actually writing of the % dictionary entries and resources to the PDF is handled by % the kernel code. % % The interface uses as main name to address the resources \emph{Paths} % which follow the names and structure described in the PDF reference. This % should make it easy to identify the names needed to insert a specific % PDF resources with the new interfaces. % All \emph{Paths} have names starting with an uppercase letter. % % The following tabular summarize the \emph{Paths} and which pdftex primitive they % replace: % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % Info & \cs{pdfinfo} \\ % Catalog \& various subdictionaries & \cs{pdfcatalog} \\ % Pages & \cs{pdfpagesattr} \\ % Page, ThisPage & \cs{pdfpageattr} \\ % Page/Resources/ExtGState & \cs{pdfpageresources} \\ % Page/Resources/Shading & \cs{pdfpageresources} \\ % Page/Resources/Pattern & \cs{pdfpageresources} \\ % Page/Resources/ColorSpace & \cs{pdfpageresources} \\% % \end{tabular} % % There is no \texttt{Page/Resources/Properties} dictionary in the list, % because this dictionary is not filled directly, but % managed through side effects when setting BDC-marks. % % \subsection{User Commands} % To avoid problems with older documents the resource management of this % module is not activated unconditionally. The values are pushed out to the % dictionaries only if a boolean has been set to true. The state can be tested % with a conditional. % \begin{function}[EXP,pTF,added=2020-07-04] % {\pdfmanagement_if_active:} % This conditional tests if the resource management code is active. % \end{function} % \begin{function}[added=2021-07-23] % {\IfPDFManagementActiveTF} % This is a LaTeX2e version of the conditional % \end{function} % \begin{function}[added = 2020-04-06,updated=2021-07-23] % {\pdfmanagement_add:nnn,\pdfmanagement_add:nne,\pdfmanagement_add:nee,\pdfmanagement_add:eee, % \PDFManagementAdd} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \Arg{resource path} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % This function puts \Arg{name} \Arg{value} in the PDF resource described by % the symbolic name \Arg{resource path}. Technically it stores it globally in an internal % property lists and writes it later into the right PDF dictionary\footnote{Currently all % resources are PDF dictionaries, so resource and dictionary mean the same.} % Which values for \Arg{resource path} exist is described in the following. % \Arg{name} should be a PDF Name without the starting slash. Like with all % keys used in PDF dictionaries (see the l3pdfdict module) the name is escaped % with \cs{str_convert_pdfname:n} when stored. % \Arg{value} should be a valid PDF value for this Name in the % target dictionary. |\PDFManagementAdd| is a copy of |\pdfmanagement_add:eee| % and so expands all its arguments. % % % The code works with all major engines but not necessarily % in the same way. Most importantly % \begin{itemize} % \item The expansion behaviour of the backends can differ. Some backends expand a % value always fully when writing to the PDF, with other backends command names % could end as strings in the PDF. So one should neither rely on \Arg{name} % \Arg{value} to be expanded nor not expanded by the backend commands. % \item The number of compilations needed can differ between the engines and % backends. Some engines have to use labels and the aux-file to setup % the dictionaries and so need at least two compilations to put everything % in place. % \item dvips doesn't support everything. It is for example not possible % to add manually or through side effects % a name tree like /AP or /JavaScript, pdfmark doesn't provide a handler % here---at least I didn't find anything suitable. % \end{itemize} % \end{function} % % \begin{function}[added = 2020-04-08] % {\pdfmanagement_show:n } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_show:n} \Arg{resource path} % \end{syntax} % This shows the content of the dictionary targeted by % \Arg{resource path} in the log and on the terminal if possible. % % It is not reliable for page resources as these are filled at shipout. % % It also doesn't show necessarily all the content. % For example most backends add automatically % entries to the Info dictionary. % \end{function} % % \begin{function}[added = 2020-04-07] % { % \pdfmanagement_remove:nn, % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_remove:nn} \Arg{resource path} \Arg{name} % \end{syntax} % Removes |/|\meta{name} and its associated \meta{value} from the % dictionary described with \Arg{resource path} % The removal is global. % If \meta{name} is not found no change occurs, % \emph{i.e}~there is no need to test for the existence of a name before % trying to remove it. % Values from the special Catalog entries where the values are collected in arrays % can't be removed (but should ever a use case appear it could be added). % \end{function} % % \subsection{Description of the resource paths} % \subsubsection{Info: The Info dictionary} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % path: Info % The info dictionary is filled by e.g. \cs{pdfinfo}. Multiple appearances of % \cs{pdfinfo} are concatenated, so one could end with multiple /Title or /Author entries. % It is then viewer dependent which one is showed, so it is better to avoid this. % We therefore setup a property which is filled and written to the info % directory in one go. According to hyperref a few odd drivers (hvtex, dvipsone, dviwind) % don't support arbitrary keys, but this should be handle elsewhere. % As entries with empty content % should be omitted we add a test. The string command should perhaps escape the argument, % but for now we are assuming that the argument is pdf safe. % hyperref writes to the info dictionary at the shipout of the first page -- % probably to catch the case that \cs{title} is issued after the begin of the document. % We are outputting at the last page -- this needs a second compilation but % this is needed anyway. % \end{NOTE} % \potentialclash If the primitive commands of the engines are used too there will % be double entries in the pdf (at least with the backend pdftex and luatex). % How pdf viewer handles this is unpredictable. % % \begin{function} % { % pdfmanagement: Info % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \{Info\} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % Adds |/|\meta{name} and the \meta{value} to the Info dictionary. % \meta{name} should be a PDF name without the leading slash, % Like with all % keys used in PDF dictionaries (see the l3pdfdict module) the name is escaped % with \cs{str_convert_pdfname:n} when stored. % \meta{value} should be a valid pdf value. Any escaping or (re)encoding must be % done explicitly. % If a \meta{name} is used twice, only the last \meta{value} % set will be used. The Info dictionary is written at the end of the compilation, % so values can be set at any time. % The Info dictionary expects utf16be in the strings, so a conversion like this is % normally sensible: % \begin{verbatim} % \str_set_convert:Nnnn \l_tmpa_str { Grüße }{ default } {utf16/string} % \pdfmanagement_add:nne {Info} {Title}{(\l_tmpa_str)} % \end{verbatim} % \end{function} % % The entries in Info dictionary are rather special as the engines/backends adds some % core entries, and changing or removing these entries is not always possible. % % The special entries are % \begin{description} % \item[Producer] Added by all engines and backends. Removing the entry is only possible % with luatex with |\pdfvariable suppressoptionalinfo 128|. Changing is possible % with \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} with the exception of dvips/pstopdf where the entry is % always something like |GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3|. % \item[Creator] Added by all engines and backends. Removal only possible in luatex by adding % 16 to the bitset. Changing is possible with the management command. % \item[CreationDate] Added by all engines and backends. With the exception of |dvips/ps2pdf| % |SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH| is honored. With pdftex it is possible to suppress it with % |\pdfinfoomitdate = 1|, and in luatex by adding 32 to the bitset. % Changing is possible with the management command and will overwrite an epoch setting. % \item[ModDate] Added by all engines and backends with the exception of xdvipdfmx. % With the exception of |dvips/ps2pdf| |SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH| is honored. % Suppressing it is possible in pdftex with % |\pdfinfoomitdate = 1|, and in luatex by adding 64 to the bitset. Changing is possible with % the management command. % \item[Trapped] Added by pdftex and luatex. Removal only possible in % luatex by adding 256 to the bitset. Changing (and adding in the other backends) is % possible with the management command. % \item[PTEX.Fullbanner] Added by pdftex and luatex. Removal possible in pdftex with % |\pdfsuppressptexinfo-1|, in luatex by adding 512 to the bitset. % Changing is not possible. % \item[Title] Added by dvips/ps2pdf and set to |filename.dvi|. Removal is probably % not possible, but it can be overwritten with the management command.% % \end{description} % \subsubsection{Pages: The \enquote{Pages} dictionary} % \potentialclash As the content of this dictionary is written at the end it will % in pdftex and luatex overwrite values added with the primitive commands (e.g. % \cs{pdfpagesattr}. % Package authors should use the management commands instead. % By using this path with the pdfmanagement interface, % values can be added to the /Pages object. % This replaces for example \cs{pdfpagesattr}. % % \begin{function}{pdfmanagement: Pages} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \{Pages\} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % % Adds |/|\meta{name} \meta{value} to the |/Pages| dictionary. % It is always stored globally. The content is written to the pdf % at the end of the compilation, so values can be added, changed or % removed until then. % \meta{name} should be a valid pdf name without the leading slash, % \meta{value} should be a valid pdf value. Any escaping or (re)encoding must % be done explicitly. Some backends expand the value but this should not be % relied on. If a \meta{name} is used twice, only the last \meta{value} % set will be used. % % \end{function} % % \subsubsection{\enquote{Page} and \enquote{ThisPage}} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % Open is the question if one need a command to set attribute on a page by page number. % Open is the setter for /AF (and perhaps /OutputIntents). % See also https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/479812/extension-of-rotating-package-to-set-pdf-rotation % (should work now) % \end{NOTE} % \begin{function}[added = 2020-04-12] % {pdfmanagement: Page} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \{Page\} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % Values added with the path \texttt{Page} are added to the page dictionary % of the current page and the following pages. The current page means the page % on which the command is \emph{executed}. \meta{name} should be a valid pdf name % without the leading slash. Typical names used here are e.g. % \texttt{Rotate} and \texttt{CropBox}. % \meta{value} should be a valid pdf value. % Any escaping or (re)encoding must be done explicitly. Some backends expand the % value but this should not be relied on. % To avoid problems with the asynchronous page breaking % the command should be used after \cs{newpage} or in the header. % It should not be used in a float, as it will then quite probably be executed % on the wrong page. % The value is assigned directly and is always stored globally. % If a \meta{name} is used twice, only the last \meta{value} % set will be used. Names set with \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn}|{ThisPage}| will overwrite % names set with \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn}|{Page}| if there is a clash. % Values can be removed again with \cs{pdfmanagement_remove:nn}. % This replaces \cs{pdfpageattr}. % \end{function} % \begin{function}[added = 2020-04-12] % { pdfmanagement: ThisPage} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \{ThisPage\} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % Adds |/|\meta{name} \meta{value} at \emph{shipout} to the page dictionary of the % current page. Current page means here the \emph{shipout} page. % It is always stored globally. % If \Arg{name} has already a value set in the \texttt{Page} % dictionary it will be overwritten for this page. % \meta{name} should be a valid pdf name without the leading slash, % \meta{value} should be a valid pdf value. Any escaping or (re)encoding must be % done explicitly. If a \meta{name} is used twice, only the last \meta{value} % set will be used. % With the engine pdflatex (at least) a second compilation is needed. % Values added to \texttt{ThisPage} can not be removed. It is not possible to % show the content of this dictionary with \cs{pdfmanagement_show:n}. % \end{function} % % \paragraph{Changing the \texttt{/MediaBox}}: It is possible to change % the \texttt{/MediaBox} of one or more pages by setting it for the \texttt{Page} % or \texttt{ThisPage} path (using \texttt{Pages} doesn't work, the engines % overwrite this)---this works even with dvips and allows to create % pages of different sizes. But you must be careful with the values. % If you set e.g. with pdflatex \cs{pdfpageheight} to 300bp you get a mediabox of % |0 0 595 300|, but pdflatex measure from the top and will also move % the reference point up, so effectively % you get the \emph{upper} third of the page. If you set the \texttt{/MediaBox} % to |0 0 595 300| with \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} you get the \emph{lower} third. % In general it is better to use only the primitive commands to avoid confusing % results. % % \subsubsection{\enquote{Page/Resources}: ExtGState, ColorSpace, Shading, Pattern} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % Only for pdf/luatex and xdvipdfmx backend- and pdf-code is needed to add values % to these resources. % With dvips the resources are added through high-level code (e.g. transparency), so the % backend/pdf commands are no-ops. % For every resources there is only one object. References to these objects are added to % all pages starting from the page where the first time something has been added to the % resource and to all XObjects. For luatex and pdftex it must be done together % with the /Properties, see above. % I don't see a need to set e.g. /ColorSpace page wise: preflight handles this % fine, see experiment colorspace-resources. % As pgf does the same, there is a need to patch it for now. Ditto for package colorspace. % \end{NOTE} % \begin{function}[updated = 2020-04-10] % { % pdfmanagement: Page/Resources/ExtGState, % pdfmanagement: Page/Resources/ColorSpace, % pdfmanagement: Page/Resources/Shading, % pdfmanagement: Page/Resources/Pattern, % } % \begin{syntax} % \cs{pdfmanagement_add:nnn} \{Page/Resources/\meta{resource}\} \Arg{name} \Arg{value} % \end{syntax} % Adds |/|\meta{name} \meta{value} to the page resource \meta{resource}. % \meta{resource} can be |ExtGState|, |ColorSpace|, |Pattern| or |Shading|. % The values are always stored globally. The content is written to the pdf % at the end of the compilation, so values can be added until then. % \meta{name} should be a valid pdf name without the leading slash, % \meta{value} should be a valid pdf value for the resource. % Any escaping or (re)encoding must be done explicitly. If a \meta{name} is % used twice, only the last \meta{value} set will be used. % % With the dvips backend the command does nothing: these resources are managed by % ghostscript or the distiller if e.\,g. transparency is used. % % The resources are added to all pages starting with the first where something has % been added to a resources. That means that for example % all ExtGState resources are combined in one % dictionary object and every page with a ExtGState resource refer to this object% % \footnote{This is similar to how pgf handles this resources}. % % \potentialclash The primitive commands (e.g. \cs{pdfpageresources}) % to set the resources should not be used % together with this code as the calls will overwrite each other and values % will be lost. This means that currently there are clashes with the packages tikz, % transparent and colorspace. % \end{function} % \subsubsection{\enquote{Catalog} \& subdirectories} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % Perhaps some tools to create the AF-file specification dictionaries is useful. % Open for now: % /Extensions (dict, pdf 2.0) % /Dests ? difference to subdict in Names? % /DSS (dict, pdf 2.0) % /Acroform/DR/ExtGState etc probably unneeded. % \end{NOTE} % The catalog is a central dictionary in a PDF with a number of subdictionaries. % Entries to the top level of the catalog can be added with\\ % |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn {Catalog}|\Arg{Name}\Arg{Value}. % Entries to subdictionaries by using in the first % argument one of the paths described later. % The entries in the catalog have varying requirements regarding the % PDF management. Some entries (like \texttt{/Lang}) are simple values % where new values should % overwrite existing values, other like for example \texttt{/OutputIntents} % can contain a number of values and can be filled from more than one source. % In some cases the values that needs to be added are not at the top-level % but in some subsubdictionary or are actually part of an array. % To handle the pdf management uses a variety of internal, special handlers. % % \potentialclash In some cases entries are added implicitly. % For example entries to the name % tree of the \texttt{/EmbeddedFiles} key in the \texttt{/Names} directory are % added with the commands of the \texttt{l3pdffile} module. This clashes with % e.g. the embedfile package which should not be used! % % % \paragraph{Entries at the top level of the catalog} % The Names in the following tabular are entries that are added to the % top level of the catalog. % % If \meta{Name} gets assigned a value more than once the last one wins. % There is no check that the values have the correct type and format. % It is up to the user to ensure that the value does what is intended. % % The required PDF version is only mentioned if it is larger than 1.5. % % Example: |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn {Catalog}{PageMode}{/UseNone}| % % \medskip % \noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % \bfseries Name & \bfseries Value & \bfseries Remark \\\midrule % Collection & objref or dict & the content should be % build by external packages (see eg embedfile) \\ % DPartRoot & objref or dict & PDF 2.0 \\ % Lang & string & e.g. \texttt{(de-DE)} \\ % Legal & objref or dict \\ % Metadata & objref or stream \\ % NeedsRendering & boolean & PDF 1.7\\ % OpenAction & array (dest) or dict (action) \\ % PageLabels & objref or dict & number tree \\ % PageLayout & name & one of /SinglePage, /OneColumn, % /TwoColumnLeft, /TwoColumnRight, % /TwoPageLeft, % /TwoPageRight \\ % PageMode & name & one of /UseNone, /UseOutlines, /UseThumbs, % /UseOC, /UseAttachments (PDF 1.6)\\ % Perms & objref or dict & permissions\\ % PieceInfo & objref or dict \\ % SpiderInfo & objref or dict \\ % StructTreeRoot & objref or dict \\ % Threads & objref to an array\\ % URI & objref or dict \\ % Version & name & eg. \texttt{/1.7} \\ % \meta{unknown} & & an unknown \meta{name} will be % inserted without a warning.\\ % \end{tabularx} % \par\medskip % % \paragraph{Simple entries in subdictionaries of the catalog} % The following resource paths have been predeclared and allow to % add values to the respective subdictionaries of the catalog. The % names of the dictionaries follow the naming and location of the dictionaries % in the PDF reference. % If \meta{Name} gets assigned two values the last one wins. % % Example: |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn {Catalog/MarkInfo}{Marked}{true}| % % \medskip % \noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lll>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % \bfseries Path/dictionary & \bfseries Names & \bfseries Value & \bfseries Remark % \\\midrule % Catalog/AA &WC, WS, DS, WP,DP& all dict \\ % Catalog/AcroForm & NeedAppearances& boolean & In pdf 2.0 % NeedAppearances % is deprecated, % it is then required % that every widget has % an appearance streams.\\ % & SigFlags & Integer\\ % & DA & String \\ % & Q & Integer\\ % & XFA & stream or array & pdf 1.5\\ % Catalog/AcroForm/DR & \meta{name} & & probably unneeded \\ % Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font & \meta{name} & dict & \\ % Catalog/MarkInfo & Marked & boolean \\ % & UserProperties & boolean \\ % & Suspects & boolean \\ % Catalog/ViewerPreferences & HideToolbar & boolean \\ % & Direction & /R2L or /L2R \\ % & \ldots & & many more, see the reference \\ % \end{tabularx} % % % \paragraph{Catalog entries with multiple values in arrays} % The following entries are special: Their values are arrays and % it must be possible to append to such arrays. This means that a new % call to set this value doesn't replace the value but appends it. % The value is an object reference. It is sensible to declare the object % first. E.g. % \begin{verbatim} % \pdf_object_new:n {module/intent} % \pdf_object_write:nnn {module/intent}{dict}{...} % \pdfmanagement_add:nne {Catalog} {OutputIntents}{\pdf_object_ref:n {module/intent}} % \end{verbatim} % % or % \begin{verbatim} % \pdf_object_unnamed_write:nn {dict} { ... } % \pdfmanagement_add:nne {Catalog} {OutputIntents}{\pdf_object_ref_last:} % \end{verbatim} % % % \medskip % \noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lll>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % \bfseries Path/dictionary &\bfseries Name & \bfseries Value & \bfseries Remark \\\midrule % Catalog/AcroForm & Fields & object reference\\ % Catalog/AcroForm & CO & object reference\\ % Catalog & AF & object reference & PDF 2.0, associated files\\ % Catalog/OCProperties & OCGs & object reference &if there are OCProperties, OCGs and D are required.\\ % Catalog/OCProperties & Configs & object reference \\ % Catalog/OCProperties & D & object reference & This is actually a single value as % there can be only one default. % If the value is set twice, the % second wins, and the first is % added to OCProperties/Configs.\\ % Catalog & OutputIntents & object reference\\ % Catalog & Requirements & object reference & PDF 1.7 \\ % Catalog/Names & EmbeddedFiles & object reference & This should reference a filespec dictionary. It will % attach the file to the file panel. % \end{tabularx} % % \paragraph{Catalog entries for name trees} % % \emph{Not supported in the dvips backend, pdfmark doesn't have an interface here}. % % In various places the PDF format allows to reference objects by name instead % of by object reference. The relationship between a name and the object reference % are store in so-called \emph{name trees}, which are stored in the % Catalog/Names dictionary. The |/Dests| and the |/EmbeddedFiles| name trees are % handled implicitly if destinations or files are added. Names to the other % name trees can be added with |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn|, e.g. to add an value to % the AP names (for appearance streams) use % % \begin{verbatim} % \pdfmanagement_add:nne { Catalog / Names / AP } {myAPname} {\pdf_object_ref_last:} % \end{verbatim} % % Remarks: % \begin{itemize} % \item The name |myAPname| is processed through |\pdf_string_from_unicode:nnN{utf8/string}| % and parentheses are added automatically. Ensure that the use of the name % handles it in the same way. % \item It is currently not possible to test if a name has already been used % by another package or previous code, % so use names where you can be confident that they are unique. % (It would be possible to split up the first part and test, but it would slow % down the compilation and I'm not sure if it is worth the trouble) % \item The value is not preprocessed, it is up-to-you to ensure that it does the % right thing. % \item Currently the structure of the name tree is flat, it doesn't use % Kids. But this can be changed if the need arise. % \end{itemize} % % The following name trees can be filled with this method. Currently only the % first three are activated. For the first, |EmbeddedFiles| there are two methods % to add a value:\\ % |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles}{name}{reference}| % and % |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Catalog/Names}{EmbeddedFiles}{reference}|. % This is intended, the second methods creates a name on the fly (with the prefix l3ef) % % \medskip % \noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles & A name tree mapping name strings to file % specifications for embedded file streams. The value should be a reference to a filespec % dictionary\\ % Catalog/Names/AP & A name tree mapping name strings to annotation appearance streams\\ % Catalog/Names/JavaScript & A name tree mapping name strings to documentlevel ECMAScript actions\\ % (inactive) Catalog/Names/Pages & A name tree mapping name strings to visible pages for use in interactive forms\\ % (inactive) Catalog/Names/Templates & A name tree mapping name strings to invisible pages for use in interactive forms\\ % (inactive) Catalog/Names/IDS & A name tree mapping digital identifiers to Web.Capture content sets\\ % (inactive) Catalog/Names/URLS & A name tree mapping name strings to documentlevel ECMAScript actions\\ % (inactive) Catalog/Names/Renditions & A name tree mapping name strings (which shall have Unicode encoding) to rendition objects % (it is not quite clear yet, what unicode encoding means here. Perhaps this string will need special handling)\\ % \end{tabularx} % \end{documentation} % % \begin{implementation} % \section{\pkg{l3pdfmanagement} implementation} % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=pdfmanagement> %<*header> % \ProvidesExplPackage{l3pdfmanagement}{2024-09-29}{0.96m} {Management of core PDF dictionaries (LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle)} % % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Messages} % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { The~PDF~management~resource~'#1'~is~unknown. } \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { empty-value } { The~value~for~#1~is~empty~and~will~be~ignored } \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-removal } { It~is~not~possible~to~remove~values~from~'#1'.} \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-show } { It~is~not~possible~to~show~the~content~of~'#1'.} \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { name-exist } { The~name~'#1'~has~already~been~used~for~name~tree~'#2'.} \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { show-dict } { The~PDF~resource~'#1'~ \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2} { is~empty \\>~ . } { contains~the~pairs~(without~outer~braces): #2 . } } \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { dict-already-defined } { The~path~'#1'~is~already~defined. } \msg_new:nnn { pdfmanagement } { inactive } { The~PDF~resources~management~is~not~active\\ command~'#1'~ignored. } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{variable}{\l_@@_tmpa_tl,\l_@@_tmpb_tl,\l_@@_tmpa_seq} % Some temp variables % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_tmpb_tl \seq_new:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable}{\g_@@_active_bool} % This boolean will control the activation of the management code. % It is used in the hooks, and in some backend files. % % \cs{DocumentMetadata} should set it to true % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \g_@@_active_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % A user predicate to test if the management code is active % \begin{macrocode} \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \@@_if_active: { p , T , F , TF } { \bool_if:NTF \g_@@_active_bool { \prg_return_true: } { \prg_return_false: } } \prg_set_eq_conditional:NNn \pdfmanagement_if_active: \@@_if_active: { p , T , F , TF } \cs_set_eq:NN \IfPDFManagementActiveTF\pdfmanagement_if_active:TF % \end{macrocode} % We use a hook, to collect value added before the backend is ready. % \begin{macrocode} \hook_new:n {pdfmanagement/add} \cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn #1 #2 #3 { \@@_if_active:TF { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \hook_gput_code:nnn {pdfmanagement/add} {pdfmanagement} { \@@_handler_gput:nnn { #1 }{ #2 }{ #3 } } } { \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1} } } { \msg_warning:nne {pdfmanagement}{inactive} {\tl_to_str:n {\pdfmanagement_add:nnn}} } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \pdfmanagement_add:nnn {nne,nee,eee,nnx,nxx,xxx} \cs_set_eq:NN \PDFManagementAdd \pdfmanagement_add:eee % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Hooks -- shipout and end of run code} % Code is executed in three places: At shipout of every page, % at shipout of the last page, at the end of the document % (after the last clearpage). Due to backend differences the code in the % three places (and the exact timing) can be different: pdflatex/lualatex % can execute code after the last \cs{clearpage} which the dvi-based % drivers have to add on a shipout page. % % \begin{variable} % { % \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl % \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl % \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl % } % This variables contain the code run in the three places. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl \tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_lastpage_shipout_code_tl \tl_new:N \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{macrocode} \tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_thispage_shipout_code_tl { \bool_if:NT \g_@@_active_bool { \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gpush:n { \g_shipout_readonly_int } \exp_args:NV \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gpush:n { \g_shipout_readonly_int } } } \tl_gset:Nn \g__kernel_pdfmanagement_end_run_code_tl { \bool_if:NT \g_@@_active_bool { \__pdf_backend_PageResources_obj_gpush: %ExtGState etc \@@_Pages_gpush: %pagesattr \@@_Info_gpush: %pdfinfo \@@_Catalog_gpush: } } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Naming convention} % Currently the following names are used: ^^A!!!!! check, compare with g_@@_gnames_seq % All have internally additionally a \texttt{Core} before the slash, to % hide the real name a bit. % \begin{verbatim} % /Info % (\pdfinfo) % /Catalog % (\pdfcatalog) % /Catalog/AA % % /Catalog/AcroForm % /Catalog/OCProperties % /Catalog/OutputIntents % /Catalog/AcroForm/DR % /Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font % /Catalog/MarkInfo % /Catalog/ViewerPreferences % /Pages % (\pagesattr) % /Page % (\pageattr) % /ThisPage % (\pageattr) % /backend_PageN/Resources/Properties % this is only internal. % /Page/Resources/ExtGState % /Page/Resources/ColorSpace % /Page/Resources/Pattern % /Page/Resources/Shading % /Page/Resources/Properties % /Xform/Resources/Properties % \end{verbatim} % \begin{macro}{ % \@@_handler_gput:nnn, % \@@_get:nnN, % \@@_gremove:nn, % \@@_show:n % } % \cs{@@_handler_gput:nnn} is the main command to fill the dictionaries. % In simple cases it directly fill the property list, but if a handler exists % this is called. It is important to use it only in places where this make sense. % % \begin{macrocode} %global \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_handler_gput:nnn #1 #2 #3 %#1 dict, #2 name, #3 value { \tl_if_empty:nTF { #3 } { \msg_none:nnn { pdfmanagement }{ empty-value }{ /#1/#2 } } { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \cs_if_exist:cTF { @@_handler/#1/?_gput:nn } %general, name independent handler { \use:c {@@_handler/#1/?_gput:nn} {#2} {#3} } { \cs_if_exist:cTF { @@_handler/#1/#2_gput:n } { \use:c {@@_handler/#1/#2_gput:n} {#3} } %special handler { \exp_args:Nne \prop_gput:cnn { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } } { \str_convert_pdfname:n { #2 } } { #3 } } } } { \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_handler_gput:nnn {nee} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_get:nnN #1 #2 #3 %path,key,macro { \exp_args:Nne \prop_get:cnN { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } } { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} } #3 } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_handler_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \cs_if_exist:cTF { @@_handler/#1/?_gremove:n } %general, name independent handler { \use:c {@@_handler/#1/?_gremove:n} {#2} } { \cs_if_exist:cTF { @@_handler/#1/#2_gremove: } { \use:c {@@_handler/#1/#2_gremove:} } %special handler { \exp_args:Nne \prop_gremove:cn { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } } { \str_convert_pdfname:n {#2} } } } } { \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 } } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_gremove:nn #1 #2 %path,key { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \exp_args:Nne \prop_gremove:cn { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } } { \str_convert_pdfname:n{#2} } } { \msg_error:nnn { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } { #1 } } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_show:Nn #1#2 { \cs_if_exist:cTF { @@_handler/#2/?_show: } %general, name independent handler { \use:c {@@_handler/#2/?_show:} } { \prop_if_exist:cTF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 } } { #1 { pdfmanagement } { show-dict } { \tl_to_str:n {#2} } { \prop_map_function:cN {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#2 }} \msg_show_item:nn } { } { } } { #1 { pdfmanagement } { unknown-dict } {#2}{}{}{} } } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_show:n #1 %path { \prop_show:c { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/#1 } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_show:n #1 { \@@_show:Nn \msg_show:nneeee {#1} } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_remove:nn #1 #2 { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \@@_handler_gremove:nn { #1 }{ #2 } } { \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1} } } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \pdfmanagement_get:nnN #1 #2 #3 { \pdfdict_if_exist:nTF { g__pdf_Core/#1 } { \@@_get:nnN { #1 }{ #2 } #3 } { \msg_error:nnn{pdfmanagement}{unknown-dict}{#1} } } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The Info dictionary} % Initialization of the dictionary: % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_Info_gpush:} % \cs{@@_Info_gpush:} is the command that outputs the info dictionary (currently % in the end-of-run hooks). % \begin{macrocode} % push to the register command / issue the special \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_Info_gpush: { \prop_map_function:cN { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} } \__pdf_backend_info_gput:nn \prop_gclear:c { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Info} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{The Pages dictionary code} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % The register is normally used only a few times in a document, so it would be % okay to update the register/add the special at every change, % but with dvips/dvipdfmx this would disable removing entries. % So we issue the push code only at the end of the document. % \end{NOTE} % At first the initialisation % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Pages} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_Pages_gpush:} % This is the command that outputs the Pages dictionary. It is used % at the end of the document in \cs{g__pdf_backend_end_run_tl} % \begin{macrocode} % push to the register command / issue the special \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_Pages_gpush: { \pdfdict_if_empty:nF { g__pdf_Core/Pages} { \exp_args:Ne \__pdf_backend_Pages_primitive:n { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Pages} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{The Page and ThisPage dictionary} % At first the initialisation. % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Page } \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/ThisPage } %handler for pdfmanagement \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \__pdf_backend_Page_gput:nn { #1 }{ #2 } } % remove: \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/?_gremove:n } #1 { \__pdf_backend_Page_gremove:n { #1 } } % handler for pdfmanagement \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/ThisPage/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \prop_gput:cnn { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/ThisPage } }{ #1 } { #2 } \bool_if:NT \g_@@_active_bool { \__pdf_backend_ThisPage_gput:nn { #1 }{ #2 } } } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/ThisPage/?_gremove:n } #1 { \msg_warning:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-removal }{ThisPage} } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/ThisPage/?_show: } { \msg_warning:nnn { pdfmanagement } { no-show }{ThisPage} } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{\enquote{Page/Resources}: ExtGState, ColorSpace, Shading, Pattern} % \begin{macrocode} \clist_const:Nn \c_@@_PageResources_clist { ExtGState, ColorSpace, Pattern, Shading, } \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_PageResources_clist { \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Page/Resources/#1} } % % setter: #1 is the name of the resource \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/Resources/ExtGState/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {ExtGState} { #1 }{ #2 } } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/Resources/ColorSpace/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {ColorSpace} { #1 }{ #2 } } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/Resources/Shading/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {Shading} { #1 }{ #2 } } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Page/Resources/Pattern/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \__pdf_backend_PageResources_gput:nnn {Pattern} { #1 }{ #2 } } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{\enquote{Catalog}} % The catalog has mixed entries: toplevel, subdictionaries, and entries % which must build arrays. % \begin{variable}[added=2019-08-24] % { % \c_@@_Catalog_toplevel_clist, % \c_@@_Catalog_sub_clist, % \c_@@_Catalog_seq_clist, % } % This variables hold the list of the various types of entries. With it % the various \verb=_gput= commands are generated. % \end{variable} % \begin{macro}{ \@@_catalog_XX_gput:n } % Various commands to handle subentries and special cases. % At first we set up a few lists of the various types. % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog} \clist_const:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_toplevel_clist { Collection, DPartRoot, Lang, Legal, Metadata, NeedsRendering, OCProperties/D, OpenAction, PageLabels, PageLayout, PageMode, Perms, PieceInfo, SpiderInfo, StructTreeRoot, Threads, URI, Version } \clist_const:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_sub_clist { AA, AcroForm, AcroForm/DR, AcroForm/DR/Font, MarkInfo, ViewerPreferences, OCProperties } \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_sub_clist { \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/#1} } \clist_const:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_seq_clist { AF, OCProperties/OCGs, OCProperties/Configs, OutputIntents, Requirements, AcroForm/Fields, AcroForm/CO } % \end{macrocode} % Names trees in Catalog/Names. We prepare the full list % but activate only AP and JavaScript for now. % /EmbeddedFiles has special code and so is not in the name list. % \begin{macrocode} \clist_const:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_nametree_clist { AP, JavaScript, % Pages, % Templates, % IDS, % URLS, % Renditions } % \end{macrocode} % now we create the handler. The entries in the seq-list store in a seq % \begin{macrocode} \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_seq_clist { \seq_new:c { g_@@_/Catalog/#1_seq } % new name later \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Catalog/#1_gput:n } ##1 { \seq_gput_right:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/#1_seq } { ##1 } } } % \end{macrocode} % OCProperties/D is special: it handles a default. This is done by adding to % the left of the seq % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Catalog/OCProperties/D_gput:n } #1 { \seq_gput_left:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq } { #1 } } % \end{macrocode} % The name tree keys store in a property and check for duplicates. This is done % with an auxiliary. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_nametree_add_aux:nnn #1 #2 #3 %#1 name tree, #2 sanitized name #3 value { \prop_get:coNTF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/#1 }} { #2 } \l_@@_tmpb_tl { \msg_error:nnnn{pdfmanagement}{name-exist}{#2}{#1} } { \prop_gput:con { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/#1 }} { #2 } { #3 } } } % \end{macrocode} % This is the standard handler for most names trees: % \begin{macrocode} \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_nametree_clist { \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/#1} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Catalog/Names/#1/?_gput:nn } ##1 ##2 { \pdf_string_from_unicode:nnN {utf8/string}{##1}\l_@@_tmpa_tl \exp_args:Nno \@@_nametree_add_aux:nnn {#1}{\l_@@_tmpa_tl}{##2} } } % \end{macrocode} % EmbeddedFiles is a bit special. For once there is special backend code % needed by dvips. Beside this we also want the option to create the file name % on the fly, so they are actually two access methods: % |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles}{name}{reference}| % and % |\pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Catalog/Names}{EmbeddedFiles}{reference}| % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles/?_gput:nn } #1 #2 { \pdf_string_from_unicode:nnN {utf8/string}{#1}\l_@@_tmpa_tl \exp_args:Nno \@@_nametree_add_aux:nnn {EmbeddedFiles}{\l_@@_tmpa_tl}{#2} \exp_args:No \__pdf_backend_NamesEmbeddedFiles_add:nn {\l_@@_tmpa_tl}{#2} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph {Building the catalog: Push order} % \begin{macro}{\@@_Catalog_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_Catalog_gpush: { \use:c { @@_/Catalog/AA_gpush: } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush: } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/AF_gpush: } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/MarkInfo_gpush: } \pdfmeta_standard_verify:nT {Catalog_no_OCProperties} { \use:c { @@_/Catalog/OCProperties_gpush: } } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/OutputIntents_gpush: } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/Requirements_gpush: } \use:c { @@_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_gpush: } % output the single values: \prop_map_function:cN { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog} } \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn % output names tree: \use:c{ @@_/Catalog/Names_gpush:n } {EmbeddedFiles} \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_nametree_clist { \use:c{ @@_/Catalog/Names_gpush:n } {##1} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: AA} % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/AA_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/AA_gpush: } { \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AA } } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AA } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AA }{ dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AA } } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {AA} { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AA } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: AcroForm} % This is the most complicated case. % The entries is build from % /Catalog/AcroForm/Fields (array), % /Catalog/AcroForm/CO (array), % /Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font (dict), % /Catalog/AcroForm/DR (dict), % /Catalog/AcroForm % % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/AcroForm_gpush: } { \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_seq } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields } { array } { \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields_seq } {~} } \exp_args:Nnne \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ... { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } } { Fields } { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/Fields } } } \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_seq } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/CO } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/CO } { array } { \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/AcroForm/CO_seq } {~} } \exp_args:Nnne \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ... { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } } { CO } { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/CO } } } \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font}} { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font } { dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font } } \exp_args:Nnne \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ... { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } } { Font } { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR/Font } } } \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR}} { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } { dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } } \exp_args:Nnne \prop_gput:cnn %we have to use \prop here to avoid the handler ... { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } } { DR } { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm/DR } } } \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm} } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AcroForm } { dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/AcroForm } } \exp_args:Nnne \@@_handler_gput:nnn { Catalog } { AcroForm } { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/AcroForm } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: AF} % AF is an array. % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/AF_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/AF_gpush: } { \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/AF_seq } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/AF } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/AF } { array } { \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/AF_seq } {~} } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {AF} { \pdf_object_ref:n {@@/Catalog/AF} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: MarkInfo} % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/MarkInfo_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/MarkInfo_gpush: } { \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/MarkInfo } } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/MarkInfo } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/MarkInfo } { dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/MarkInfo } } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {MarkInfo} { \pdf_object_ref:n {@@/Catalog/MarkInfo} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % %\paragraph{Building catalog entries: OCProperties} % This is a dictionary with three entries: % \begin{description} % \item[/OCGs] (required) An array of indirect references, % access needed for more than one package. % \item[/D] (required) a dict (given as an object name) to the default % configuration % \item[/Configs] (optional) an array of indirect references to more % configurations. % \end{description} % The /D entry is also a config, it is the first of the seq. % The overall structure is nested: a dict with arrays. % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/OCProperties_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} % Catalog/OCProperties: OCGs + D is required \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/OCProperties_gpush: } { \int_compare:nNnT { ( \seq_count:c { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/OCGs_seq } )* ( \seq_count:c { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq } ) } > { 0 } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/OCProperties } \seq_gpop_left:cN { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq} \l_@@_tmpa_tl \pdf_object_write:nne {@@/Catalog/OCProperties} {dict} { /OCGs~[ \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/OCGs_seq } {~} ] /D~\l_@@_tmpa_tl~ \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq } { /Configs~ [ \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/OCProperties/Configs_seq} {~} ] } } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn { OCProperties } { \pdf_object_ref:n {@@/Catalog/OCProperties} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: OutputIntents} % OutputIntents is an array. % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/OutputIntents_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/OutputIntents_gpush: } { \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/OutputIntents_seq } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/OutputIntents } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/OutputIntents } { array } { \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/OutputIntents_seq } {~} } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {OutputIntents} { \pdf_object_ref:n {@@/Catalog/OutputIntents} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: Requirements} % Requirements is an array. % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/Requirements_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/Requirements_gpush: } { \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/Requirements_seq } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/Requirements } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/Requirements } { array } { \seq_use:cn { g_@@_/Catalog/Requirements_seq } {~} } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {Requirements} { \pdf_object_ref:n { @@/Catalog/Requirements } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: ViewerPreferences} % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/ViewerPreferences_gpush: } { \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } } { \pdf_object_new:n { @@/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } \pdf_object_write:nne { @@/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } { dict } { \pdfdict_use:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/ViewerPreferences } } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_catalog_gput:nn {ViewerPreferences} { \pdf_object_ref:n {@@/Catalog/ViewerPreferences} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \paragraph{Building catalog entries: Names/EmbeddedFiles} % \begin{NOTE}{UF} % TODO access function for the name in the name tree % \end{NOTE} % \begin{variable}{\g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int} % We want to create names for files on the fly. For this we use an int. % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N \g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{macro}{\@@_EmbeddedFiles_name:} % We use the prefix l3ef, and pad numbers below 9999. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_EmbeddedFiles_name: { ( l3ef \int_compare:nNnT {\g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int} < {10} {0} \int_compare:nNnT {\g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int} < {100} {0} \int_compare:nNnT {\g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int} < {1000} {0} \int_use:N \g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int ) } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{ \@@_handler/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles_gput:n } % EmbeddedFiles is an array and needs a special handler to add values. % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names } \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_handler/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles_gput:n } #1 { \int_gincr:N \g_@@_EmbeddedFiles_int \exp_args:Nne \prop_gput:cnn { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/EmbeddedFiles }} { \@@_EmbeddedFiles_name: } { #1 } \exp_args:Ne \__pdf_backend_NamesEmbeddedFiles_add:nn {\@@_EmbeddedFiles_name:} { #1 } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % This pushes out the other names trees (but not with dvips). % TODO: currently it simply write in the root of the name tree. % That is the fastest. % If they get longer we perhaps need to build something with Kids and Limits. % \begin{macro}{\@@_/Catalog/Names/?_gpush:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn { @@_/Catalog/Names_gpush:n } #1 %#1 name of name tree { \pdfdict_if_empty:nF { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/#1 } { \seq_clear:N \l_@@_tmpa_seq \prop_map_inline:cn {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/Names/#1 }} { \seq_put_right:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {##1~##2}} \seq_sort:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq { \str_compare:nNnTF {##1} > {##2} { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: } } \exp_args:Nne \__pdf_backend_Names_gpush:nn {#1} { \seq_use:Nn \l_@@_tmpa_seq {~} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{@@_handler/Catalog/?_show:} % A handler to show the catalog. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:cpn {@@_handler/Catalog/?_show:} { \iow_term:e { \iow_newline: The~Catalog~contains~in~the~top~level~the~single~value~entries \prop_map_function:cN {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog }} \msg_show_item:nn } \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_seq_clist { \seq_if_empty:cF { g_@@_/Catalog/##1_seq } { \iow_term:e { The~'##1'~array~contains~the~entries \seq_map_function:cN { g_@@_/Catalog/##1_seq } \msg_show_item:n } } } \clist_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_Catalog_sub_clist { \prop_if_empty:cF { \__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 } } { \iow_term:e { The~Catalog~subdirectory~'##1'~contains~the~single~value~entries \prop_map_function:cN {\__kernel_pdfdict_name:n { g__pdf_Core/Catalog/##1 }} \msg_show_item:nn } } } \tl_show:e {\tl_to_str:n{\pdfmanagement_show:n{Catalog}}} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{ xform / Properties } % \begin{macrocode} \pdfdict_new:n { g__pdf_Core/Xform/Resources/Properties} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % \end{implementation} % % \PrintIndex